Happy Friday 13!

April 13, 2029 might be a BIG day, indeed

While this isn’t news to anyone who’s been connected over the last week or so, there’s a moderately large (1,300 meters across) asteroid that’s scheduled for NEA (Near Earth Approach) for 04/13/2029. In fact, latest calculations give it about a 1/37 chance of actually hitting Earth.

That’s upgraded from an early 1/245 chance.

Hey, not to sweat it. It’s certainly no planet-buster (though regional devastation if it should hit—wherever it hits, IF it hits—should be pretty total…

No problem. After all, Social Security will be belly up by then and all the elderly living in cardboard boxes under bridges willl welcome a Krakatoa-level catastrophe!

Happy Friday 13th!

Is this it?

Can this be a candidate for “Worst Christmas Song Ever”?

Yeh, I’m reproducing all the lyrics to the song, “SantaClaus Got Stuck in my Chimney” below. Who cares about copyright on something this horrible, anyway? Thankfully forgotten… until its mention at Powerline [curse you, Big Trunk!].


(William D. Hardy / Billy Moore Jr.)

Ella Fitzgerald – 1960
Lisa Nicole Carson – 2000

Santa Claus got stuck in my chimney,
Stuck in my chimney, stuck in the chimney
Santa Claus got stuck in my chimney
When he came last year

There he was in middle of the chimney
Roly-poly, fat and round
There he was in middle of the chimney
Not quite up and not quite down

Santa please come back to my chimney
Back to my chimney, back
Santa please come back to my chimney
You can come back here.

Cause baby, made a brand new chimney
Just for you this year!

Santa, come on back!

Yeh, I’d like to be able to say that they just don’t write lyrics that bad any more, but then I have a radio, so I know better…