Why, they could almost be stupid enough to be congresscritters…

“MPs investigate Catholic influence on schools”

Why! The effrontery of those Catholics! Trying to influence schools! Oh, wait,

A Commons select committee is to investigate evidence that the Roman Catholic Church is pursuing a more fundamentalist approach towards religion in its schools. [emphasis added]

British Parliament. Trying to be as stupid as the American Congress. Making it, in this case. Perhaps, Son & Heir suggested, they should investigate the influence of Parliament on government schools…

Dumbasses. They keep this up the dumbass American electorate will be drafting them to be congresscritters. Can’t let the Limeys have the talented dumbass politicians *spit*, now can we?

h.t. Harry Irwin’s Letter from England, Chaos Manor Mail

RCOB-health tip

“RCOB”–“red curtain of blood”–is a term I was first exposed to by Kim duToit referring to a spike in BP (near berserker rage? :-)) usually brought about by exposure to obscene assaults on liberty by statist goons (mostly leftist statist goons, to be sure).

I’ve been trying to avoid confronting such things for the past month or so.

But, there are other things that can bring the RCOB about that are even less pleasant in some ways. This monster cold I’ve been fighting has robbed me of much sleep and exacerbated my tinnitus, a sure sign that my BP has been negatively affected as well. This a.m., upon waking, the ringing in my ears was a shapr “pinging” such that with every step or movement, a sharp stab of sound was impinging on my hearing.

Not good. Sure enough, BP was stratospheric.

Took a page from relaxation techniques of years gone by: slow breathing for about 15 minutes. By “slow breathing” I mean just under two full breaths per minute.

Sure enough, by the end of 15 minutes, I was back down into prehypertension range on the systolic and normal range (OK, high normal) on the diastolic.

Most folks may only be able to handle going as low as 6-7 breaths per minute, but the next time you feel a RCOB moment coming on, try concentrating on your breathing for a minute.

I may have to do that for about 15 minutes an hour come Fall, though, if things like this keep going on…

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