Well, slap me down with a wet noodle…

The NYT publised an at least halfway sensible piece on… nuclear energy!

Stop the world. I wanna get off and see if it’s just my head spinning or what.

Can Nuclear Power Become Just Another Business?

Well? Can it? Will loony left moonbats let it? And if it does, will some miniscule element of the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army not shoot it in the back? Perhaps even an element with Momentary Sanity “Disorder” at the NYT?

Let’s see:

Other countries, especially China and India, are likely to build more nuclear plants and to do so sooner. “People are talking about China building 20 to 21 new reactors,” said David M. Schanzer, utility analyst at Janney Montgomery Scott.

Well, in a business piece (in a paper notoriously hostile to any business that doesn’t toe its own political correctness line), this is about as good as it gets. Misses the critical information that the (many more than 20 or 21) nuclear power plants already being built by China are almost all of the ultra safe, ultra low waste pebble bed reactor type, which is also much less expensive and less technically demanding than traditional reactors of the type that Three Mile Island conjures up.

Why does the NYT article still play up the investment (and other) risks of nuclear power and ignore the safety, financial advantage and technical ease of building pebble bed reactors?

Maybe because their business section doesn’t talk to their science/technology guys or even that their sci/tech guys aren’t aware of pebble bed reactors. Heck, here’s an MIT site devoted to modular pebble bed reactors. Downsizing even what the Chinese and others are now doing.

A little homework would have improved the NYT article, but then, research in areas foreign to its political agendas isn’t exactly the NYT’s strong suit.

Heck, I’m not even going to do your work for you, it’s so easy. Just google “pebble bed reactor” now that you’ve heard about it from a long-in-the-tooth musician/comptechie.

Linked at Don Surber’s “Of Course There’s an Open Post” and others later…

Happy Thanksgiving, Diane! (DOUBLE OPEN POST!! and STACLU Contest)

Today (Wednesday) is Diane’s Thanksgiving Day, since her husband’s working all day tomorrow and it was either “A day early or six days late”. heh.


So how about everyone links to Diane’s Wednesday Open Trackback Alliance Post and tracksback to her with a (early) Thanksgiving Day greeting, eh? She’ll be busy putting the finishing touches on her cornbread stuffing and all the other trimmings, but when she’s able to sit down for some blogging tomorrow evening, it’s be great to have her Open Trackback Alliance post filled with well-wishers. ‘K?

Post on any topic, of course, but please put a “Happy Thanksgiving, Diane” in there somewhere with a link to her. Then trackback to her… and to here (with a link to this post in yours, of course :-).

Here’s the link to Diane’s Open Trackback Alliance Post for Wednesday.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Diane!

BTW, here’s the trackback URL to Diane’s post, as well:


BTW, Stop The ACLU is running an Open Trackback Post/Contest. Trackback to this post’s URL with something like “Contest” somewhere in the subject line and you might win a Stop the ACLU T-shirt. If I win one off this post, I’m gonna ask that they give it to “Joseph” to wear in a live nativity scene scheduled for display on public property, somewhere.

Open Post info: Edit a post (or posts πŸ™‚ of your own that you want to have featured here to include a link to this post. Trackback to my trackback URI (just right-click on “trackback” at the foot of this post and select “copy link” or “copy link location”–however your browser indicates). If your blog software can’t send trackback pings you can use Wizbang’s Standalone Trackback Pinger. If you have trouble, please leave a comment. I’ll try to help. Be sure to reference the Open Trackback Alliance blogroll and the Open Trackback Provider blogroll in my left sidebar. The more you play, the more folks will see your posts!

Linked at Big Daddy, Rempelia Prime, Don Surber (of course :-), The Political Teen. (And a few more after I get some coffee in me… a few hours from now. Need. Sleep.)

