Amazing!! English Department Chairperson Walks Upright!

The “official” caption for the pic is below it, but I thought it more fitting to label it as a typical member of the Loony Left Moonbat academia…

Posted by HelloTEL AVIV, Israel — Natasha, a 5-year-old black macaque walks at the Safari Park near Tel Aviv. The young monkey began recently walking exclusively on her hind legs after a stomach ailment nearly killed her, zookeepers said. (07/20/04 AP photo)

Just a wee tad on the curmudgeonly side. And why not? As our society tends ever more toward subliterate, self-made morons—products of Prisons for Kids (known disingenuously as “Public Schools”) and American pop “culture”—why not become a wee tad curmudgeonly? It’s difficult enough trying to communicate with people who actually speak, read and write English with a moderate degree of understanding. Communication with those who cannot (because of their own laziness and crappy “public education”–so-called) is a burden no reasonable person ought to be expected to bear without protest.

Western Civilization is going over a precipice. And it’s getting a big shove from all those who ought to be fighting to preserve it: academia, our rulers in the political class, mass media… churches.

While I’m not so concerned about my own passing from the scene (what? heaven couldn’t be any worse! :-), I think Dylan Thomas’

“Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light…. ”

…certainly should be applied to Western Civ.

For further reference to the conspiracy to murder literacy—indeed, to murder sense and sensibility—see Holly Lisle’s discourse on “How to Write Suckitudinous Fiction”. It describes much of the idiocy in academia and “the arts” we have inherited from 20th century dolts, dummies and doofuses in, well, the arts and academia. Of course, their subliterate cousins in the Mass Media Podpeoples’ Army also do everything they can to Make and Keep Americans Stupid(TM).

Meanwhile, I want you to think of the picture above and marvel at a monkey walking upright, every time you hear/see some Loony Left Moonbat in academia. It’s good for your sanity.

Look for the “Made by Slave Labor” label…

It doesn’t have quite the ring of the lullaby Algore said his mom used to sing him to sleep by (sad thing: a grown man having to be sung to sleep by his mom—the song was written in 1975).

Soon, any IBM PC you buy will likely have been made by slave labor in China. See:

IBM and China-based Lenovo Group announced an agreement
Tuesday night in which Big Blue will sell its PC division
for about $1.75 billion. Read more about this deal.

Rabbit Trail #1: Of course, most of what you buy, apart from food, at WallyWorld is now likely made by slave labor in China. In fact, if WallyWorld were a country, it would be communist China’s 4th-largest trading partner. (Hmmm… I have heard the phrase “Wal-Mart country” bandied about… )

Yeh, it’s in my own economic interest to buy much of what we need from WallyWorld (and every time I write that I think of the National Lampoons’ Griswolds on their family vacation). I have tried to buy “non-WallyWorld” brands made in the USA when possible, though. (Like a recent paint purchase where I had the option of getting some paint for a couple of bucks less with the same tint but in a WallyWorld brand… yeh, it may have been sorta “Made in America” but it was still a WallyWorld brand.)

Rabbit trail #2: Interesting thing: we bought a nice dining set from Aldis, recently. (From Aldi’s?!?!?! Yes. Was advertised and we checked it out. Nice.) Really well-made. Nice real birch. From Romania. Not slave labor in China. A country that is trying to seriously transition to democracy and capitalism. Good quality workmanship, nice bonuses in the packing materials (?!?). Aldi’s is giving WallyWorld such headaches in Europe that I’m seriously considering shopping there more often. [heh]

Anyway, look for the Slave Labor label on any future PC purchases of IBM PCs, and, of course, expect the Slave Labor label to be prominently featured (“Made in China”) on products bought at WallyWorld.