Broaden Your Vista

Steve Bass recently touted the video embedded below as a humorous example of the response Windows Vista has garnered. My own experience with Vista has been on computers of folks wanting to “downgrade” to XP, so it pretty much mirrors the views expressed in the video (Warning to neo-victorian prissie wusses–some vulgarity* included in the video):

*for those who cannot differentiate between vulgarity, obscenity and profanity, well, *sigh*, such folks are, I fear, beyond hope…

Take the fear out of “I’m from the government; I’m here to help”

Just a quick note: do drop by for a view of his White Papers on Federalism and Immigration and such. Such a relief that Fred’s not Huckabee “I’m from the government; I’m here to help” Leftard Lite–wants the government in everyone’s refrigerator, etc. or Rudy (Right on One issue only) or Ron Paul (#1: I can’t trust someone who won’t reveal his last name *heh* #2: Birds of a feather–all the 9-11 “truthers” (translation: believers of whacked-out lies) who support him… and his own whacked out views on Iraq). Who else is there? Romney, the “I’m-a-slicker-model-wooden-indian-than-Algore” Stepford Candidate? Hunter, the Establishment Republican’t? *sheesh*

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