Immigration Reform? Look South, Old Pol, Look South

(With apologies to Horace Greely for the post title…)

This isn’t a hard news or deeply-researched post, just a quick grab from some top Google hits from news organs, NGOs, official government websites, etc. Heck, you’d think that if I could do a shallow Google-based post in just a few minutes, some congresscritters’ staffs–even Teddy Kennedy’s staff–could do better, but *sigh* no, of course not.

As a modest proposal *cough*, I’d like to suggest that our congresscritters take a look south for immigration reform. Yes, south, to Mexico. From the Foreign Worker’s Guide to Labor and Employment Laws in Mexico (warning, PDF file), from the The Commission for Labor Cooperation, an international organization created under the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC):

The 10% rule. At least 90 percent of the employees of a Mexican company must be Mexican.

Well, that’d be a good start. Of course, it’d close down the “chicken plant” in America’s Third World County that was raided recently, where more than 100 illegal aliens were found (this, after weeks of warnings that the “raid” was coming). Hmmm, it’s no wonder the school in that town is flooded with “English as a second-language” students, is it?

And how about the residency and other requirements for foreign worker employment… in Mexico?

Well, let’s start here:

Mexico’s General Law of Population sets out the rights and obligations of foreigners, as well as the different statuses associated with foreign immigration.

In general, foreign nationals are welcome to visit Mexico for a defined period of time to take part in non-remunerative activities (e.g. a holiday), and requirements for remunerative visits or longer stays (beyond 180 days) require special permits from the Mexican Consulate.

There are two kinds of permit: Non-Immigrant and Immigrant:
Non Immigrant Permits are for people who intend to visit Mexico for a specific purpose and then depart.

Immigrant Permits are for people who wish to live in Mexico, short or long term.

Hmmm, let’s see now. What sorts of folk fall under the two different classes. Non-Immigrant visas cover

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Just a Reminder/Linkfest

As I was reading a novel during “downtime” this weekend, I ran across this insidious comment, made by the protagonist,

“Despite the rituals, the rhetoric, and even the bombs, every religion is saying mostly the same thing… The Torah, the Bible, the Koran. Each offers a recipe for spiritual contentment, for hope, for love… “

Etc., in the same vein. Pardon my bluntness (or not; I really don’t care), but that’s just pure bullshit.

Compare the lives and teachings of the founders of just two of the religions mentioned above. On the one hand, a man who counseled his followers to love their enemies, who said that a man who lusted for a woman to whom he was not married committed adultery; on the other a man who personally ordered the murder, enslavement and plunder of thousands, and who engaged in the most exaggerated forms of sexual gluttony and perversions.

People who commit horrendous acts of mass murder, rape, torture and slavery in the name of the founder of Christianity do so in direct and blatant disregard for the life and teachings of the one whom they claim to follow; that is, they are liars and the truth is not in them.

People who commit horrendous acts of mass murder, rape, torture and slavery in the name of the founder of Islam are simply being good disciples of the Butcher of Medina, who himself committed–and ordered committed–horrendous acts of mass murder, rape, torture and slavery. (And those “peaceful” Muslims who do not overtly engage in such behavior or actively aide in such endeavors are liars, either by commission–claiming Islam is a religion of peace”–or ommission, not actively and openly and honestly admitting that their “prophet” was a monster.)

There is a difference. Those who seek “spiritual contentment, hope and love” by faithfully and genuinely following the life and teachings of Mohammed by seeking to follow his example in brutal oppression of others are not the same as the followers of the Nazarene.

It really is that simple, and people who refuse to make the distinction are unlikely to see a distinction between any other examples of good and evil either.

Just a reminder.

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