Martha v. Anthony

The critical issue before the republic today is:

If a citizen “lies” (or simply says something contra to government’s agenda), they’re due some prison time à la Martha Stewart who was sent to prison for “lying” (NOT under oath) to “feddle gummint” goons by denying she’d done something they couldn’t prosecute her for (because she’d not done it and what she “lied” about wasn’t a crime anyway).

But when one of the truly privileged class repeatedly lies to American citizens–even to making blatantly false accusations against others–the consequence certainly doesn’t include prison time. Witness Anthony Weiner. He did, definitely lie, and repeatedly. He slandered others with some of his lies and the lies he had his minions (the ruling elite has minions, of course) promulgate. Consequences? Even if he is eventually forced to resign, it’s still not prison.

Congresscritters are different from you and me. They have no consciences and experience far fewer, and far milder, consequences for their actions.

Slim Pickin’s*

Here it is not even halfway through 2011 and names are being thrown about, tossed in the hat (and thrown back out; Newt, I’m talking to you, you jackass) and bruited about for potential presidential runs. Republican/Repugnican’t names only, of course, as The Zero has said, according to Billary, that he intends to win in 2012 “And then we’re done.” (Would that make the Biden presidency begin the day after the election? *heh*) But choices of decent candidates from the supposed “Right” are slim pickin’s*.

On one key issue, illegal immigration (or, as I prefer, “alien invasion”), Michele Bachman is the only potential candidate whose name has been floated so far who passes muster on this one of my three critical issues. (If Bobby Jindal’s name were to be raised–haven’t seen it so far–he’d make number two.)

Any candidate fielded for any national office who can articulate sensible policies concerning 1. Eliminating–or very nearly so (not controlling or limiting) illegals, or “alien invaders” 2. Revenue and expenditures (big points for balanced budget and FairTax stances) 3. U.S. energy independence will get not just my vote but my enthusiastic support.

Solutions to these issues aren’t exactly rocket science: most are pretty simple and straightforward, requiring only the ability to spit in the eye of the entrenched political elites and their co-conspirators, fellow travelers and useful idiots. The only really tough weed in my three critical issues is expenditures by the feds. So-called “entitlements” (grants of special privilege to gain political power from voting blocks) are the big bugaboo. But even Social Security and Medicare “grants of special privilege” issues can be dealt with. After all, families cared for their aged loved ones for millennia before those programs came around to suck the life from young workers’ paychecks. Positing less “feddle gummint” meddling overall, families could do so again today, especially if American citizens grew up and took responsibility for their own care and feeding back from the “feddle gummint”… or were required to because someone jerked the “safety net” out from under their lazy-assed, greedy, “grasshopper” feet.

Oh, but what to do about the “grants of special privilege” to the locust class (generational welfare “families”)? Screw ’em. While I can grant that States have authority to engage in some sort of charitable efforts to alleviate situational poverty, supposing of course that the particular States’ constitutions provide for such, despite the lies libtards have sold for a generation or more, the federal Constitution does NOT give the “feddle gummint” authority to practice charitable acts with public funds. Let local communities, State agencies, private groups and associations handle the matter. And if “welfare queens” and their courts object, ship ’em to Mexico.

*Orthographic note: No, I did not misuse that apostrophe. And no, I did not mean to make “pickin” possessive, and nor did I mean “pickin is”. As you no doubt rightly inferred, the apostrophe is there because I extracted the “g” from “pickings” simply to effect a colloquial pronunciation in readers’ ears.


I thought to myself, “Meself, mayhap ‘t’would be a Good Thing to expand on, “not exactly rocket science.” So, herewith the third world county central fixes for the thee Big Issues:

1. Eliminating–or very nearly so (not controlling or limiting but eliminating) illegals, or “alien invaders”

a. Build the damned fence already.
b. Place machine gun nests with interlocking fields of fire and ROE that demands “shoot to kill” on the border
c. Go after those who employ illegals. Seize ALL the assets–including “sheltered” family assets–of ANYONE who employs illegals and cannot PROVE they made BEST faith efforts (not just “good faith”–exhaustive efforts) to eliminate alien invaders from their employ.
d. Pay a bounty to citizens ONLY for ratting out illegals and employers of illegals.
e. Refuse ALL government services, save emergency services for immediately life-threatening health care to any and all illegals and place bureaucraps who circumvent this on chain gangs making little rocks out of big ones.


Streamline LEGAL immigration for those seeking to enter the country who can demonstrate that they will both not be a burden on society and are likely to benefit our nation.

