I’m not Madeline Kahn…

…but if my voice weren’t in the crapper right noe (and if I had the energy), I’d sing a verse or so of “I’m Tired” just to clue you in on why the posting’s so sparse at twc recently. (The link’s for those who didn’t get the reference. :-)) Of course, I’m tired for reasons other than those sung av=bout by “Lily von Stupp”. *heh*

While I’m under the weather, go to Freedom Folks for some timely info on guarding our borders.

And of course, you knew it was in the works: House Democratic Leaders Proposing Secret Backroom Amnesty Deal! Just up Juan MexiCain’s alley… CLICK the link to send a fax to your congresscritter.

Then drop by Stop the ACLU for this small piece of good news in the GWOT (for readers not yet clued in, that’s “Global War on TerrorISM” at twc, cos I view terror as a very, very useful emotion… in ones enemies *heh*). Who’d-a thunk it? The Supreme Commies rule something sensibly? Even a blind pig and all that…

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