No matter WHAT N.Z. Bear says… πŸ™‚ Hey! Tell ya what. I’ll figure a way to work any trackbacks to this post into a long-winded roundup that oughta sail past N.Z. Bear’s “SPAM” filters until he decides to block alla my stuff for some arcane reason. If your trackbacks AND the roundup post are recognized, cool. If not, you’ll at least get some links counted.


Technorati :

Stallman Detained for Wearing a Tin-Foil Hat!

Well, almost…

via Jerry Pournelle’s mail (again):

Friday, November 18: Richard Stallman Gets in Trouble with UN Security for Wearing a Tin-Foil Hat” (There’s no permalink to the article, so just page down.)

It seems Stallman, who is-to say the least!-an outspoken proponent of privacy and a strong opponent of privacy invasion of any kind, was detained by U.N. security personnel after he spoke, as a U.N. delegate at a conference in Tunisia last week. Seems he had wrapped his RFID-embedded ID badge in tin foil so they couldn’t track his whereabouts without his permission (which he’d never give, anyway).

“During his keynote speech at our panel today, Richard gave a moment’s talk about the RF ID issue, and passed his roll of aluminum foil around the room for others to use. A number of people in the overcrowded-to-the-max standing-room-only meeting room obligingly shielded their own passes. UN Security was in the room, not only to protect us but because of the crowd issue, and was bound to notice. Richard and I delivered our keynotes, followed by shorter talks by the rest of the panel and then open discussion.”

And then…

“…I was busy with the press for two solid hours. So, I didn’t see what happened with Richard. But a whole lot of the people in the room did, and stayed with Richard for the entire process.

Apparently, UN Security would not allow Richard to leave the room.”

They let him in, all right. Well, he let them scan his ID before entering. But even though he was there as a U.N. rep, carrying a U.N. delgate badge at a U.N. sponsored meeting, apparently because he had thwarted the security guys’ measures that would allow them to track him everywhere, they had to act like TSA goons.

Well, duh. Of course they did. As Pournelle is fond of quoting,

“When a stupid man does something he knows is wrong, he always claims it is his duty.”


Important Quote for Today

From Jerry Pournelle… of course. πŸ™‚

In response to a comment “from the symposium” as it were (his email correspondants):

“Our Cultural Weapons of Mass Destruction will indeed bring down militant Islam; but what they do to us first is a matter of concern. If our schools were what they were when I was young I would not be so concerned. A republic needs citizens with a certain level of understanding, and salable skills so they depend on themselves and not the government. Is the trend in that direction now? I wish I had more cheerful news. But it is not yet too late.”

In. Deed.

Open Trackback Parties Continue…

But N.Z. Bear calls them SPAM… (Does N.Z. Bear know what SPAM is?)

Don Surber has the poop. (Yes, I said “poop” and I meant “poop”. Ya wanna make something of it? πŸ™‚

Track yourself right on back to THIS post, ‘K?

hat tip to Stop the ACLU and a tip o’ the hat to Mr. Big at The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns

Hey, folks! Did you know that Technoratti counts ALL your links? And it has analogs to the N.Z. Bear “communities” and more info about who’s linking to you than you can shake a stick at. Tried Technoratti tags? Easy as pie, and useful, too. TTLB doesn’t “do” Technoratti-style tags.

I wonder how N.Z. Bear would rank in his own ecosystem if everyone took the TTLB script and links off their pages? heh Who really links his posts, anyway?

Just thinkin’ out loud, here…


Wants to call legitimate posts “spam”? Maybe this will get around his “spam” filters:

Meanwhile, at Stop the ACLU, NZ Bear Killing the Trac*k*back Parties
Looks like NZ Bear wants to dampen the fun. Don Surber has the details. “

Big Dog’s Weblog says, No Slack For Trac*k*back Open Trac*k*back Party
Looks like NZ Bear at TTLB has decided that he will filter out tra*ckb*acks so that the links will not count as part of the ecosystem statistics.”