2. Revenue and expenditures (big points for balanced budget and FairTax stances).

a. Pass a balanced budget amendment, even if it takes working to defeat every spendthrift asswipe politician from now until the Trump of Doom sounds. Never give up. Make one provision of the amendment that politicians *gag-spit* who want to institute programs that exceed revenues must pay for those programs out of their own pockets.
b. Pass the Fairtax already. Any and every argument I’ve seen against it (save one) has been disingenuous to the point of outright lies. The only honest argument I’ve seen against it is that it would remove so much power from the “political elite” that they’d never pass it. So? Work to put their asses on the unemployment line and get some people in who are willing to have less power at their fingertips. Take the brakes off the American economy, aready!
c. Yeh, start being honest with folks about “entitlements”–we can’t afford ’em, and we for sure can’t afford to keep expanding them. For folks already addicted to ’em, let ’em sunset, slowly, but with the two provisions above in place, that’d be possible, because everyone who worked would have more in their pocket to handle such things, either as family or via real charities as opposed to government “charity” which is simply stolen resources bestowed on those who don’t earn them.

3. U.S. energy independence.

a. Put all the whining greenies that bitch and moan about how awful nuclear power is and place roadblocks to oil, gas and coal development and play NIMBY with new refineries out in the wilderness with a fishhook and a pocket knife and leave ’em to starve. (Feel free to go ahead and pity the wildlife.)
b. Go ahead and drill baby drill, build a few (hundred) pebble bed reactors (or any of the other exciting new nuclear reactor designs), put a thermal depolymerization plant in every tiny lil community that wants to actually MAKE MONEY via turning their sewage into oil, open up exploration and development of ALL hydrocarbon energy supplies, oh, and go ahead and remove roadblocks (as if there were any) along with artificial supports to development of “alternative energy sources”.

Oh, and as to the “drill baby drill” meme, check this:

There. Third world county central’s prescription for three big issues (we’ll leave The Biggest** for the Second Coming or perhaps the Twelfth of Never (sigh*) that face us.

**The Biggest: *@^^^3* politicians who either stupidly and ignorantly OR wittingly and venally violate the Constitution… just because they can, all the while either lying about what they want to do being constitutional or just not caring at all whether it is or isn’t (Yeh, Newt, I’m looking at you, too).

Bin Laden, etc., *yawn*

Haven’t listened to The Zero’s speech, but did read a transcript, and it pretty much followed the pattern I predicted last night:

Modest prediction: tomorrow, I’ll say at some point, “Oh, dear me. Did I ‘miss’ The Zero preening and essentially claiming, ‘Mission Accomplished’ (yet another lie as really he has yet to complete his self-assigned mission of the complete and total destruction of the United States… )?”

So, what was the format? Three paragraphs of 9/11 scene-setting oratory, one paragraph of thinly-disguised “blame Bush,” and then three paragraphs of “I, I, I, me, me, me” preening. One brief paragraph faintly praising the guys whose paychecks he wanted to cut off if there’d been a budget shutdown and a reprise of the first three paragraphs.

And the evidence is buried at sea, “…at my directive…” (The Zero)

Yep, pretty much what I expected, and instead of losing almost ten minutes of my life listening to one if the most boring public speakers in the world drone on, I spent two minutes reading the thing.

But really, *yawn* Bin Laden’s confirmed dead, so? The rest of the Saudis are still wasting oxygen. I’d be willing to give The Zero some credit (from zero up to a score of maybe 20 on a 100 point scale) if he were to do what Bush refused to do: recognize that the Saudis have been the primary funder of worldwide jihadist terrorists and authorize their complete extirpation.

Oh, and just take their oil. Reparations, you know.

Dhimmicraps Think You’re Stupid

Here in America’s Third World County, the price of a gallon of gasoline is 2.71 times higher than it was before The Zero took office and his policies took effect. But The Dhimmicraps’ outrage at the Bush policies (spend, spend, spend on foreign wars that returned nothing to the American people plus sweetheart treatment for his terrorist-enabler buddies, the Saudis, etc.–ignoring natural disasters and terrorist acts that had had some effect of their own) that had aided in nearly doubling the price of gasoline at the pump over the course of twice as much time as The Zero has had to screw things up is strangely missing when it comes to $4.00/gallon gas, which they now apparently view as a good thing…

And the Dhimmicraps (and their co-conspirator, the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind–yes, I intended the singular noun, “co-conspirator,” there) also seem to think they can sell you on the idea that we are in an actual economic recovery. Anyone who’s actually bought into that con is too stupid to be walking around without a keeper.

You Call This a Recovery? Obama Offers More Excuses Than Solutions

Seven quarters into the Obama recovery, GDP growth has averaged an annual rate of only 2.8 percent. In contrast, since 1970, the first seven quarters of previous recoveries averaged 4.6 percent. The poor growth rate is especially surprising since the preceding recession was so severe, there should have been ample room for high growth as the unemployed returned to work. For example, the Reagan recovery followed a similarly high unemployment rate and saw the economy grow at an average annual growth rate of 7 percent.

