Secure Our Borders?

In the never-ending search for the best way to protect our borders, the U.S. government has explored many options for sealing our borders.
Some  of the earliest leaders in the race emerged from the idea of adapting proven technologies from the food service industry.

field wrap 
Those proved impractical for various resasons, but our intrepid leadership was not deterred. Rapid advances in new technologies showed some promise.

force field

“May I serve you?” 
Finally, congresscritters and their ilk decided the best method would be to simply require citizens to meet the ravening hordes, bowing and scraping in efforts to serve their every whim… while remaining bowed to serve the perverse desires of congresscritters from behind…
Welcome, IMAO readers. Come on in.  Make yourselves at home. Kick off your shoes; put your beer on the coffee table; raid the fridge.  I’m here to serve you.

Carnival of the Recipes #40, already? And did someone say “Comedy tonight”?

Gee this week has flown by… Wonder Woman’s de-bionicized and Carnival time has fogged in on cat feet…
It’s already carnival time, and Carnival of the Recipes #40 is hitting concurrently with the Carnival of Comedy . Check all the goodies in the Carnival of the Recipes #40 at Curmudgeonry . Then, after snarfing up the goodies there, laugh off the pounds with the Carnival of Comedy #4 , posted by spacemonkey at IMAO .
My humble offerings (“ Quick Cheese Popcorn “  and  “ Secret agent… man?“) are definitely on the lite side this week, but check them—and other posts—out while you’re here.
UPDATE: Resitance is Futile’s Taco Casserole is in the oven now.  My stomach’s rumbling and my mouth’s watering. Despite one silly misreading of the recipe (minor–a tad “wet” as a result, more cooking time) this recipe was as good as it looked. And it’ll be even better when I make it without the (minor) mistake.
UPDATE #2: (Saturday) Taco Casserole was hit last night and as leftovers today.  Gullyborg makes mention of my eagerness for some menu variation on Resitance is Futile. Circular references, here we go!  ;~)

Venting Spleen

Some reviewers see “Revenge of the Sith” as poorly-scripted, badly-acted juvenile pap with so-so special effects…
And those are some of the better reviews from the sane folks who’ve seen it.  But what did you expect?  It’s a last gasp of a series, and it’s not as though the Star Wars movie franchise has consistently improved with age, anyway. Here’s a sample of commentary rounded up by Glenn Reynolds.
Oh, and Tyler Cowan, of Marginal Revolution, has a few pertinent observations about the Star Wars fictio-verse. (Yeah, Tyler! heh)
[OUCH! Update: Anthony Lane, writing in The New Yorker ( 2005-05-16) is just a wee tad vicious:
The general opinion of “Revenge of the Sith” seems to be that it marks a distinct improvement on the last two episodes, “The Phantom Menace” and “Attack of the Clones.” True, but only in the same way that dying from natural causes is preferable to crucifixion.
Lighten up, man.  It’s just a movie! h.t. “Dave” commenting at Ann Althouse’s blog]
Ahhh, I know some Star Wars fans (one in my own home) who’ll probably roast me alive for this post.  So?  I’ll see it when it comes out on DVD. Either as a rental or… mooching a watch off the Star Wars fan in the family.
OTOH, reading some of the reviews has me in the mood for something a little camp, competently scriipted and acted, maybe a wee tad B-movie-ish.