Tip of the Iceberg

The following ad, from NumbersUSA and the Coalition for the Future American Worker, only touches on the LEGAL immigrants our government brought in to take your neighbors’ jobs; illegal aliens depressing the low-end job market aren’t addressed in the ad, so remember: it’s just the tip of the iceberg… or the tip of the spear aimed at the heart of the American economy by worthless politicians *spit*.

Jerry Pournelle has said, “We are already in the beginning phases of a Dark Age. We can still get back, but we have to want to do that.” Listen to him, because if we blindly, placidly, passively welcome the coming of the dark, we may deserve what we get, but surely our grandchildren do not.

Hoist Him by His Own Petard

UPDATE: Yeh, Daschle withdrew his name, but based on his own words and deeds, he needs to be put to work making little rocks out of big ones PDQ (along with Geithner and whatsername), or The Obamassiah and his cronies in Congress are revealed as lying dirtbag scum of the earth. Oops. Too late for that, because it’s already clear that this administration (and its cronies in Congress) are as crooked as a dog’s hind leg. Anyone keeping tally of the tax cheats that Obama wants in his cabinet and staff? Anyone want to tally that against eight years of the Bush administration? (Yeh, yeh, I still hold that Bush should have been impeached for failure to faithfully execute the office of the president, in violation of his oath–based on his evisceration of immigration enforcement–but that’s another issue… )

Via The Corner, h.t. Adam’s Blog, The One’s nomination to be secretary of Health and Human speaks from the time capsule:

“Make no mistake, tax cheaters cheat us all, and the IRS should enforce our laws to the letter.” Tom Daschle, Congressional Record, 5/7/98, p. S4507

As it happens, I agree with Tom Daschle on this point. Heck, let’s see some prison time, on top of taxes and penalties, for the guy who cheated on over $146,000 in taxes: Tom Daschle. If tax fraud was good enough to send Al Capone to jail, then it’s barely good enough for politicians who are tax cheats.

Trackposted to Rosemary’s Thoughts, Political Byline, Conservative Cat, and DragonLady’s World, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

“petard”–small bomb; “hoist by his own petard”–lifted by his own bomb, blown up by his own action, sat on his own grenade if you will. I say, therefore, let’s sit Daschle on his own grenade, hold him to his own words, rigorously, firmly, without mercy. Jackass.

Groundhog Day

While the Emperor tries on yet another set of new clothes today, the Repugnican’ts, who’ve, among other recent egregious sins, proffered their own approval of a fox to rule the henhouse to please His Royal Haughtiness, look ready to continue to bend over backwards while straddling a fence , the Earth mocks The Goracle while seemingly readying for Fimbulwinter1 and the Little Foxes2 lay their plans to spoil the vinyard.

Can it be that the groundhog won’t even emerge to view its shadow today? If he’s half as smart as a head of cabbage, Mr. Groundhog will curl up in his den and dream of being the Rip Van Winkle of the animal kingdom.

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Inauguration Observations

What kinda “Ya gotta love me” fest is this thing today?

Early rehearsals for a special performance by The One and the Goofy One featured stand-ins who were:

a. too much “whiter” than The One and
b. a larger, more articulate version of Goofy Uncle Joe

Unfortunately, the stand-ins were so much better than The Stars (well, The Star and the Comic Sidekick) that the whole gig was canceled in favor of just the trademarked Big SmileTM from The One and the same old loopy dung beetle grin from The Goofy One.

Climbing near $160 million for the inauguration party/coronation? Gee, that’d just about cover my Twinky and Ho-Ho needs for the next 2,000 years… by which time I hope the Big Show will be over (well, it seems like it’s gone on nearly forever already, doesn’t it?).

I’ll leave other observations as an exercise for the reader. All one of you.

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Allie is Wired, Walls of the City, and The World According to Carl, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

President George W. “Call Me Fifi” Bush Weewees on Ramos and Compean

Yes, I wrote that post title. And I chose the wussy, prissy “weewees” for a good reason, too.

So, he FINALLY took some sort of action, but instead of the pardon (and abject apology) they richly deserve, George “Fifi” Bush–prissy little lapdog to successive Mexican presidents– merely commuted their sentences.