The slight decrease in unemployment – currently at 8.8 percent — has been touted as good news. Yet that slight drop has largely been the result of job-seekers giving up looking for work and leaving the labor force. On top of that, the new jobs that have opened up have primarily been temporary jobs, the number of permanent jobs has actually fallen…

But there is some (very) small good news: fewer people seem to be fooled by the “feddle gummint” lies about the “recovery” than were fooled by the Hivemind and others into voting for The Zero. From the source linked and quoted above,

By an incredible 68 percent to 26 percent margin, The Real Clear Politics average of polls shows that Americans think that the country is headed in the wrong direction, which is the pessimism people experienced at the depths of the recent recession. By a 56 to 40 percent difference, even the liberal Talking Points Memo average of selected surveys finds that Americans disapprove of Obama’s handling of the economy.

And in the face of all the economic woes, Dhimmicraps–and The Zero especially–think YOU are so stupid they can sell you the idea that $4.00/gallon gasoline is a good thing. Perhaps the reason they think both things (that it’s a good thing and that they can sell swampland to you as “ocean front property”) is that they have insulated themselves from the worst effects of their destructive policies. They have theirs. You can simply eat cake. Or suck swamp water, however you prefer to metaphorize their viewpoint.

Only a Cockeyed Optimist…

…would think that only half the human race was up to no good.

And only an idiot would think that less than 90% of Congress was up to anything BUT “no good”.

Just sayin’.

Plunder Day Postponed by Celebration of Fraud

OK, by now almost everyone and their pet goats know that the IRS has delayed the sack and pillage of the middle class to April 18. Why? Because Washington D.C. is scheduled to have a holiday that day, whether an unscheduled “holiday” from budget disagreements is on or not.

And what, pray tell, are the Beltway Bandits celebrating? That great fraud, the Compensated Emancipation Act, which president Abraham Lincoln signed on April 16, 1862, and which D.C.ers celebrate annually on April 16. Since April 16 is a Saturday this year, in order to give the suckers-at-the-public-teat another day off, the “holiday” was moved to the 15th.

And why do I call both the celebration and the object of celebration a fraud? Read the thing sometime. The Emancipation Proclamation which announced its signing didn’t note the provisions of the act (another of Mr. Lincoln’s frauds), which were the abolition of slavery in the Southern States (where Congress exercised no authority at the time) but a strange silence about continued legally practiced chattel slavery in Delaware, Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland, and West Virginia.

Neither Lincoln nor the Congress “freed” a singe solitary slave with the the Compensated Emancipation Act or Mr. Lincoln’s disingenuous “Emancipation Proclamation”. They were frauds from the get-go. Pure propaganda. Lies.

NATURALLY, such a massive and pervasive historical fraud deserves celebration in Washington D.C.!

It’s No Longer Simply Ironic

With the open display of antipathy toward democracy in recent days–so-called “Democrats” using various tactics to avoid the outcomes of democratically-decided elections, beginning with the “Democratic” State senators of Wisconsin fleeing the state to avoid providing a quorum–isn’t it time the party was formally renamed the Anti-Democratic Party?

Hoist With Their Own Petard

Nanny-nanny-boo-boo@The Zero, “Nazi Pelozi” and “Hairy Reed”.



I noted this on FB yesterday, but it’s worth a “real” post.

Health Judge Uses Obama’s Words Against Him

“I note that in 2008, then-Senator Obama supported a health care reform proposal that did not include an individual mandate because he was at that time strongly opposed to the idea, stating that, ‘If a mandate was the solution, we can try that to solve homelessness by mandating everybody to buy a house,’” Judge Vinson wrote in a footnote toward the end of his 78-page ruling Monday.

Not only that, but the dumbasses Reid and Pelosi failed to put a severability clause in their multi-thousand-page monstrosity, so,

“Because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire Act must be declared void.”

Hoist with their own petard, indeed.

Play and repeat twice:

[audio: What-a-maroon.mp3]

What a [deleted] Idiot!

Sure, The Zero apparently thought during the 2008 campaign that the US had 58-60 states (his remark about having visited 57 states was in the context of having “one more to go” excluding Hawaii and Alaska) and Cwazy Uncle Joe Biden doesn’t know that the Constitution designates the vice president as the one to preside (as president, no less) over the Senate, but here’s a guy who’s been a US Senator for 12 years and has no clue about the separation of powers mandated by the Constitution. See about the 1:08 mark:

“We have three branches of government. We have a House; we have a Senate; we have a President… ”

[audio: What-a-maroon.mp3]