Inauguration Observations

What kinda “Ya gotta love me” fest is this thing today?

Early rehearsals for a special performance by The One and the Goofy One featured stand-ins who were:

a. too much “whiter” than The One and
b. a larger, more articulate version of Goofy Uncle Joe

Unfortunately, the stand-ins were so much better than The Stars (well, The Star and the Comic Sidekick) that the whole gig was canceled in favor of just the trademarked Big SmileTM from The One and the same old loopy dung beetle grin from The Goofy One.

Climbing near $160 million for the inauguration party/coronation? Gee, that’d just about cover my Twinky and Ho-Ho needs for the next 2,000 years… by which time I hope the Big Show will be over (well, it seems like it’s gone on nearly forever already, doesn’t it?).

I’ll leave other observations as an exercise for the reader. All one of you.

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Allie is Wired, Walls of the City, and The World According to Carl, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

4 Replies to “Inauguration Observations”

  1. “Gee, that’d just about cover my Twinky and Ho-Ho needs for the next 2,000 years… by which time I hope the Big Show will be over”

    I knew there was a reason people were pushing to repeal the 22nd amendment. And now you’ve gone and cornered the sponge-cake and waxy chocolate market too.

  2. *heh*

    I could go for repealing the 22nd Amendment as long as we get National Potomoc Day* for the 28th Amendment first.

    *“…require citizens to dunk D.C. politicians *spit* into the Potomoc until we are rid of them” *heh*

  3. The inauguration was TODAY?!? I watched the replay of the Florida-Oklahoma National Championship football game on cable. That was MUCH MORE interesting.

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