Stolen from Evan Nocks (and slightly modified):
AFAIK, you can print it out and use it as a bumper sticker, yard sign, billboard, whatever.
"In a democracy (‘rule by mob’), those who refuse to learn from history will be the majority and will dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance."
Stolen from Evan Nocks (and slightly modified):
AFAIK, you can print it out and use it as a bumper sticker, yard sign, billboard, whatever.
…not their own, of course.
Resolution (pdf) to require congresscritters who vote for Obumacare to use IT instead of the sweetheart healthcare plan they have now… that YOU pay for. Riiiight. Like the Dhimmicraps pushing this thing would actually get caught dead using what they plan to force on the serfs.
The Founders knew this well…
“Vox populi, vox Dei” is usually translated as “My God! How did we get into this mess?”–Robert Heinlein
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Instead of “The Rape of the Common Man” Congress seems intend on performing, we need a Congress dominate by this spirit:
[audio:fanfare common man.mp3](The United States Marine Band doesn’t give the absolute best performance of Fanfare for the Common Man here, and it’s only 96kbps, but it’ll do)
Here’s a sample of another performance:
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(With apologies to Bugs Bunny and Pete Puma)
Citizen: Well, I think I’ll have to be goin’ now.
The 0!: Oh, no, you can’t leave yet. You got to have a nice cup of tea with me.
[Drags Citizen to a table]
The 0!: Here we are.
[Serves tea]
The 0!: There’s nothing as sociable as a nice cup of tea, I always say. How many lumps do you want?
Citizen: Oh, three or four
The 0!: [The 0! bunny whacks Citizen on the head with a mallet 5 times and 5 lumps appear on his head] Oh dear, I gave you one too many. Well we can fix that.
[whacks the 5th lump back in his head]
The 0!: There, and here’s a cigar for you.
[The 0! shoves the cigar in Citizen’s mouth and lights it; The 0! runs away; 3 seconds later it explodes]
One election cycle later, if the sheeple are still playing stupid (*duh* Ya think?), this could be the nightmare…
The 0!: Here we are. Tea’s on.
Citizen: But I don’t want no tea. It gives me a headache.
The 0!: Okay, well, what shall we have, then?
Citizen: [Takes out a coffee pot] Coffee! Eeeeee!
The 0!: Okay, we’ll have coffee. Eh, how many lumps do you want?
Citizen: Oh, three or four.
[The 0! hits him with mallet as before, but Citizen has an Acme stovelid on his head; The 0! takes out his Acme stovelid lifter to remove lid; lumps come out, Citizen faints]
*sigh* Stupid sheeple. Lumps are for losers. So later, following that election…
The 0!: …I just dropped by for a little social call, cuz. Say, mighty tender-looking little [child] you got there.
Citizen: Uh… yeah!
The 0!: Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s start the fire and fricassee him. You start the kindling and I’ll get the coal. Uh, by the way, how many lumps do you want?
Citizen: Oh, better get me a lot of lumps. A whole lotta lumps.
[Realizes it’s The 0!; grabs the mallet]
Citizen: Oh, no, you don’t! I’ll help myself.
[Starts hitting himself on head with mallet]
It could happen much that way…
I saw an anonymous comment at CPSIA – Comments & Observations and felt a twinge of agreement:
“I think we need to update the dat[a] on lethal dosages for lead and other toxins by force feeding them to congress until they all die. We will then have useful data, and end the harmful effect of congress.”
While I wouldn’t go that far, I do feel that Congress might find a collective interview with Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether to be enlightening…
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What if…
…All the DC politicians (OK, perhaps three or four exceptions–I’ll negotiate with y’all about the exceptions :-)) were “given” a large portion of the “feddle gummint” lands in Nevada (appropriately fenced with sniper towers in a nicely-designed “crossfire” pattern :-)) and assigned to pound sand for the rest of their unnatural lives?
…All the Prisons for Kids (A.K.A. “public school”) administrators (again, I’d be willing to negotiate a 1% exception) and “schools of education” educraps (no exceptions allowed) were given lovely chains and assigned the task of breaking rocks into sand for the D.C. politicians to pound?
…And parents of children who refused to act in a civilized manner in school and DO THEIR WORK, learning how to read (and to read), do maths, etc. were put to work carrying rocks to the Prisons for Kids administrators and educraps?
…And teachers who failed to teach kids to read, etc., were FIRED?
Well, I’ll tell you “What if”–wake up, you’re dreaming!
I saw a picture of a hand-drawn TEA Party poster over at Walls of the City that inspired this knockoff:
From Texas governor, Rick Perry:
“I believe that our federal government has become oppressive in its size, its intrusion into the lives of our citizens, and its interference with the affairs of our state. That is why I am here today to express my unwavering support for efforts all across our country to reaffirm the states’ rights affirmed by the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I believe that returning to the letter and spirit of the U.S. Constitution and its essential 10th Amendment will free our state from undue regulations, and ultimately strengthen our Union.
“…Millions of Texans are tired of Washington, DC trying to come down here to tell us how to run Texas.”
He’d better be carefull. While 33 States so far have either begun considering or have already passed bills or resolutions affirming the proper role of the fedgov as limited by the 10th Amendment, who knows what the fedgov may do? Lincoln set the bar when he called out federal troops to disband the Maryland legislature and arrest Maryland legislators for not offering resounding support for his intention of going to war with the Southern States. And the DHS has issued a “report” that, among other things,
“…defines ‘rightwing extremism in the United States’ as including not just racist or hate groups, but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority.”
Hmm, seems like the Texas legislature (as well as the legislatures of the 32 other States that have either passed or are considering passing legislation affirming limits on fedgov power, as per the 10th Amendment) would qualify as “right wing extremist groups” under the new report from DHS.