Silver Lining?

It’s too early (or is it?) to look for a “silver lining” to the cloud of 01-07-11’s Arizona shootings, but talk–even some limited talk by politicians, of all things!–spurred by vitriolic lies from the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind about causes of the shooting may well yield a silver lining to that dark cloud. One observation was highlighted by a reader, Don Rubottom, of a James Taranto piece,

“…all successful politicians have at least a capacity to imitate civility and compassion in a way that makes voters willing to believe them to be human.”

We would do well to take note of this observation and attempt to clearly discern the correlation between (and relationship or even causality, if any *heh*) the speech of politicians and their behavior. Sure, the other day, at the T-Shirt and Beer Bust Arizona “memorial” hosted by The Zero, da big Kenyan (Well? Wo? We don’t know and he ain’t showin’ his papers) spoke words of moderation and conciliation, mildly (Oh, so mildly) rebuking the recent Hivemind excretion of lying memes.

Well-coached, he departed only once, it seems, from the advance copy TOTUS was supposed to feed him (although I’ve not seen any report of whether that “ad lib” really was an ad lib or if it had been inserted into TOTUS’ feed into the “presidential sock puppet’s” mouth), and that was to emphasize the fact that the Hivemind’s rush to blame the shootings on Limbaugh, Palin and TEA Party rhetoric was uncalled for.

Apparently a lone adult is still on The Zero’s staff and was able to have substantial influence on the script TOTUS fed him.

So, were his parroted words sincere? Or were they just a reasonable facsimile of civility and compassion? From a contemporary leftard politician, I’m willing to accept a reasonable facsimile for now. It’s so refreshingly different, you know?

“TOTUS” for those who’ve been living on a strict Mennonite farm for the past few years, is “Telepromper of the United States”–The Zero’s external brain.

Freudian Lingerie?

From Language Log:

Rep. Steve King:

“As I deliberate and I listen to the gentleman from Tennessee, I have to make the point that when you challenge the mendacity of the leader or another member, there is an opportunity to rise to a point of order, there is an opportunity to make a motion to take the gentleman’s words down, however many of the members are off on other endeavors and I would make the point that- that the leader and the speaker have established their integrity and their mendacity for years in this Congress and I don’t believe it can be effectively challenged and those who do so actually cast aspersions on themselves for making wild accu- accusations.” [emphasis added]

And if you doubt that the “maroon” quoted above actually asserted–vigorously asserted, I say!–that his colleagues lack integrity, then listen as he speaks:


Of course, this is simply a case of a puffed up politician using words he thinks sound high-falutin’… that he knows not the meaning of.

Common synonyms of “mendacity”: fabrication, falsehood, lie, untruth, whopper.*

But one hears (and sees in print) this sort of thing all the time: people who really are NOT literate–or at least not as literate as they think or want others to think them–speaking “above their own heads” as it were in an attempt to puff up the seeming importance of their utterances.

Just another politician *gag-spit* Nothing new. Move along, now.

Looking Toward 2012…

I have a suggestion for transparency in campaigning for The Zero, adapted from a graphic I ran across on FB:

Of course, complete transparency would attach this to a certified copy of an actual birth certificate, adoption records, Indonesian citizenship records and a statement that “Barry Hussein Obama-Soetoro is running for the position of unconstitutional holder of the office of the presidency of the United States of America as the illegal alien communist candidate from Kenya-Indonesia”.

(Yes, I do think that, given the millions he’s spent to deny the public access to his past, Barry Hussein Obama-Soetoro is “a fraud of monstrous size” perpetrated on the citizens of the United States of America by a coalition of the corrupt, stupid, naive, and deliberately disinformed.)

Do NOT Vote!

…unless you have had your stomach pumped to rid yourself of the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind KoolAid and have THEN done your due diligence to inform yourself (as opposed to the misinformation, disinformation and outright lies of the Hivemind and its co-conspirators in the “assisted suicide” of the West). But if you HAVE done these things, then

Old News from Afghanistan?

Well, maybe time-lagged information, another confirmation, but scarcely “news” for those of us who’ve been paying attention to Dhimmicrappic treatment of Islamic savages. From this article,

“One video, captured recently by the thermal-imagery technology housed in a sniper rifle, shows two Talibs in southern Afghanistan engaged in intimate relations with a donkey.”

I didn’t know the Democratic Leadership had taken a tour of Afghanistan, until now…

Of course, the following sentence confirmed that one leading Dhimmicrap–Nancy Pelosi, from the sound of it–was there:

“Similar videos abound, including ground-surveillance footage that records a Talib fighter gratifying himself with a cow.”

Submitted for Your Approval

The president has a “theme song”–“Hail to the Chief” (ironically appropriate for our Kenyan (?) ‘p-resident’)–but what to play when The Zero, Nazi Pelosi and Not-So-Hairy Reid appear together? Allow me to suggest,


But enough of this serious commentary. I now return twc to our irregularly unscheduled curmudgeonry.

Proposed Change to Oath Congresscritters Take

Just musing here…

This is pretty much the oath anyone entering federal employment must take, including congresscritters:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

My modest proposal would insert after “swear” the words, “I will first do no harm to the republic,” followed by “that I will support and defend…” etc.

It’d have no more force than the current oath does on that conspiracy of dunces who almost daily do harm to the Constitution and the republic it defines, but at least it’d be easier to point out to some of the dimmer sheeple how much in violation of their oaths of office they are. Maybe. There’s no way to plumb the depths of sheeple stupidity.

Congresscritters on the Way to DC?

Lovely Daughter took the following pic while on the road the other day (I need to talk w/her about her driving behavior, eh? ;-)). My only mods to it were some cropping and some quick-and-dirty (and very sloppy) cloning to cover some names and phone numbers.

*heh* In comments, Nicole suggests the jackasses are running away from D.C. You know, she’s probably right on… more than one level.