Dan Riehl is an evil, evil man…

Just read his confession
“… I’ve done something I’m not proud of and can probably never live down. But I know from past experience that being honest is the first step in any recovery. So, in the interest of being honest, so that maybe one day some people will forgive me for deceiving tme, betraying them, even – I’ve decided to show everyone who I can be when I get like this and what I am actually capable of when I get lost like I have the past few months.”
Go, read.

Barnett doesn’t get it

As is par for such rants, Randy Barnett just doesn’t “get” the idea of software choice
Yeh, I know he doesn’t frame it that way, but his rant “I Hate Mocrosoft Word” talks past the simple fact that word processors, like all software, are matters of personal taste as much as anything else. So he’s been using Wordperfect for years and feels it’s much superior to MS Word.  So? Perhaps for some niche markets it is.  But then that might be said of MS Word or any other word processing software.  (Yes, there are more choices.)
For most mere mortals it won’t matter a bit which word processing software they use, as long as it does what they want.  And any word processor can be made to do darn near anything any other word processor can do.  For some, it seems (to particular users) that one is “more intuitive, easier-to-use, more elegant” than others. That’s usually simply because they have used other software that’s set up in a similar fashion, or they’ve used the so-called “more intuitive, easier-to-use, more elegant” piece of software they’re rhapsodizing about for years and its way of doing things seems right to them.
N.B.–I have yet to use any software that’s “intuitively” set up*.  Heck, keyboard and mousing skills are not intuitive; they’re learned. And the normal keyboard layout is clumsy, inefficient and extremely counterintuitive.  Hmmm… I wonder if Barnett uses am “elegant” keyboard layout with his “elegant” word processor?  Or does he use the same clunky keyboard layout the rest of use mere mortals use with regular old plain jane vanilla word processors?
Here’s a humorous quote from the Barnett article:
“…have I ever mentioned how much I detest Microsoft Word? Word reformats paragraphs and everything else as it wishes and it is sometimes next to impossible to trick it into keeping it to the format you prefer.”
Here’s just one of the ways you can customize how much (or how little) you want Word to  intrude with autoformatting, etc.
TOOLS>CUSTOMIZE “Always show full menus.”
Bob’s your uncle.
Now, catch this: I do not use Microsoft Word. Took me less than 30 seconds to drop into a google session, find the answer and type it. (I did check that process on a computer that does have Word installed.  Gee.  Had to walk 20 feet to do it. Woo Hoo!)
“…next to impossible” my fat white… arrggghhh! 
Barnett’s attitude is similar to the war between PC users and Mac religionists: PC users ocassionally notice gnats nibbling at their ankles crying, “The Mac is intuitive and PCs aren’t!”  The fact that Macs and PCs are both counter-intuitive to just about an equal degree matters not.  The fact that the 3%-4% worldwide market share Macs have is beneath the notice of most PC users is of no import, either.  Or that any Windows user can sit down at any 80% or more of “unfamiliar” Window machines and just start working, while it takes them quite some time to get used to a Mac (and vice versa–the stories I have! heh) —if they can find one in the wild to try out—is besides the point as well.
Diff’rent strokes,  Willis  Randy
Barnett is free, of course, to hate Microsoft Word and ankle-bite all he wants.  I’d submit that for the real world user, there’s no substantive difference between Word and Wordperfect, and Barnett’s just baying at the moon.
(BTW, I use OpenOffice, now, for all my office suite software needs. Read and save in other office suite formats? Sure. Save as pdf? Yes. Free? YES!  While there’s not a dime’s bit of difference between Word, Wordperfect and whomever, there’s several hundreds of dollars difference between commercial office suites and OpenOffice.  I prefer free, as long as I don’t give up functionality I need.  http://www.openoffice.org )
*One, and only one I have found, near exception to the “no intuitive software” observation is the music transcription software I have come to rely on as my primary music writing tool. “Near exception” because it depends heavily on some shared values, experiences, etc. It’s pretty much, fire up the software and start playing on a midi keyboard.  Music notation appears.  It’s more complex than that, of course, but the interface seems close to intuitive for someone who reads music well and can play a keyboard.  In fact, when I bought it and started using it, I didn’t even crack the manual (a manual!—”back in the day” indeed! and “heh” 🙂 for nearly a year.  And the help file? There was no stinking help file, cos it didn’t need one! Really easy to use, unlike the “other” now dominant music transcription software. Far greater contrast between my fav music transcription software and “the other one” (now dominant music transcription software) than between Word and Wordperfect, but I won’t make blanket “I hate _______” statements as a result of the fact that my fav doesn’t work like the other one.

Carnival of Comedy #00000101 00000101 00000101???

Whatever the heck spacemonkey is thinking of with the title, it’s uuuup!
And yes, “What a Deplorable Little… Meme” is there, but don’t tell my mother.  She’s old and frail.  OK?
Actually, some of the others who responded to that dirty lil meme were really funny, but don’t tell the folks at IMAO.  heh
(Be sure to get in on spreading the Blogmothers Dayâ„¢ meme! And if you don’t have a Blogmother, consider “adopting” one, eh?)

