While the Emperor tries on yet another set of new clothes today, the Repugnican’ts, who’ve, among other recent egregious sins, proffered their own approval of a fox to rule the henhouse to please His Royal Haughtiness, look ready to continue to bend over backwards while straddling a fence , the Earth mocks The Goracle while seemingly readying for Fimbulwinter1 and the Little Foxes2 lay their plans to spoil the vinyard.
Can it be that the groundhog won’t even emerge to view its shadow today? If he’s half as smart as a head of cabbage, Mr. Groundhog will curl up in his den and dream of being the Rip Van Winkle of the animal kingdom.
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I heard a rumor that someone planned to measure the methane and CO2 gasses being expelled by “Phil” and to measure his carbon footprint so it could be compared with previous years. Looks like a long hot Summer according to Algorians, as they wrap another scarf around their stiff little necks.
*heh*, TF.
According to one cartoonist at least, old “Phil” got laid off and the Easter bunny is now performing his duties as well.
Somehow I can almost believe it.
Pravda on the other hand… well, they’re certainly more believable than the Goracle. But the ad for “passionate outfits” that appeared on the page when I viewed it… It’s too much like the “old” interrogation methods at club gitmo for my taste.
Does Nancy Pelosi look a little tipsy in that photo from the Washington Post? Or is she just feeling the “stimulus” from her recent failure to garner a single Republican vote?
*heh* Perri. Nancy always looks
liketo me as though her meds need adjustingto me.[Edited for grammar and clarity. *heh*]