What a pussy (hey, I can mix my own metaphors if I want to).

On the issue of enforcing the law, instead of enfArcing it as he has done, President Bush gets a big red “F” from me. Instead of avidly prosecuting businesses that throw American jobs at illegals, his administration gave us a few “show” raids and… little else. Instead of actively and vigorously defending our borders, his administration has effected the evisceration of border enforcement. With his record on guarding our borders, he didn’t even need to lie to the American people in an attempt to get HIS desired amnesty bill passed, because a de facto amnesty situation exists already, but being a lapdog to successive Mexican presidents, he went ahead and lied about it anyway.

And he caps it off with his last act of “clemency” as a president by a limp-wristed slap in the face of two men who were doing the job of law enforcement President “Fifi” Bush did not want done:

Bush didn’t pardon the men for their crimes, but decided instead to commute their prison sentences because he believed they were excessive and that they had already suffered the loss of their jobs, freedom and reputations…

Right. Convicted because they “covered up” the shooting (the actual record shows they did not), they have “suffered the loss of their jobs, freedom and reputations” for simply doing their duty, a duty President Bush also pledged himself to perform, but failed utterly to do. Hmmm, another “Martha Stewart” case with the cherry on top of persecuting honorable law enforcement officials for actually attempting to enforce the law.

Thankyouverymuch, President Fifi Bush, for advancing the cause of anarcho-tyranny so well. *spit* Let’s just hope a REAL, honorable patriot or three steps in to mend Ramos and Compean’s lives with decent employment and a restoration of at least some small measure of what was wrongly wrested from them and their families by “feddle gummint” persecution under the administration of a Mexican lapdog.

(And here’s looking forward to a place in hell for Johnnie Sutton, absent a heartfelt repentance of his scurrilous behavior.)

Let this be the true epitaph of the Bush II presidency: George “Fifi” Bush almost does the right thing… but wimps out of office without doing so. Well, face it, to do the right thing on the matter of Ramos and Compean, he’d have to face his years of sucking up to illegals and to the ricos in Mexico who want to export their economic and social mismanagement of their own country.

Trackposted to Blog @ MoreWhat.com, Leaning Straight Up, Walls of the City, and DragonLady’s World, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Mexico in Turmoil?

Newsmax is a sensationalist purveyor of new slanted to appeal to pseudo conservatives, but ya know, even a blind pig and all that…

U.S. Military: Mexico Could Collapse Under Drug Violence

The article’s one of Newsmax’s more balanced screeds, and if its news content is reliable (and it appears to be–moreso than usual), my response is twofold:

Well, it’s about time!


How the U.S. should respond.

It’s about time that the kleptocratic kakistocracy that’s ruled Mexico for years reaps the whirlwind it’s sown. (Of course, I could say the same of our own “feddle gummint” *sigh*). Mexico has long been (rightly) said to be a pauper sitting on a gold mine, oppressed by thieves. It’s about time the thieves’ chickens come home to roost.

And how should the U.S. respond?

*Build the damned fence, already!

*Station sniper posts and machine gun nests along our southern border with ROE allowing “shoot to obliterate” any incursions not at legal entry points.

*Rigidly, harshly, enforce laws penalizing employers who hire illegal aliens. Place the burden of prrof that all employees are legal residents of the U.S. squarely on emploers’ shoulders and then a boot on the necks of those who fail to comply. Force illegals out of jobs.

*Kill ALL social services (save for legitimate medical emergecies) to illegal aliens.

Bye-bye Juan y Maria (if you be illegal).

*Streamline the process for LEGAL entry into this country, so that those who seek to obey our laws and respect our customs have a MUCH easier time finding LEGAL entry into our society.

The last cannot be stressed too much. Without providing a legitimate entry point, we cannot honorably close our borders to those who seek to abuse our hospitality. As it stands now, the process for legal entry actually favors terrorists* while placing roadblocks in the way of folks who’d be a net benefit to our society.

