Blagojevich Seeks to Appoint Illiterate Boob to Senate

I don’t care what “color” or “race” or whatever someone is, nor do I care whether a person is able to sound out the words on a printed page and otherwise mimic functional literacy, any person who says he’s eager to get to work in Washington “to face a convergence of parallel crises”1 is an illiterate boob, and we have more than enough of those in the Senate already. (OK, he heard someone somewhere get the plural of “crisis” right and aped that well enough.)

Roland Burris may be a nice enough guy, and he might even be an honest guy (Hey! It could happen, even in Illinois politics! It could too!) Heck, he might even possess a modicum of intelligence (although Howard University certainly can’t take any pride in his alumnus status given the assinine statement above). But he’s illiterate and butt stupid if he thinks parallels can converge. Heck, even taking its loosest meaning, if he can converge parallels, then HE should be our political messiah, not Obama.

The Dhimicraps should refuse to seat Burris on the basis of how much stupidER he makes them look, if for no other reason…

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, The World According to Carl, Right Voices, and DragonLady’s World, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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