Musin’s and cruisin’s

Amazing discovery! Stuff still happens online while real life goes on offline!

Fake IDs openly sold in NYC from Tel-Chai Nation

If you’re into that sort of thing, hit OPEN TRACKBACKS 11 at I plan to. (When I get A Round Toit.)

Peakah’s Provocations talks about The Power of the Open Source Media.

Stop the ACLU notes that NOW It is Officially the Christmas Season. heh.

Put down that coffee. OK? Now, check out the link at The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns.

It’s not just the folks who made The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe into a movie who are putting words into (or taking them out of) C.S. Lewis’ mouth. Doug Wilson has more. Oh, and catch “41 Kinds of Tylenol; The Devil in a Blue Dress” and other posts, while you’re there. heh.

Have you seen My Dog Boo (who?)? πŸ™‚ Just playin’ there, folks.

A good discussion citing C.S. Lewis’ The Abolition of Man over at Jerry Pournelle’s place yesterday.

Also found in Pournelle’s Current View yesterday, The True Impact of Videophones. heh

…which naturally leads to this one. Hard question to answer…

And concerning this event, Subway commuter handcuffed for selling token: Rider sold fare at face value when token machine acted up, one can only agree with Pournelle that is is another case of

“Anarcho Tyranny at work. How many drug deals, and other crimes, by people the officer was afraid of had this cop witnessed? My guess is that the number is larger than zero.”

Once again: review Neal Boortz on The Fair Tax. Test April 15.

And, Congressman Joe Pitts weighs in with Complete the Mission. Personally, I think it’s about time we declared defeat and brought the troops home… from Germany. If we haven’t won that war after 64 years, it’s time to call it quits.

The Pope belabors the obvious. Well, duh. Why not? How many times does one have to say the same thing? Answer: until the message gets through.

I’m rooting for Israel.

Linked at The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns’ Open Trackback Weekend, Macstansbury (what? you think I’d mention it and not shamelessly advertize the fact there?), and Cao’s Blog’s Sunday OTB

Musin’s and cruisin’s

Amazing discovery! Stuff still happens online while real life goes on offline!

Fake IDs openly sold in NYC from Tel-Chai Nation

If you’re into that sort of thing, hit OPEN TRACKBACKS 11 at I plan to. (When I get A Round Toit.)

Peakah’s Provocations talks about The Power of the Open Source Media.

Stop the ACLU notes that NOW It is Officially the Christmas Season. heh.

Put down that coffee. OK? Now, check out the link at The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns.

It’s not just the folks who made The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe into a movie who are putting words into (or taking them out of) C.S. Lewis’ mouth. Doug Wilson has more. Oh, and catch “41 Kinds of Tylenol; The Devil in a Blue Dress” and other posts, while you’re there. heh.

Have you seen My Dog Boo (who?)? πŸ™‚ Just playin’ there, folks.

A good discussion citing C.S. Lewis’ The Abolition of Man over at Jerry Pournelle’s place yesterday.

Also found in Pournelle’s Current View yesterday, The True Impact of Videophones. heh

…which naturally leads to this one. Hard question to answer…

And concerning this event, Subway commuter handcuffed for selling token: Rider sold fare at face value when token machine acted up, one can only agree with Pournelle that is is another case of

“Anarcho Tyranny at work. How many drug deals, and other crimes, by people the officer was afraid of had this cop witnessed? My guess is that the number is larger than zero.”

Once again: review Neal Boortz on The Fair Tax. Test April 15.

And, Congressman Joe Pitts weighs in with Complete the Mission. Personally, I think it’s about time we declared defeat and brought the troops home… from Germany. If we haven’t won that war after 64 years, it’s time to call it quits.

The Pope belabors the obvious. Well, duh. Why not? How many times does one have to say the same thing? Answer: until the message gets through.

I’m rooting for Israel.

Linked at The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns’ Open Trackback Weekend, Macstansbury (what? you think I’d mention it and not shamelessly advertize the fact there?), and Cao’s Blog’s Sunday OTB

Musin’s and cruisin’s

Amazing discovery! Stuff still happens online while real life goes on offline!

