I just made a wonderful discovery

Collecting My Thoughts is a very good read!
Norma, at Collecting my Thoughts, has a text-dense blog that is information rich and thoughtful.  Easily on a par with another information rich favorite of mine, Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos Manor.  Start anywhere, but this post is the one that prompted me to write.
I do wonder where Norma found a link to this post of mine.  You see, that’s how I found her blog: she commented on my lil post, so I decided to see what she had to say on her site.  Thanks, Norma!
I do wish I’d seen Collecting my Thoughts early on in my blogging.  Her system oganizing her posts is very… Dewey-ish.  (And since I’m married to a librarian and have provided “heavy-lifting” aid in her service from time to time, I now wish I’d had her input—or Norma’s :-)—before my blogs became such messes!)
Oh. Well.  🙂

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