“Give a Grizzly Bear a Poodle Cut and Call it Fifi…”

Anyone want to apply the title of this post to the lying, destructive behavior of congresscritters and others? Of course, when applied to politicians, maybe the post title should read, “Give a skunk a poodle cut… ”

An amnesty bill calling “king’s x” over multiplied millions of outlaws (instead of dealing with the problem). “That’s not Juan; that’s Fifi!”

Refusing to deal with the real problem and pretending that there are such impossible creatures as “civilized” or even “moderate” Muslims. “That’s not a savage, murdering, brutal terrorist (or terrorist enabler); that’s Fifi!”

Refusing to deal with the quotidian congressional ethic. “That’s not a (typical) lying, cheating, money-and-power-grubbing congresscritter; that’s Fifi!”

Lying about amnesty and about enforcing our borders. “That’s not President Bush; that’s Mexican President Felipe Calderón’s lap dog!”

Trackposted to Cao’s Blog, Right Celebrity, Stageleft, and Walls of the City, MacBros Place, and Woman Honor Thyself, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.