Fake IDs openly sold in NYC from Tel-Chai Nation

If you’re into that sort of thing, hit OPEN TRACKBACKS 11 at I plan to. (When I get A Round Toit.)

Peakah’s Provocations talks about The Power of the Open Source Media.

Stop the ACLU notes that NOW It is Officially the Christmas Season. heh.

Put down that coffee. OK? Now, check out the link at The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns.

It’s not just the folks who made The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe into a movie who are putting words into (or taking them out of) C.S. Lewis’ mouth. Doug Wilson has more. Oh, and catch “41 Kinds of Tylenol; The Devil in a Blue Dress” and other posts, while you’re there. heh.

Have you seen My Dog Boo (who?)? πŸ™‚ Just playin’ there, folks.

A good discussion citing C.S. Lewis’ The Abolition of Man over at Jerry Pournelle’s place yesterday.

Also found in Pournelle’s Current View yesterday, The True Impact of Videophones. heh

…which naturally leads to this one. Hard question to answer…

And concerning this event, Subway commuter handcuffed for selling token: Rider sold fare at face value when token machine acted up, one can only agree with Pournelle that is is another case of

“Anarcho Tyranny at work. How many drug deals, and other crimes, by people the officer was afraid of had this cop witnessed? My guess is that the number is larger than zero.”

Once again: review Neal Boortz on The Fair Tax. Test April 15.

And, Congressman Joe Pitts weighs in with Complete the Mission. Personally, I think it’s about time we declared defeat and brought the troops home… from Germany. If we haven’t won that war after 64 years, it’s time to call it quits.

The Pope belabors the obvious. Well, duh. Why not? How many times does one have to say the same thing? Answer: until the message gets through.

I’m rooting for Israel.

Linked at The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns’ Open Trackback Weekend, Macstansbury (what? you think I’d mention it and not shamelessly advertize the fact there?), and Cao’s Blog’s Sunday OTB

See today’s “Advent Meditation” at Cathouse Chat

Romeocat’s done it again. This time, riffing off “Good Christian Men Rejoice”. Go. Read. Here’s a quick (and not-so-carefully-transcribed) simple midi so you can sing along with the carol there, if you wish:

Oh, what the heck. While I’m at it, how about a midi “cover” of a Mannheim Steamroller version of “God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen” by nameless arranger at Roland (sequenced to showcase the Roland Soundcanvas products):

See today’s “Advent Meditation” at Cathouse Chat

Romeocat’s done it again. This time, riffing off “Good Christian Men Rejoice”. Go. Read. Here’s a quick (and not-so-carefully-transcribed) simple midi so you can sing along with the carol there, if you wish:

Oh, what the heck. While I’m at it, how about a midi “cover” of a Mannheim Steamroller version of “God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen” by nameless arranger at Roland (sequenced to showcase the Roland Soundcanvas products):

See today’s “Advent Meditation” at Cathouse Chat

Romeocat’s done it again. This time, riffing off “Good Christian Men Rejoice”. Go. Read. Here’s a quick (and not-so-carefully-transcribed) simple midi so you can sing along with the carol there, if you wish:

Oh, what the heck. While I’m at it, how about a midi “cover” of a Mannheim Steamroller version of “God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen” by nameless arranger at Roland (sequenced to showcase the Roland Soundcanvas products):

Musical Flashback

I grew up hearing the kind of music I link below as kind of a background to my life. Every now and then the man who wrote this piece, “Christmas Means Thinking of Jesus” (perhaps the least consequential thing he ever wrote, in fact) would spend some time at our home. Not all that often, but every now and then. He was my dad’s mentor, someone he admired and greatly respected, and besides that was both a fine man and a fine musician.