“Geek Rating” quiz missed something…

[Special notice: Be sure to get in on spreading the Blogmothers Dayâ„¢meme! And if you don’t have a Blogmother, consider “adopting” one, eh?]

I am becoming, like, so totally blog-geeky… bogus, man.
Scary, folks. I mean, when blogger started screwing up with the template—and not just the template, posts, too, and not just in Opera, but in all the browsers I had on hand— I’d used for seven+ months, I actually stayed up til after 1:00 fixing things.
I had never before noticed just how screwy some of the html/xhtml code Blogger seems to like actually is… weird stuff. Validation all over the map on this stuff.  I’d thought, Well, as long as it works and I don’t have to work on it…
I may actually bill some time against myself working on my blogsite… *sigh* This stuff was for fun, not work.
Regular programming resumes, next post…

Unconscious Parenthood

No, it’s not what you think
I’ve run across a lot of blogs that talk about “blogfather” this or “blogmother” that; who mention their “blogdaughters” or “blogsons” or whatever. So, I stopped a sec (really, not much longer than that) and thought, “Who ‘spawned’ me?”  And you know, it’s just a wee tad of a funny thing that my “blogparent” has no idea that they are responsible for inflicting me on the blogosphere…
You see, as of course you do by now, although I was a blog reader for quite some time before starting to blog myself, comment sections on blogs were like an open mic to me: I just hadda talk. And then one day I ran across a blog, rather new at the time, referred to by Hugh Hewitt.  It was a pretty new Blogger account and had some interesting posts I just had to respond to.  But attempting to comment, Blogger told me I had to have a Blogger account cos anonymous comments weren’t allowed.
Sooo… I got a blogger account.  And set up a “placeholder” blog.  And named it for an “affectionate” (sometimes frustrated) reference to my place of residence, Third World County.
Well, a placeholder… a bloviator… the two just naturally were made for one another and—a blog was born.
But my Blogmommie never knew, and does not to this day know, that she gave birth (to a 185-lb “baby blogger” heh).  Shhhh! Don’t tell her.  She might expect a Mothers Day card!
Hey! That’s an idea for a meme!
Quick: Kris (Anywhere But Here), Bou (Boudicca’s Voice) and Sissy (And What Next)—the only three I know that have “Blogmoms” who immediately spring to mind—you’re tagged!  Everyone who has a “Blogmom” send a Blogmothers Dayâ„¢ eCard, preferrably one you write yourself.  I’ll start by sending my unintentional Blogmom an eCard… (Gee, now have to make one up–maybe I can scan an old drawing from one of my kids’ “refrigerator days”… heh)
Update: (with below) Oh, yeh, and tag three if you can.  This isn’t such a nasty or bothersome thing as most of the pestering festering sores passed around as blogmemes.  [Add: Let’s let this be a little Lemon Fresh Bleach in the Blogosphere Meme Poolâ„¢]
“Blogmothers Dayâ„¢”—I like it.
Ooooo… Kris likes the idea… Bou says she has two Blogfathers… Hmmm, I wonder how that’d work out?  Blogfathers for Blogmothers Dayâ„¢… La Cage Aux Folles (1979)? Or how about the more recent version, The Birdcage (1996)? Either would make fine Blogfather gifts for Blogmothers Dayâ„¢, don’t you think?
Update#2: Be sure to get in on spreading the Blogmothers Dayâ„¢ meme! And if you don’t have a Blogmother, consider “adopting” one, eh? See here for more.
ANOTHER UPDATE: My Blogmother has now acknowledged her progeny (of course, she had no idea what she had “birthed” until I mentioned to her my thanks for being directly instrumental in my “blog birth”… and her early encouragement with a simple and thoughtful email).  Thanks, Carol. And, as always, you can CLICK through to her site from my blogroll.  Sharp observation and analysis from a perspective of “…American political and religious liberty, free enterprise, limited government, military strength and traditional values…”

I just made a wonderful discovery

Collecting My Thoughts is a very good read!
Norma, at Collecting my Thoughts, has a text-dense blog that is information rich and thoughtful.  Easily on a par with another information rich favorite of mine, Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos Manor.  Start anywhere, but this post is the one that prompted me to write.
I do wonder where Norma found a link to this post of mine.  You see, that’s how I found her blog: she commented on my lil post, so I decided to see what she had to say on her site.  Thanks, Norma!
I do wish I’d seen Collecting my Thoughts early on in my blogging.  Her system oganizing her posts is very… Dewey-ish.  (And since I’m married to a librarian and have provided “heavy-lifting” aid in her service from time to time, I now wish I’d had her input—or Norma’s :-)—before my blogs became such messes!)
Oh. Well.  🙂