Diane’s stuff is Hosting Wednesday Weekly Open Tra*ckb*ack Alliance Fest, anyway.There are other Alliance members holding open tra*ckb*ack posts today, you can find them listed on the blogroll as well.”

The Tra*ckb*ack Parties Will Continue “Don Surber has word that Truth Laid Bear is going to start cracking down on Open Trackback parties and not counting those links towards the TLLB ecosystem standings,” according to Adam.

Technorati : , ,

OSM–*yawn* (?)

Yeh, yeh: big stinking deal.

I think perhaps I under-react. heh Don Surber has some interesting observations. (I commented with a conflation of two memes. heh. Mind like a steel trap. Rusted a bit… )

Conservative Cat has typically apt comment and points to a few others’ posts, as well.

Dan Riehl hasthe best-possibly the definitive-roundup of comments and resources I’ve seen. Plan on spending some time clicking through and absorbing the thoughts of others.

My take (unscrambling the conflated memes)? OSM~great plan for making $$:

* Step one: Steal underpants
* Step two: ????????????
* Step three: Profit.

OK, maybe it’s a tad more involved. From all indications so far, step 2 apparently involves lots of infighting, appropriating someone else’s registered “trademark” (or “service mark”) and all other kindsa sophomoric stunts.

It’s the wave of the future, kiddies.

Linked at TMH’s Bacon Bits, The Busniess of America is Business

One of the Grandmasters of Snark Speaks

I haven’t featured a “snark for today” post in a while.

James Lileks Screedblog post yesterday is just toooo inspiring to neglect, though… hop on over and spike his bandwidth usage. Here’s a sample:

I never “got into” Vonnegut, or “dug” his work like my “buds,” several of whom pronounced his work as “intense,” so I am not particularly bothered to find he applauds suicide bombers, and thinks they experience “an amazing high.” In the literal sense, perhaps; it’s possible that skull fragments may reach the third floor before they carom off a balcony and patter back to earth.

“…it’s possible that skull fragments may reach the third floor before they carom off a balcony and patter back to earth…”

Well, since I share his view of Vonnegut (James Joyce Lite, as I was wont to label him in my long ago college days), this has me grinning already. And that’s just his leadoff pitch.

Pure gold. Hit it now.

Linked at: Outside the Beltway, Jo’s Cafe, Basil’s Picnic Lunch, bRight and Early

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Del.icio.us : , , ,

Still MIA: Free Kerry’s 180

Actually, MIA could be overstating the case. Haven’t seen any real action on this one, yet!

What we know:

John Kerry’s service in Vietnam lasted 4 months and 12 days, beginning in November 1968 when he reported to Cam Ranh Bay for a month of training. His abbreviated combat tour ended shortly after he requested a transfer out of Vietnam on March 17, 1969, citing Navy instruction 1300.39 permitting personnel with three Purple Hearts to request reassignment. So far as we are able to determine, Kerry was the only Swift sailor ever to leave Vietnam without completing the standard one-year tour of duty, other than those who were seriously wounded or killed.

It is clear that at least one of Kerry’s Purple Heart awards was the result of his own negligence, not enemy fire, and that Kerry went to unusual lengths to obtain the award after being turned down by his own commanding officer. _1_

And of course, there are Kerry’s post Vietnam activities that are a matter of public record, including his attendance (disputed by him, but confirmed by FBI reports and eyewitnesses) at a VVAW meeting that discussed assassination of American political figures, consorting with the enemy during time of war and his infamous slander of those he left behind in Vietnam before the Senate select committee.

What we do not have yet is information that fills in the holes and gaps in his service record:

Constructing a complete picture of Kerry’s service is difficult due to gaps in the Naval records provided by the Kerry campaign. These gaps include missing and incomplete fitness reports, missing medical records and missing records related to his medal awards._1_

Supposedly, the Boston Globe, the LA Times and Kerry’s biographer have the complete records, but they aren’t releasing them.


From Cao’s Blog:


Join the blogbursts to help FREE Kerry’s 180 every Tuesday!