OK, will the U.S. do these sensible things? twc’s prediction: when pigs fly, hell freezes over and voters execise some common sense–none of which I expect to see in my lifetime.

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*Am I saying that easing requirements for visas for Saudis favors terrorists? Damn skippy I am! Iran and Saudi Arabia: the two biggest funders of international terrorism. Until the governments of those places SHUT DOWN the funding avenues for terrorism, they are both terrorist governments, AFAIAC. And I do NOT accept the Saudis’ disingenuous protestations of compliance. *feh* As long as the Saudis allow the proclamation of violent jihad and citizens who actively engage in funding terrorists aren’t put to death there, I throw the bullshit flag on them all. The Saudis should have been the FIRST to experience the “shock and awe” of the full force of American military might. Period.

Blagojevich Seeks to Appoint Illiterate Boob to Senate

I don’t care what “color” or “race” or whatever someone is, nor do I care whether a person is able to sound out the words on a printed page and otherwise mimic functional literacy, any person who says he’s eager to get to work in Washington “to face a convergence of parallel crises”1 is an illiterate boob, and we have more than enough of those in the Senate already. (OK, he heard someone somewhere get the plural of “crisis” right and aped that well enough.)

Roland Burris may be a nice enough guy, and he might even be an honest guy (Hey! It could happen, even in Illinois politics! It could too!) Heck, he might even possess a modicum of intelligence (although Howard University certainly can’t take any pride in his alumnus status given the assinine statement above). But he’s illiterate and butt stupid if he thinks parallels can converge. Heck, even taking its loosest meaning, if he can converge parallels, then HE should be our political messiah, not Obama.

The Dhimicraps should refuse to seat Burris on the basis of how much stupidER he makes them look, if for no other reason…

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, The World According to Carl, Right Voices, and DragonLady’s World, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.


There’s more to a number than meets the eye. See the kerfuffle over The Obamassiah’s supposed selctive service registration over at Debbie Schlussel’s.

*whew!* The guy can’t even prove he was born, let alone where. Claims multiple dates for draft registration, none of which seem to match up with the documentation made availabe through a FOIA request. Secretive about his academic record. Can’t recollect long, intimate working relationships with unrepentant terrorists. Denies saying things he’s on video saying, etc.

Hmmm, sounds like a 21st century politician *spit* all right.

(And yes, there more to the number that is this post’s title than meets the eye… )

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The “Hissy Fit, Toddler Tantrum” Vote

The analysis of this year’s election will continue for some time to come, but last night on FoxNews channel (Yeh, I tuned in for election coverage sporadically), Juan Williams (Juan Williams!?! Yeh, I know. I was shocked. *heh* ) commented on something from the exit polls that caught my ear. He noted that among those who voted for Obama, when issues were examined granularly (my short hand for his long-winded explanation) there was a strong evidence that the vast majority of folks who voted for Obama didn’t actually agree with him on the issues.

Williams attributed this to an anti-Bush, anti-Republican protest vote, and I agree that it looks that way. There is probably also an element of flat-out ignorance of the candidates’ stands, their histories and records involved as well. Put together, these elements spell voters voting against McCain for irrational reasons: ignorant mental/emotional toddlers having a hissy fit with the power of the vote in their hands. Dumbasses.

THIS is why democratic governance is so dangerous, as yesterday demonstrated so graphically. Putting the power of governance in the hands of the ignorant, immature, venal, self-lobotomized masses is no improvement over rule by an aristocracy. Let me remind you once again of the central danger of democracy (and one of the reasons the Founders eschewed such a thing in favor of a representative republic):

“In a democracy (”rule by mob”), those who refuse to learn from history are in the majority and dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance.”-third world county’s corollary to Santayana’s Axiom

If it’d help you remember, have it tattooed backwards on your forehead. *heh* I may have to have T-Shirts made of it subtitled, “Welcome to The Obamanation.”

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Democrat=Socialist, and The World According to Carl, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Slandering the Greats…

No, not Obama, Reid and Pelosi. I’m stumped for anything that would be slander of those three.

Larry, Cury and Moe would be a major improvement over Pelosi, Reid and Obama. The video is a slur on three great men.