Some Good News via Confederate Yankee

Marines follow common sense and military law—duh
Confederate Yankee posts a link and commentary to the followup on that young Marine who was videotaped in Fallujah following the rules of engagement, common sense and normal military practice, shot a wounded enemy (“aif”—anti-iraq forces) and was lambasted in the media.
“This has been the way of warfare, or for that matter, nature, for millions of years. I thought liberals usually favored Darwinism over creationism.
“I guess that was until they got to see Darwinism at work.”—CY
The Fox News article cited adds this:
“In the Nov. 13 shooting videotaped by [Kevin] Sites, a Marine can be heard can be heard shouting obscenities in the background, yelling that one of the men was only pretending to be dead.”
As though this information were news.  Common knowledge that that was (is?) a tactic followed by “aifs”—feign death in order to launch a surprise, sometimes suicide bombing, attack.  Under any commonly-accepted rules of war, that alone is grounds for shooting first and sending flowers (preferrably poinsonous) later.
Is there any way that Mass Media Podpeople who villified this marine could be put into harm’s way and told to “just pretend to be dead; you’ll be safe”?

Dirty lil meme update #3

Boudicca’s Voice roars… reluctantly 🙂
Bou has done the deed. What a trouper. I’ll be slaving in outer darkness for a while working off having tagged her on this one…
Further, Bou tagged Sissy and she’s already dittied her duty (heh).
It’s outa hand folks.  Soon there won’t be a punchbowl in this arm of the galaxy (warning: mp2 download) that’s safe to drink from…

Best Web Browser, IMO

See the Opera mini-banner in my sidebar?  Please CLICK that puppy, OK?  [note:  I know, I know. The “sidebar” is now buried at the bottom of the blog   Fixed!]

I don’t usually talk about stuff that’s work-related, here, but I’m breaking that trend with this post. (Yeh, I do computer stuff for warm, soft cash.)
First: if you use Internet Explorer as your only or primary web browser JUST STOP DOING THAT! NOW!!
But seriously, do switch to a better, more secure browser as soon as you can!
Here’s a site that’s done a good job of summing up choices in web browsers.  HINT: The name of the nseries of pages is Opera Lover.  Got it?  🙂
While everyone I know who has extensive experience and knowledge about web browsers agrees that Internet Explorer (or, as I prefer to call it, Internet ExploDer *heh*) is definitely the worst choice among current browser offerings, the choice about which is best is more complicated.
While in general I agree with the widely-diseminated conventional wisdom that Mozilla.org’s Firefox browser is the best choice for a wide array of average users (especially those who need a more familiar experience when changing softwares), I use the Opera web browser almost exclusively for a wide variety of reasons, and I highly recommend it to anyone who is a bit more flexible about learning new software.  If you’re using Firefox and happy with it, though, you may not want to switch to Opera, no matter what advantages it offers: both are much more secure (the primary concern) than Internet Exploder.
The site listed above,  while dealing with an earlier, less-capable version of Opera than I now use (Opera 8.0 which has some very cool additional capabilities), details nearly all the reasons I find Opera to be  the best web browser available.  It’s a lengthy read (30 web pages?!?) but well worth it, IMO, as a tutorial in advanced web browsing.
[NOTE: the author of the site expects the new  http://operalover.tntluoma.com/8/  site to be finished by the middle of May with all-new Opera 8 information/tutorials! UPDATE: Site now up-to-date.]
Take note: your workplace may require the use of a particular browser—and not allow installation of individual software by users.  If that’s the case, you can still have better security and browsing by trying out a different (different to IE, that is) browser at home.
If you decide to give Opera a try, keep in mind that it comes in two versions: a fee-based version ($39) or an ad-supported version.  The nice thing about the ad-supported version is that you can specify that the ads be simple text in the upper right-hand corner of the menu/tool bar.  Easy to see if you want to and easy to ignore if you don’t want to bother.
If you fit into the “there’s gotta be a better way to browse the web” category of user, trying a different browser may just fit the ticket for you. I think Opera is the best of the bunch, by quite a wide margin.  YMMV, of course.
Oh, and if you use a Mac, run on Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD or OS/2, there’s an Opera browser for you, too. Even for your phone or other mobile device.  Just CLICK.
Download Opera

Confederate Yankee Analyzes Modern “Liberalism”

Dissecting the rotting corpse of the undead
Liberalism is dead.  We are left with the Night of the Undead Liberalism-that-isn’t.  Liberal, that is.  Confederate Yankee analyzes the pathology of soi-disant liberals, progressives, whatever-they-call-themselves-today.  Be sure to read Part I and then continue to Part II .
Brief sample:
“Liberals really do live in a “reality-based community.”

“On a strict linguistic level, “-based” simply means something similar to, but other than. Water-based paints have water in them, but the paints are hardly water. In this same way, the “reality-based community” has some reality in it, but reality is only a small component of their constructed world… “