We’ve formed a blogburst group and here are the bloggers who are contributing so far. If you want to join the blogroll for Free Kerry’s 180, click here to email me, include the url for your blog. The blogburst is every Tuesday, so don’t forget to blog about it. All you have to do is encourage Kerry to set his 180 FREE, I’ll send you the code for the blogroll.


Linked at Cao’s, Adam’s Blog, Those Bastards!, TMH’s Bacon Bits, The Political Teen, Don Surber, Choose Life!, Euphoric Reality, MacStansbury, Right Wing Nation, Committees of Correspondence, NIF, Stop the ACLU, Is It just Me?

Open Post and Around and About

Open post. You know the drill. If not, check the foot of this post.

Fred, again. *sigh* Man, when will you ever learn: a prophet is not loved in his own country? Oh. That’s why you live south of the border, now. Good thing, cos that’s probably the only thing keeping you safe from the object of this article. heh(Thanks, Hugh, for the reminder to check Fred’s site.)

Woody (Woody’s News and Views) does good blog on a regular basis. I semi-featured this post late yesterday, but it needs to be brought “above the fold” as it were: Chris Matthews, Dhimmi Of The Week, at Woody’s News and Views.

Another snippet from Jerry Pournelle’s site, this time from his hand,

“Frances Fukuyama thought that with the fall of the USSR we had reached The End of History, and all that was left was to chronicle the spread and consolidation of liberal democracy — even as liberal democracy was collapsing in the United States, becoming a persecuting religion in the schools and universities, and thus losing its soul. Once liberals read John Stuart Mill and loved freedom. N0w they read Rawls (actually at two generations removed; Rawls is well nigh unreadable by those unconvinced) and deny tenure to anyone who doesn’t subscribe to the politically correct version of events.”

Do take the time to read it all. It’s a response to an email correspondent in yesterday’s Chaos Manor Mail. (Note: Pournelle’s “Day Book” format is arranged exactly opposite of most blogs, so paging DOWN brings current info into view.)

If you have not yet read The English Guy’s post here yesterday, stop, CLICK HERE and read. Click to sign the petition if you care about national security.

I hope you didn’t miss this trackback to Clark Mountain Musings, yesterday. I disagree with the post in only one regard: I think the situation is humorous, even if it isn’t belly-laugh funny. heh. Oh, irony, thy personification is French… Clark Mountain Musings is new to me yesterday (found ’em in my open trackbacks, folks), and I’m already a tad upset with the blog cos I have only so many hours in a day, and even speedreading via a broadband connection isn’t enough to let me keep track of all the good reads! And here’s another one! *sheesh!* πŸ™‚

Kender Learns to Love Me πŸ˜‰ *ducking*

Well, I’ll add more later, I’m sure, but now, on to…

OK, adding this lil random piece of fun: Mr. Magoo’s Christmas Carol. Haven’t seen this one in a while? Get one-a yer own! This one’s mine! πŸ™‚



Today is an Open Post Day, all day. In fact, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays (Friday’s post open all weekend) are Open Trackback Post days.

Open Trackback Alliance

Open Post info: Edit a post (or posts πŸ™‚ of your own that you want to have featured here to include a link to this post. Trackback to my trackback URI (just right-click on “trackback” at the foot of this post and select “copy link” or “copy link location”–however your browser indicates). If your blog software can’t send trackback pings you can use Wizbang’s Standalone Trackback Pinger. If you have trouble, please leave a comment. I’ll try to help. Be sure to reference the Open Trackback Alliance blogroll and the Open Trackback Provider blogroll in my left sidebar. The more you play, the more folks will see your posts!

Linked at: Adam’s Blog, Those Bastards!, TMH’s Bacon Bits, The Political Teen, Don Surber, Choose Life!, Euphoric Reality, MacStansbury, Right Wing Nation, Committees of Correspondence, NIF, Stop the ACLU, Is it Just Me?