Petition: Berkeley v. Marines, an issue of free speech/association

By now, most readers of this blog have heard that

…the City Council of Berkeley has declared that United States Marine Corps recruiters are “uninvited and unwelcome intruders” within city limits and applauds those who choose to “impede” the Marines in their recruiting mission…

Take a few moments to visit

A Petition in Support of the U.S. Marine Corps Against the 29 January 2008 Resolutions of the Berkeley City Council

…and perhaps sign the petition, before forwarding the information to everyone you feel should view it.


Trackposted to Right Pundits, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Woman Honor Thyself, Right Truth, A Newt One- Shared News!, The World According to Carl, DragonLady’s World, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Dumb Ox Daily News, and Stageleft, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

“One CLICK to rule them all… “

…and in the shadows bind them…

I recently recieved feedback on an email where I’d referred the readers to a page and included download instructions (for a book on intelligence). Part of the instructions were “Right-Click on the link… ” The feedback I recieved? From a Mac user, paraphrased, “Right-click? What’s that?”

Well, obviously that was from a traditional Mac user. Contemporary Intel Macs often come with multi-button/multi-function mice that do not require keyboard-one-button mouse combos to emulate the functionality Windows and Linux users have long enjoyed. Traditional one-button Mac mice were apparently based on the Apple assumption (or perhaps it was solid research into the Mac user base) that MAc users couldn’t handle anything as complex as two-button mice, either because of the extreme mental effort required to manage such a large number (2) or because of poor physical coordination.

Regardless, it seem that in order to attract more users, Apple has had to adopt more and more features from the PC side of the divide (along with th hardware it has been adopting for years until now it simply sells PCs with the Mac OS tacked on), and true multi-function mice are now available for Mac users as well as the rest of the world, which has had them for many years.

Now, that’s “innovation” eh?

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NASA/USAF Poo the Scrooch


USAF/NASA Red Tape Cancels Launch of Model Rockets

“The planned launch of 50 Juno I model rockets from Cape Canaveral to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Explorer I launch has now been cancelled by the station’s wing commander. Although the CCAFS has no qua[l]ms about launching Deltas, Atlas and other massive rockets, they go into a complete tither when it comes down to launching a 12 inch long model rocket made of balsa wood and paper weighing just under 2 oz…

“…Thus, all over America on January 31, 2008 school kids and adults will celebrate the the day that the US Army launched Explorer I into space by launching model rockets. In spite of the winter conditions, the launches will take place in parks and school yards and back yards all over the United States- every place EXCEPT for Cape Canaveral.

“In 1958, the US Army restored the nation’s pride following Sputnik, but it seems that in 2008, the Air Force and NASA cannot even get out of their own red taped way to launch a simple rocket made of balsa wood and paper.”

A bit more at the link.

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OK, I’m trying really hard to “get” the idea of an iMac

iMacs look cool. And they’re undoubtedly well-made. Heck, getting one with OSX “Leopard” installed is guaranteed to make a computing experience mostly pleasant, no doubt.

But. “On Sale” at MacMall:

iMac 24″ Intel Core 2 Duo 2.16 GHz
24″, 2.16GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 1GB 667 DDR2 SDRAM, 250GB SATA, DVD-R/CD-RW Super Drive 8x, 10/100/1000 BASE-T Enet, Built-in AirPort Extreme, Bluetooth 2.0, Built-in iSight, OS X 10.5 Leopard: Only $1,499.00 $1,399.00

Let’s see: I have no use for bluetooth. I won’t be using any computer as a primary viewing device for DVDs, etc. I do NOT like having to add capabilities via a mess of USB cabling or wireless external devices strung out all over, preferring to add such things whenever possible IN the computer case–and the iMac AIO “feature” pretty much precludes such use. Oh, the “Built-in iSight”? *pfui* The things are regularly available for between $1 and $10 all over the place. I guess “built-in” (meaning non-user-configurable aiming/focusing, or at least highly limited) is soooo much better, eh?

Then there’s the wonderfully low price for the thing. *pfui* I can build a computer (including two 17″ LCD displays–better for my use than one 24″ by far) that has a faster processor (still X86, just like the iMac), has more memory, twice the hard drive space, wireless kybd/mouse, a GREAT (not “Super” *heh*) DVDRW drive, etc. for about $500 or so. (Yes, I have run the numbers, cos I’m looking at building–read “assembling”–another personal box Real Soon Now, anyway.) Plunk in PCBSD or Ubuntu and even a spare copy of WinXP, or just use WINE. (OK, if I were to have to buy another copy of WinXP Pro, it’d cost me about $90 or so.)

Heck, I’d even include a nice floppy drive for backward compatibility and not go above my $500 mark.

All with good quality components and room for expansion and adding more features in the box any time I wanted to.

I can even make the thing use a GUI with a “Mac-like” look and feel if I wish (done it, but didn’t much care for it–strictly personal taste), and with PCBSD even use the same basic UNIX Apple uses with OSX.

So, spend about three times what it should cost just to get something that looks cool but takes up no less desktop space (yeh: sit the ordinary PC “tower” on the floor where it belongs, OK?) and locks the user into the OSX straightjacket.

Sorry, I’m still not “getting it”.


But I’m sure it works really well for folks who need a hand-holding, training wheels computing experience, and that’s just fine; it’s a perfectly good option for folks who are less hands on and feel comfortable throwing money around as though it pours out of a firehose. I’m just too much of a tightwad, and I prefer having my computers do things my way.

Heck, I think that these iMacs are the ONLY thing that should be allowed in “Assisted Computing Facilities”–*LOL*

“Here, dearie, let me make that mouse click for you…”


I’m sure Medicare or some other fedgov thingy would pay for it.

/rant off

Now, what I really don’t get is those folks who buy an iMac… and then immediately install Microsoft Office on it. What’s with that? *heh*