“Shouldn’t we stop for that checkpoint?”

Would someone please set this liar’s pants on fire?

Here’s the car that Italian commie “journalist” Giuliana Sgrena claims had “300 and 400 bullets [fired] at if from an armoured vehicle” (quoting her lying mouth in an article in Il Manifesto). As one wag noted, great marksmanship to fit all those bullets into 3-4 holes… Posted by Hello

Pic from The Jawa Report. See more at the link. (Thx to Glenn Reynolds for the link to The Jawa Report)

Oh, and a h.t. to The Jawa Report for the link to Jeff Goldstien’s droll take on Giuliana Sgrena.

Addendum: Austin Bay, writing at Strategy Page, has a trenchant observation (read the whole thing, would you?):

“…one rule never changes at a roadblock: Even escorted military convoys slow down as they approach a roadblock. As for a single civilian auto approaching at high speed? If a driver doesn’t hit the brakes, the troops will shoot.”

Of course. Nearly everyone is bemoaning the “tragic mistake” that led to the death of the security agent Nicola Calipari. But one has to ask, who made the mistake of approaching, without even slowing, a military checkpoint? The expert security agent in the car (said Nicola Calipari) had been in Iraq before, delivering another ranson in the Italian terrorist funding program. he knew the rules of engagement and the rules ofthe road. The barriers and checkpoints are not only clearly marked, they are, by now, well-known traffic choke points.

Sounds like the expert security agent, as noble as his act of throwing himself on top of the commie journalist he was there to take back to Italy, also provided a wee lesson in evolution in action.

Sometimes you just have to laugh

It’s that, or run around in a mad rage breaking things…

Sometimes it’s good to break things. Frank J. at IMAO has another sardonic editorial up. This one mocks the Dems push to give convicted felons the vote. An excerpt for flavor:

…conservatives have been making statement against the effectiveness gun control for a while in the form of “If someone is planning on killing someone, he won’t have any compunction about breaking gun laws.” Democrats must have finally taken that to heart and expanded the logic to “If someone is capable of murder, he probably won’t have any compunction about voting for a Democrat.”


Analyze This

A Visit to the Weird World of Dreamland

OK, get this. I was dreaming this morning (yes, it was in color, and yes, I remember—some of—my dreams) and in my dream, I met my wife for the first time in a Chinese restaurant (not where we really met, of course). From that point on, fate took a hand (it was a dream). We continued to meet at the Chinese restaurant, fell in love and became engaged—all in that Chinese restaurant.

Mama-san (how I knew her name is a mystery, of course), the owner, was delighted and counseled us on which day was most fortuitous for us to tie the knot. She, of course, was not only a J.P but also a Methodist minister and would perform the ceremony. (Why Methodist? I dunno. Analyze that.)

Came the day and I’m waiting for my bride to appear. Naturally, I notice at the very last instant that I do not have on the socks my lovely bride chose for me. Oops. Not a good omen. I find them in my coat pocket and change in the blink of an eye. (Did I mention that I’m Superman—in my dreams… )

Another oops: pants have a spot. Another Supernman moment and I’m still waiting for my bride to walk down the aisle (in the Chinese restaurant).

It was a wonderful ceremony. The honeymoon was just starting when… “Time to get up, sweetheart.”

*sigh* Sleep over.

At least I woke to see my bride.

Happy thought, that.