For Those Last-Minute “Undecideds”–a Word

That word is: genocide.

IF we manage to survive–as a species–the attempts of accolytes of The Church of Anthropogenic Global Warming to kill off humanity, then

…what historians will definitely wonder about in future centuries is how deeply flawed logic, obscured by shrewd and unrelenting propaganda, actually enabled a coalition of powerful special interests to convince nearly everyone in the world that CO2 from human industry was a dangerous, planet destroying toxin. It will be remembered as the greatest mass delusion in the history of the world – that CO2, the life of plants, was considered for a time to be a deadly poison.

Thus speaks a prophet. The problems that accolytes of The Church of Anthropogenic Global Warming seek to introduce into the world economy and into the biosphere in general are manifold. If their efforts continue to be successful, not only would they contribute to global cooling–a disaster waiting to happen… that seems to “want” to happen anyway–but worldwide famine, a disaster for humanity, if not of the extinction magnitude some eco-freaks seem to desire, at least dire indeed.

And the Obamassiah wants to declare CO2–essential to plant growth–a “Dangerous Pollutant”. The first, most obvious, result would of course be economic devastation of coal producers (any voters in Pennsylvania paying attention?), but not end there by a long shot.

“I (Obama) was the first to call for a 100% auction on the cap and trade system, which means that every unit of carbon or greenhouse gases emitted would be charged to the polluter. That will create a market in which whatever technologies are out there that are being presented, whatever power plants that are being built, that they would have to meet the rigors of that market and the ratcheted down caps that are being placed, imposed every year.

“So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.”

Bankrupt plants using coal to produce energy in order to cut down on releasing a gas that–IF the Anthropogenic Global Warmists are right (and there’s little evidence they are)–may help avert or ameliorate a coming ice age and that is essential to plant growth. Smart. Real smart. If your goal is the short term economic devastation of our society and your long term goal is poverty, famine and disease.

Just one more piece of the puzzle that reveals anyone who would vote for Obama to be a short-sighted idiot, fool, slacker, poltroon or thief. Or all the above.


“In a democracy (“rule by mob”), those who refuse to learn from history are in the majority and dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance.”-third world county’s corollary to Santayana’s Axiom

BHOs: Security Risks?

I’m getting confused. I always kinda thought of BHOs as potential security risks, things to be watched carefully and often blocked. Now that November 4 is approaching, I thought to myself, “Self, better check up on what the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind is chanting,” so I have done so, and it seems they’re all chanting, “BHO will save us.”

Can that be right?

I’m soooo confused. Unconfuse me, will ya?


In other not-so-news, our TVs had a problem last night. Seems Fox, NationalBarackChannel and CentralBarackSystem (I assume; CBS–all “See BS” all the time–hasn’t been tuned in here at twc central since Rathergate) were all “snow” for about an hour last night. Wonder why? *heh*

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Allie is Wired, Democrat=Socialist, The World According to Carl, and Shadowscope, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Why Do I Do This to Myself?

I just read an disappointing book, “How to Be a Geek Goddess.” It was all so pointless, since I’m not “divinity” material and can’t pass the physical anyway.

Oh well.

“Survival cancels out programming”

Let’s hope so. From the afterward to Watch on the Rhine:

Right now, Western Civilization, however much many of its members may refuse to admit it, is involved in a world war. No, it has seen no entire cities destroyed; no trenches have drawn their scars across entire continents. It is a world war all the same. Moreover, it is a world war that is putting to the test every notion of individual liberty, freedom of conscience, and rule of law that the West prizes. And should we lose we will see, or our grandchildren will, the erasure of all that is good in Western Civilization.

We cannot afford to lose.

Yet winning will have its price, too… Because side by side with the virtues of Western Civilization are paired vices that may destroy us: a narrow legalistic mindset, an emphasis on form over substance, and an unwillingness to do the ruthless and violent things we must if we are to survive. This list is not exhaustive. Perhaps worse than these things, however, the West has nurtured at its own breast a set of execrable, vile, treacherous and treasonous villains that seem to seek at every opportunity to do all they can to ensure its destruction.

What is said above concerning Western Civilization in general goes as well for the United States. This election year, be very careful to vote for candidates who do not fall into the class described above as, “execrable, vile, treacherous and treasonous villains that seem to seek at every opportunity to do all they can to ensure [our] destruction.” And do note well, Sarah Palin’s clarion call in her “debate” with Plagiarizin’ Joe that we Americans must awake to our own responsibilities and duties as individuals.

It is your duty to seek out and nullify those “execrable, vile, treacherous and treasonous villains” seeking the destruction of our society.

And remember also the clear words of James Burnham:

“Liberalism is a philosophy of consolation for Western Civilization as it commits suicide.”

“The voices, the voices… “


I can’t say this post is just random stuff, because I’m sure (sure, I tell you!) that the voices in my head have some reason behind all this…

My preferred election map (and with the hope of some coat tails):

Will it happen? It’s up to you, so do NOT disappoint me!

Strange things going on with the latest iteration of Opera and Flash. When I run Opera 9.6–native Linux version–and ANY Flash applet or video or whatever loads on a page, Opera “grays out” (dims) and freezes. Sometimes for just a few seconds, sometimes completely. Weird. Especially weird, because when I use Opera 9.6–Windows version, running under WINE–and load the same pages with the same Flash elements, no problem. It’s almost enough to get me to use Firefox. *heh*

Update: The upgrade to Opera 9.61 seems to have knocked this bug on its tail, for the most part.

A nice, warm bowl of oatmeal. Yum. Almost as nice as a nice, warm bowl of cheese grits. *heh*

I know a decent, honorable politician (which also means not necessarily the sharpest tool in the shed, but a nice guy). Surprise, surprise. One. He recently said to my wife–some meeting with her teachers’ group–that if Obama won the election, he might just have to leave the country (as well might we all, juuuust ahead of the Obamassiah’s Brownshirt Brigade). I told her the next time she saw him to refer him to this. At least that country has a history of resistance to cultural destruction.

My desk. I just cleaned it off and it’s three (or four) layers deep in STUFF. It’s the sort of instant trasnformation that epics aren’t sung about…

What? Me worry?

Joe is now the most notorious plumber in American politics since the Watergate plumbers. And they weren’t licensed, either. It turns out Joe doesn’t even make 250 grand, and it’s only the 250-thousand-a-year types who’ll be paying more (please, no tittering) under Good King Barack.

Read more from Mark Steyn on Joe the Plumber here.