The 3rd Debate


I keep leaving the room, because, although McWhatsisname is finally throwing some punches–finally!–they’re mostly sissy punches, and The Obamassiah? *sheesh!* All he has to do it open his mouth to let the lies fly. “Joe the Plumber”? Lie. Ayers? Lie. Acorn? Lie. Taxes? Lie. Health care? Lie. How great is Joe Biden? Lie. His actual record in Illinois senate of voting against born alive health care (for children who survive abortion)? Lie, lie, lie. (Hint to dumbasses who believe this snake: IT’S IN THE RECORD!)

Not one honest thing has proceeded from Obama’s pie hole so far, save for the times the camera caught him nodding in agreement with McWhatsisname. *heh*

Every single defense (Joe the Plumber incident, taxes, Ayers, Acorn, etc.) that The One has made is directly contradicted by facts on record. BUT, will that matter in the long run? Probably not, because the American sheeple are too damned stupid and intellectually lazy to do their own homework, AND rely on the in-the-tank-for-THE ONE Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind to tell them how to vote.

And folks, the sheeple are in the majority by a very long way.

Our only hope is that November 4th will be a day of bad weather in the “Blue States”.

Pray for rain. And snow. And high winds.


Because sheeple are “afeared” of such things.

Birds of a Feather II

I’ve been mentioning to “real world” contacts for some time–especially those lazy dunderheads who claim to be “undecided voters”–the connections between The Obamassiah and radical communists/leftist agitators Frank Marshall Davis, Saul Alinsky and jihadist-sympathizer and racial agitator, Khalid Abdullah Tariq Al-Mansour (a/k/a Donald Warden), but Democrat=Socialist has noted Obama-Raila Odinga ties I had not considered before. (I’ll get back to the commies and the jihadist in a bit, out of order in Birds III.)

Click through to the link above for the YouTube video D=S has posted. Watch. Come on back and see below the fold.

Continue reading “Birds of a Feather II”

More Meaningless BS From the Hivemind

According to a group of pedantic poo-bahs, Governor Palin “…spoke at a more than ninth-grade level and Sen. Joseph Biden spoke at a nearly eighth-grade level in Thursday night’s debate between the vice presidential candidates.”

The same group that rated her comments at a grade level of 9.5 and Biden’s at a grade level of 7.8 also put her penultimate sentence “at a grade level of 18.3” (several “grade levels” shy of the reading level of the inhabitants of twc central*–and yeh, the CNN report did NOT use the word “penultimate,” choosing instead the awkward, dumbed down and wordier, “second-to-last” formulation… no doubt in recognition of the subliteracy of CNN’s usual readership/viewership. Either that or the writer didn’t know the word “penultimate”–another distinct possibility).

Oh, *yawn* Put Academia Nut Fruitcakes and Mass Media Podpeople together and this is what usually results: stupid yammering.

Continue reading “More Meaningless BS From the Hivemind”

Nightmare Scenario

Suppose Obama-Biden were to succeed in winning election.

OK, that’s nightmare enough: a flaming Marxist, serial liar, zero accomplishment junior Senator from Dirty Politics Central as President of the United States.

But even worse: suppose–God forbid–something were to happen to incapacitate The Obamassiah? We’d be stuck with Dumbass Blowhard Joe as Chief Exec. *shudder* A fate worse than Dhimmi Katah.

Now, flip that. Suppose McCain-Palin were to succeed. Suppose further that something–God forbid–were to happen to incapacitate John McCain.

*Ahhh* Sarah Palin as president? Color me a happy camper. She’d not necessarily be as good at the job as four or five local folks I know would be, but she’d be immensely better than anyone else on the horizon. Hey! And maybe she’d be able to convince Bobby Jindal to come on board as veep. Not wishing John McCain ill, but frankly the wrong person’s at the top of the ticket.