It’s not all that good a recording (much of the sound quality problem is in the original), and the style was dated even in the early 1950s when it was recorded, but it has a nice message, and the harmonies are a welcome flashback for me:

I had ocassion to recall this piece this morning when I read Kender’s “in-your-face” post at Stop the ACLU, “JESUS JESUS JESUS JESUS JESUS!!!!!!!! (or, you have no right to NOT be offended)” heh. Go, Kender! :-). While I’m more concerned about assaults on Christianisy by “mega-churches” removing Christianity bit-by-bit from their “worship”, Kender does have a point:

“…the Secular movement in America IS doing harm. They are trying to destroy the CULTURE of this country, trying to run it down the secular path that europe has taken, charging headlong into a world where life is almost worthless…”

Well, he does have a point. If you’re a quasi-liberal (it’s unlikely that there are many true liberals who read this simply because the number of truwe liberals in America is somewhere approaching 1. or 2.) and not easily offended, you might pop on over and give it a read. Might learn something. If you’re a quasi-liberal and ARE easily offended, you might pop on over and stroke out. If you’re a quasi-conservative (see comment on quasi-liberals, above), pop on over and read, too.

Meanwhile, stop and give a listen to the lil mp3, above, from a simpler time.

Musical Flashback

I grew up hearing the kind of music I link below as kind of a background to my life. Every now and then the man who wrote this piece, “Christmas Means Thinking of Jesus” (perhaps the least consequential thing he ever wrote, in fact) would spend some time at our home. Not all that often, but every now and then. He was my dad’s mentor, someone he admired and greatly respected, and besides that was both a fine man and a fine musician.

It’s not all that good a recording (much of the sound quality problem is in the original), and the style was dated even in the early 1950s when it was recorded, but it has a nice message, and the harmonies are a welcome flashback for me:

I had ocassion to recall this piece this morning when I read Kender’s “in-your-face” post at Stop the ACLU, “JESUS JESUS JESUS JESUS JESUS!!!!!!!! (or, you have no right to NOT be offended)” heh. Go, Kender! :-). While I’m more concerned about assaults on Christianisy by “mega-churches” removing Christianity bit-by-bit from their “worship”, Kender does have a point:

“…the Secular movement in America IS doing harm. They are trying to destroy the CULTURE of this country, trying to run it down the secular path that europe has taken, charging headlong into a world where life is almost worthless…”

Well, he does have a point. If you’re a quasi-liberal (it’s unlikely that there are many true liberals who read this simply because the number of truwe liberals in America is somewhere approaching 1. or 2.) and not easily offended, you might pop on over and give it a read. Might learn something. If you’re a quasi-liberal and ARE easily offended, you might pop on over and stroke out. If you’re a quasi-conservative (see comment on quasi-liberals, above), pop on over and read, too.

Meanwhile, stop and give a listen to the lil mp3, above, from a simpler time.

Musical Flashback

I grew up hearing the kind of music I link below as kind of a background to my life. Every now and then the man who wrote this piece, “Christmas Means Thinking of Jesus” (perhaps the least consequential thing he ever wrote, in fact) would spend some time at our home. Not all that often, but every now and then. He was my dad’s mentor, someone he admired and greatly respected, and besides that was both a fine man and a fine musician.

It’s not all that good a recording (much of the sound quality problem is in the original), and the style was dated even in the early 1950s when it was recorded, but it has a nice message, and the harmonies are a welcome flashback for me:

I had ocassion to recall this piece this morning when I read Kender’s “in-your-face” post at Stop the ACLU, “JESUS JESUS JESUS JESUS JESUS!!!!!!!! (or, you have no right to NOT be offended)” heh. Go, Kender! :-). While I’m more concerned about assaults on Christianisy by “mega-churches” removing Christianity bit-by-bit from their “worship”, Kender does have a point:

“…the Secular movement in America IS doing harm. They are trying to destroy the CULTURE of this country, trying to run it down the secular path that europe has taken, charging headlong into a world where life is almost worthless…”

Well, he does have a point. If you’re a quasi-liberal (it’s unlikely that there are many true liberals who read this simply because the number of truwe liberals in America is somewhere approaching 1. or 2.) and not easily offended, you might pop on over and give it a read. Might learn something. If you’re a quasi-liberal and ARE easily offended, you might pop on over and stroke out. If you’re a quasi-conservative (see comment on quasi-liberals, above), pop on over and read, too.

Meanwhile, stop and give a listen to the lil mp3, above, from a simpler time.