As random as it gets… Eight plus Five

Killing two birds and alla that…

Nancy, who blogs at Soliloquy, tagged me in this meme. And in accordance with The Rules, here are…The Rules:

  • When tagged, you must link to the person who tagged you.
  • Then post the rules before your list, and list eight random things about yourself.
  • At the end of the post, you must tag and link to eight other people.

Oh, and it’s not in the rules but I think dropping by the tagees’ sites to leave a drive-by comment letting ’em know they’ve been tagged (as Nancy did here) would be more than halfway smart, eh?

So, recognizing that truly random thoughts or circumstances are beyond my power to generate, I’ll play along anyway.

Rule#1: done. (I ought to link to Nancy more often anyway. She does good blog. ;-))

Here’s #2:

1.) Hot n cold, cold n hot: when will Fall make up its mind, eh? I have plants going crazy outside, and I’m not far from the mark myself some days… (OK, some of y’all probably thought, “Not far from the mark?!? He’s already jumped the gun!” *heh*)

2.) Is there something special about digital cameras and rechargeable batteies or is it just me? Freshly recharged batteries are juuuust fine, until that “Can’t miss this one!” shot comes around…

3.) I never thought I’d burn more CDs/DVDs than the boxes and boxes (and boxes and boxes… ) of floppies (and vidtapes) I have laying around. That ship sailed a loooong time ago, though. Now I need a dedicated system just to keep track of the things, I think.

4.) Why is it that the bolt placement of that ONE troublesome hidden fastener isn’t covered in any of the manuals on the ONE car that needs service the most, any more than the “proper tool” (as in “remove [obscure widget] with the proper tool”) is identified in those same manuals?

5.) There are days when The World’s Largest Cup of Coffee just isn’t big enough…

6.) There is no day that cannot be made measureably better by either coffee or beer. Or ice cream. Or maybe coffee beer ice cream. (I really need to make me some-a that stuff!)

7.) I have now officially started too many “spare time projects”. Something has to give. I think I’ll just take a nap.

8.) After my nap, maybe I could just relax and build another computer, ya think?

[See below my list of taggees for five bonus pseudo-random things]

#3: Tagees:

1. Kat, of Cathouse Chat
2. Angel of Woman Honor Thyself
3. Perri Nelson of, urm, Perri Nelson’s Website
4. The Random Yak
5. Diane at The Trouble With Angels (provided the chiropracty goes well–pulling for you Diane!)
6. Richard at Random Rambling (assuming your schedule will allow you more time for blogging, bub. :-))
7. Rosemary, of the eponymous Rosemary’s Thoughts
8. Layla of The Hill Chronicles

With a group like this, the “random” responses could be all over the map–everything from political views to punny posts to MUD*-slinging and things even further out.

Surprise me.

*No, not that. “Multi-User-Domain gunslinging gaming”

And now to add five more semi-pseudo-random things to the eight for Thursday Thirteen (because I already have eight things and I’m too lazy to round up thirteen computers or thirteen different beers or whatever and take a picture or make another entirely different list for a post that’ll come out the same day :-)):

9.) I love to drive. It’s just the idiots on the highways that I don’t much care for.
10.) Have I mentioned my batch of “kitty litter beer” I have brewing? Well, that’s cos I’m the only one I’ll allow to call it that, and I don’t want to encourage y’all to start in on it. Oops. Guess the kitty’s outa the bag, now, though.
11.) If it’s not one thing it’s another. I’ve had the starting system on my Wonder Woman’s car torn down, tested and now reassembled. Wasn’t until I moved a whole buncha junk in reassembling (rationalizing the layout a bit) that I finally found a (semi-sorta-mostly) hidden fusable link that I’ll replace tomorrow. Isn’t that the way it goes? Not only was it not in ANY of the places the manuals (yes, plural) said it was, but it definitely doesn’t even look OEM… but it’s definitely keeping the car from starting. Cars. Gotta love have ’em.
12.) I need to move my network closet so I can put a mini beer fridge right next to my office. It’s definitely do-able.
13.) I keep reaching for the phone, but it’s just my ears ringing. Tells me it’s past time I headed for bed.

TB-posted at the Thursday Thirteen Hub