Dell Takes the Plunge

Quick hit: see Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols’ opinion piece on the newly announced Dell plan to offer desktops/laptops with Ubuntu Linux pre0installed. He’s perhaps a little overly enthusiastic, but the point he makes has some merit:

Just as the arrival of Firefox forced Microsoft to improve Internet Explorer, the arrival of Linux on a mainstream desktop will force Microsoft to make significant, rather than cosmetic, improvements to its own operating systems.

Hmmmm… could be… If so, lucky we.

Mending Walls: Faith, Part 3

While time is a tad tight here at twc central, here’s a reprint (with minor redactions) from June of ’06, and yes, just like the original post, this is a linkfest also (see below the post body).

In part 1 of “Mending Walls: Faith” I very, very briefly discussed the faith (fides) covenant meme so lacking in today’s society. In part 2, I even more briefly outlined how this lack has affected the three realms of legitimate governance in society, civil government, marriage & family and, for Christians at least, the church.

In this last installment, I’ll once again very briefly mention some examples that illustrate how the current culture of faithlessness affects everyday life and how the moribund state of the faith covenant at work, in civil government, marriage & family, and in churches affects everyday life.

Keep in mind: I will NOT explore this topic in depth, although this will still be a tad long as compared to most blogposts. It’d take a full length book for each of these three parts to cover the topic seriously. That being said, and knowing it’ll be a tad longer than the majority of blogposts you may read today, either page on off or CLICk to read more at the link.

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