Going Green

Just saw a commercial for a Honda fuel cell-powered electric car. Big selling point? Supposedly its only exhaust is water vapor.

Of course, that ellides over the production of the hydrogen for the fuel cell (what are the power needs to accomplish that) or the rest of the process.

And, of course, water vapor is the most prevalent greenhouse gas already and currently accounts for around 66% of the greenhouse gas warming effect…


(But then, without the greenhouse effect, we’d all be living on a ball of ice.)

Catch phrases and cute invocations of global alarmist memes: Madison Avenue “science” for the mass man.

Light Week

This week will feature even lighter blogging at twc than most in recent times. Family, scurrying about doing “holiday” stuff, etc., on top of a normal schedule. So, if you will, please provide me (and those who drop by) with a reading list of your posts. Thanks.

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