Doing a 180?

When will he sign? My bet? The Twelfth of Never

Notice the entry directly above the topmost post on my blog. It ought to read, “XX days ago, John Kerry promised, on national TV, to sign form SF-180 and release his military records. He has yet to do so,” with “XX” being the number of days since he told Tim Russert, on air, that he would do so.

Polipundit puts it this way:

“This should be a bipartisan effort. If you’re a Democrat who supports Kerry, his signing form SF-180 would help prove that he’s a genuine war hero, not the fraud that the Swift Vets claim he is. If you’re a Democrat or Republican who opposes Kerry, the contents of his military records would shine a bright light on his murky Vietnam War record. Either way, it’s in everyone’s best interest to get the senator to sign SF-180 and release his records.”

Polipundit offers the code to enter that lil script on your own blog, here. Just enter it in your blog template at a place you deem appropriate.

ht to Mickey Kaus via Instapundit.

(During the campaign last year, I sent a simple email to the Kerry campaign a couple of times a week that simply said, “Sign Form 180” about 100 times per email… I also got on their mailing list and returned every campaign email with that same form e-. I knew it would be ignored, but it was my small contribution to the kerry campaign.)

Keeping My Priorities Straight

In the grand scheme of things… this ain’t.

Please excuse the light blogging. I just checked my “Zen” Freecell scores and it appears I’m closing in on a milestone, of whatever importance that may be. So, realizing the relative importance of attaining 5,000 Freecell wins (notice the loss entry *heh*) as compared to world peace (or even the Mets in the Series), I must take some time out to contemplate the approach of this significant event in the history of the world. Posted by Hello

Now, I have heard there are people who take Freecell seriously. I have even heard that there are Freecell games that are not possible to win.

I play “Idiot” or “Zen” Freecell, so I wouldn’t know about that. Zen Freecell is like regular Freecell (it’s the same lil exe in Windows) with one difference: I play it as simple “white noise” while I’m waiting for my coffee to kick in or as I am zoning out before bedtime, about to nod off, kinda in a pre-dream state. Often, I play a game or two or three while on the phone, ALT-TABbing over to another app to take notes.

It’s mindless doodling for me. (I used to do the same kind of zoning out/relaxing during classes, “drawing” yet another set of doodles for my *Non Compos Mentis Coloring Book*)

And you know, in some ways it is more important, at least for my mental health (such as it is amid this world of woe), than keeping on top of the news or articulating a mini-aspect of my philosphy of life or whatever.

So, off to the Freecell Zone for a couple of minutes, when i could be supplying both of my regular readers *s* with another off-the-wall post.

About three feet off the wall…

Maybe add some sauerkraut?

I was thinking along a couple of very different lines at once and they converged in wondering about recipes for crow. (Don’t ask what led to this. It ain’t purty.) So in the end, I adapted a recipe for crow casserole I found on the web, in an attempt to make it actually edible. Looking for volunteers to try it out and let me know.

Crow Casserole
6 Crow breasts, skillet-browned
Horseradish to make one quart, grated
1 cup chopped onions
5 cloves garlic
6 habanero peppers, minced
1/2 cup cilantro, chopped
1/2 cup hot mustard

Mix all ingredients except for the crow breasts
Place half the horseradish mixture in the bottom of a baking dish
Cover with crow breasts
Cover crow breasts with remaining mixture
Bake in 350 degree oven for 1.5-2 hours

Discard and take family out to eat.


Call bubba (or your congresscritter) and see if he’ll eat it. (Note: for some weird reason, it seems crows are a federally protected species. Maybe it’s cos congresscritters don’t want “gifts” of crow casserole sent them on a daily basis… )