(Of course, on the Dhimmicrappic side, there’s no right person on the ticket at all, so McCain’s the better choice even all on his lonesome. :-))

Constitutional Amendments I’d Like to See Passed

1. Repeal the 17th Amendment
2. Limit the terms of congresscritters
3. Amend the 14th Amendment to clarify “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” to explicity exclude citizenship to ALL children born to illegal aliens (as the original Senate discussion of the amendment would support*, contra 20th century bureaucratic fiat from Foggy Bottom)
4. It may seem trivial at first, unworthy of an amendment to the Constitution, but think it through a bit… Institute a halt to any further federal holidays, ending with one last one mentioned in the amendment: National Potomoc Day, where the entire electorate is invited to descend upon Congress like locusts and devour its substance, dunk congresscritters, bureaucraps, judges and justices, president, vp, cabinet members, etc. in the Potomoc, and party on from there… Hey! It’d work for me.
5. Add real teeth to the 10th amendment. Madison’s “The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government, are few and defined” as eventually embodied in the Constitution itself and emphasized in the 10th amendment is routinely ignored by the “feddle gummint” we have today. Let’s have an amendment that requires each and every bill and each and every bureuacratic fiat to be specifically justified by specific wording in the Constitution itself–as explicitly explained by the Framers themselves in their own words–authorizing such bill or bureaucratic ruling. Right there: reduce the budget by 90%. Specific exception made to “cruel and unusual punishment” for federal government employees of any kind convicted of abuse of the Constitution. Forfeiture of all worldly possessions for any congresscritter or bureaucrap (and their extended families) who violates this amendment. Banishment and eternal reprobation without absolution, amnesty, pardon, or remission to follow. Erasure of such persons’ names from all records public and private. Made into complete non-persons. Shunned, avoided, eschewed, ostracized. Made absolute pariah, to be spat upon, abused, debased, tortured and maligned at will by any citizen. IOW, kindness, generosity and mercy beyond measure extended to such vile vermin.

Now, don’t you like those proposals for amendments to our Constitution? Would they not indeed be aids in restoring the representative republic we’ve long lost? I certainly think them moderate, restrained, well-measured responses to the overweening anarcho-tyranny that our “feddle gummint” has become.


*During the original debate over the amendment, Senator Jacob Howard of Ohio, the author of the citizenship clause described the clause as . . . excluding not only Indians but “persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, [or] who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers.”

Keeping the Message on Target

Hmmm, nice to know there’s another moderately smart lawyer out there. John Hinderaker summed up one of the points I made in a conversation w/my Wonder Woman earlier,

Given his [MaCain’s] prescient warnings about Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac–once again, whatever you think of his positions on some other issues, he has indisputably been not just right but far ahead of the curve on one of the most significant issues of our time–McCain has a lot to work with. He needs to reaffirm his support for a free economy, while emphasizing his credentials as a reformist.

This isn’t at all contradictory, since the main corruption of recent times has come from the intermingling of the public with the private. A reaffirmation of free enterprise, with reasonably low tax rates, is entirely compatible with a righteous determination to drive the money-changers–in fact, nearly all Democratic money-changers–out of the federal temple. Someone needs to remind McCain that “reform” is not synonymous with “regulation.” On the contrary.

No, I don’t think Hinderaker has twc central bugged. What he said is just (not-so-common) common sense. Of course, what I miss in all the commentary I’ve read about the political debates-by-proxy in various media and the economy is some substantive talk about energy policy. Frankly, it’s stupid t talk about Wall Street, Wall Street, Wall Street and leave out the simple fact that a robust economy runs on its energy supply. And that having the throttle of that energy supply in foreign hands is stupid.

Let Juan Mexicain talk about the issues as Hinderaker outlined them and let Palin pound on, “It’s the gas prices, stupid!” (and other pertinent energy issues) and the poor Obamassiah will not be able to keep up with the dialog, no matter how fast his teleprompter scrolls.

I’m still waiting for MCCain to cave to ANWR drilling. If he does that, I’ll hold out hope for him seeing some good sense on immigration policy as well. Hope for change like that is a good thing.

If McCain can do these things, he might even have some coat tails come November.

Hmmm… it just occurred to me (for the umpteenth time) that there is still some virtue left in the Repugnican’t camp. Not once in this campaign cycle have I heard/read a Repug wishing for another terrorist attack on our soil–a disaster that could only serve to enhance Repug chances at election–but I have heard/read Dhimmicraps and their fellow travelers chortling with glee at hurricanes striking the U.S. (especially Ike disrupting the Repug convention) and economic problems. Seems Dhimmis run on the pain and suffering of others and have a vested interest in more pain and suffering happening to keep their trains running.