The Sheer Brilliance of Loony Left Moonbattery

New York’s 31 Electors fail to cast votes for John F. Kerry

As amazingly stupid as it reveals the brilliant LLMs of new York to be, it’s true: every stinking last one of New York’s electors failed to cast their votes for the person they were pledged to vote for.

Don’t get me wrong: none of them defected to Bush, and all of them, apparently, voted for The Prancing Pony for Veep. But none of them cast their votes for John F. Kerry!!

Even I had difficulty believing it.

See the official document to which each of these vaccuum-headed loons set their signatures.

Top 20 annoying liberals

A thinking man’s “hit list”—counting down the top 20 liberal hits

John Hawkins at Right Wing News has his list of the 20 most annoying liberals in the U.S. up. A sample, from #17:

“Listening to [Jimmy] Carter’s advice about how to run the country is like listening to Bill Clinton explain how to be faithful to your wife: nobody buys it, nobody wants to hear it, but they nod along because he used to be the President and they have to show some respect no matter how annoyed they are.”

A tad snarky? Yeh, but spot on, for all that.

Oh, you want another excerpt? Well, who am I to deny you one of this life’s wholesome pleasures? Here’s a quote at the linked post from #6, Chris “Loudmouth Liberal Lemming” Matthews:

“I wish we lived in the day where you could challenge a person to a duel.”

Sure, you do, Chris. Unfortunately, even Chris Matthews knows that if he challenged someone to a duel , they’d get to pick the weapons. Hmmm, how about “Wit at 50 paces”? It wouldn’t be fair, of course. In a duel of wits, Matthews wold be totally unarmed.

Now, if it were a screaming match…

(h.t. Powerline)


A brief comment, since no one’s asked, about my bio claim to being “over-educated”.

Think of me as a highly trained monkey, treading water as best I can in the ocean of theology, the sea of philosphy, the lake of science, the doggie bowl of popular culture and the cesspool of politics and Mass Media.

That’s quite a list of accomplishments even for a multiple personality monkey “educated” far beyond his native intelligence.