Plunder Day Postponed by Celebration of Fraud

OK, by now almost everyone and their pet goats know that the IRS has delayed the sack and pillage of the middle class to April 18. Why? Because Washington D.C. is scheduled to have a holiday that day, whether an unscheduled “holiday” from budget disagreements is on or not.

And what, pray tell, are the Beltway Bandits celebrating? That great fraud, the Compensated Emancipation Act, which president Abraham Lincoln signed on April 16, 1862, and which D.C.ers celebrate annually on April 16. Since April 16 is a Saturday this year, in order to give the suckers-at-the-public-teat another day off, the “holiday” was moved to the 15th.

And why do I call both the celebration and the object of celebration a fraud? Read the thing sometime. The Emancipation Proclamation which announced its signing didn’t note the provisions of the act (another of Mr. Lincoln’s frauds), which were the abolition of slavery in the Southern States (where Congress exercised no authority at the time) but a strange silence about continued legally practiced chattel slavery in Delaware, Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland, and West Virginia.

Neither Lincoln nor the Congress “freed” a singe solitary slave with the the Compensated Emancipation Act or Mr. Lincoln’s disingenuous “Emancipation Proclamation”. They were frauds from the get-go. Pure propaganda. Lies.

NATURALLY, such a massive and pervasive historical fraud deserves celebration in Washington D.C.!

2 Replies to “Plunder Day Postponed by Celebration of Fraud”

  1. Fraud and Politics. Aren’t they often synonyms?

    I’ve told dozens of people about the Emancipation Proclamation and the fraud it represents. I usually have to after they tell me that Lincoln freed the slaves. But the truth is he never freed one.

    1. “…the truth is he never freed one.”

      Indeed, Lincoln created a whole new class of slaves; think of those who were involuntarily inducted to be killed in his war. Involuntary servitude is involuntary servitude, and involuntary servitude in an unjust war is the cruelest kind of slavery.

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