Friday Featured Blogger/Open Post

[For this Open Post, link here and t-r-a-c-k-b-a-c-k to this link. *heh*]

Somehow, Mediacrity‘s “notice” (that funny “tee-bee” word, ya know ๐Ÿ™‚ of yet another insightful post about media hypocrisy went awry the other day and-poof!-did not appear anywhere I could see it. Fortunately, I stopped by Mediacrity‘s place and saw that I’d been linked with “More Double Standard on Fake Journalism“. A sample,

For example, CNBC runs a fake-news talk show called UN World Chronicle, without prominently describing it as produced by the UN propaganda ministry -- as journalistic standards demand.

Want some snark? Mediacrity’s got snark. Try, “Uncork the Champagne! It’s Palestine Day at the UN!

Hurrah! Hurrah! Let the festivities begin! Yes, folks, today is Palestine Day, as officially proclaimed by the East River Debating and Terrorist Cheerleading Society.


Want more? Silly. Follow one of the links, of course!

If you’re wondering how to participate in what Is It Just Me aracnely describes as… oh, well, I’ll just lay the quote down again:

"Although there is no monetary outlay involved to participate, a donation through reciprocal recognition of this site on your site is greatly appreciated. To reciprocate - please do not use the "o" word in conjuction with the "tb" word, or the "tb" word by itself, or even the "l""l" words to give acknowledgement. If you feel really compelled to use these words any site recognition to those sites you are advertising at will probably not occur. Please practice these rules of self-censorship for continued success in traffic exchange.

What? You say that all this is clear as mud? Good. It was intended that way.”

Just check here for details and put a link to this post in one of yours before you t-r-a-c-k-b-a-c-k (*heh*) to this one. I’ll round up interesting posts later on in one of my Around and About posts.

Have fun!

Boldly Advertizing where everyone else has gone before at Don Surber After Hours (where ya have to link in BEFORE hours *heh*) Note: Don rags on Santa today. Go, Don! Also blatantly plugged at MacStansbury‘s (“The Absolutely Earliest In The Morningest…”), Bloggin’ Outloud (NOT “Blogging Outloud ๐Ÿ™‚ as soon as I can, NIF (Bubba’s sick… send your flowery prose NIF’s way), Right Wing Nation, and whoever else strikes my fancy (lightly, boys!) as the day progresses.

Pleased-as-punch member of the Open Trackback Alliance.


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