On biblical illiteracy

[BUMP!—see update, below]
If the cornerstone is crumbling, what of the building it once upheld?
Interesting piece in The Weekly Standard . In his article “ Bible Illiteracy in America ,” David Gelernter outlines the historical impact the Bible has had on America and hints at what the future may hold for a biblically illiterate people. Thought-provoking.  A taste:
“THE GENEVA BIBLE became and remained the Puritans’ favorite. It had marginal notes that Puritans liked–but King James and the Church of England deemed them obnoxious. The notes were anti-monarchy and pro-republic–“untrue, seditious, and savouring too much of dangerous and traitorous conceits,” the king said. Under his sponsorship a new Bible was prepared (without interpretive notes) by 47 of the best scholars in the land. The King James version appeared in 1611–intended merely as a modest improvement over previous translations. But it happened to be a literary masterpiece of stupendous proportions. Purely on artistic grounds it ranks with Homer, Dante, Shakespeare–Western literature’s greatest achievements. In terms of influence and importance, it flattens the other three.”
Oh, and Gelernter also briefly points out where to lay the axe to the common lies about Puritans, as well.  Of course, since most Americans are as historically illiterate as they are biblically illiterate, little of what Gelernter says will have much context for most folks.
A society with no sense of its own history will lurch from one faddish thought to another without any genuine critical faculty to assess what is good or ill. Gelenter’s article points out one of the important anchors we have cast away, resulting in just that very cultural character: rootless, we are “blown by every wind of teaching…”
Monday doldrums or simply recognizing the fact that my children will have to survive as adults in a land of illiterate pagans?
Buried deeply in the (very lengthy) afterward to the article are gems like this one:
“College students today are (spiritually speaking) the driest timber I have ever come across. Mostly they know little or nothing about religion; little or nothing about Americanism. Mostly no one ever speaks to them about truth and beauty, or nobility or honor or greatness. They are empty–spiritually bone dry–because no one has ever bothered to give them anything spiritual that is worth having. Platitudes about diversity and tolerance and multiculturalism are thin gruel for intellectually growing young people.”
[UPDATE] See Romeocat’s post today touching on this subject.

Kipling Tuesday Today

A few thoughts not comprehensible to DUmmies and Moore-ons
Rudyard Kipling
October, 1918
Across a world where all men grieve
And grieving strive the more,
The great days range like tides and leave
Our dead on every shore.
Heavy the load we undergo,
And our own hands prepare,
If we have parley with the foe,
The load our sons must bear
Before we loose the word
That bids new worlds to birth,
Needs must we loosen first the sword
Of Justice upon earth;
Or else all else is vain
Since life on earth began,
And the spent world sinks back again
Hopeless of God and Man.
A People and their King
Through ancient sin grown strong,
Because they feared no reckoning
Would set no bound to wrong;
But now their hour is past,
And we who bore it find
Evil Incarnate hell at last
To answer to mankind.
For agony and spoil
Of nations beat to dust,
For poisoned air and tortured soil
And cold, commanded lust,
And every secret woe
The shuddering waters saw —
Willed and fulfilled by high and low —
Let them relearn the Law:
That when the dooms are read,
Not high nor low shall say: —
“My haughty or my humble head
Has saved me in this day.”
That, till the end of time,
Their remnant shall recall
Their fathers’ old, confederate crime
Availed them not at all:
That neither schools nor priests,
Nor Kings may build again
A people with the heart of beasts
Made wise concerning men.
Whereby our dead shall sleep
In honour, unbetrayed,
And we in faith and honour keep
That peace for which they paid.

SF-180 SF-180 SF-180 SF-180 SF-180 SF-180

C’mon, now.  Give the guy a break, eh?
I mean, Jean Fraud sKerry‘s just like any other working stiff, right? He’s got a job, ya know.  He has priorities.  First, he has to get his Senate attendance record above it’s usual 22%, and then he’ll have time to dash his signature off on an SF-180 like he promised on national tv 107 days ago!!!
All in good time…
I wonder why the good senator hasn’t made good on his promise yet. Perhaps he’s having trouble getting the form ? To help him out, you could fax him a copy of the form. It’s only 3 pages, and is available online here .
Here are the fax numbers for the senator’s offices:
Washington D.C. – (202) 224-8525
Boston, MA – (617) 248-3870
Springfield, MA – (413) 736-1049
Fall River, MA – (508) 677-0275
Just download it , print and fax.  And check the suggestions for a polite cover letter.