A Sidebar on the Constitution

While The 0! and his minions on both side of the Uniparty aisle continue their assault on the Constitution, I thought I might reveal choices for my Top Five Worst Presidents of All Time:

In order, from worst down, my top five are The 0!, Dhimmi Kahtah, Franklin Roosevelt, James Buchanan and… the president that resulted from Buchanan’s waffling and mishandling of the 10th Amendment issues before him, (dis)Honest Abe Lincoln.

Yes, you read me right. apart from the “winners-writing-history” aspects of Mr. Lincoln’s War” and all the Lincoln hagiography, there’s a ton of evidence that Lincoln’s quest for centralizing power in the federal government (a stated goal of his) was the first real success in bringing down the Founders’ views of a limited federal government with strictly enumerated powers, for the first time setting the U.S. firmly on the road toward the “feddle gummint” we have today. In fact, it’s popular among libtard Academia Nut Fruitcake scholars to celebrate Lincoln for his “rewriting” of the Constitution to enhance federal power in ways the Founders specifically eschewed. And it’s why folks who are aware of the damage done to the Founders’ Constitution sometimes quietly whisper, “The Constitution died at Appomattox,” though they are wrong of course; it didn’t die there. It was only dealt a mortal wound.

Can the Constitution be ressurected by a new generation of patriots influenced by The Founders’ wisdom? Maybe. But from what I saw and heard of the 9-12 rally, it doesn’t seem likely, because few there (or speaking, at least) seemed to have any clues as to the constitutionality–or lack thereof–of the issues that they addressed.

Remembering the Constitution

You know, that document that is supposedly the basis for all the “feddle gummint’s” meddling nowadays? The one that enumerates specific, limited powers for the Federal government of the States? The one largely ignored or twisted by our wonderful *spit* congresscritters, the judiciary and executive branches?

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

My recommendation would be to, on this day, the “birthday” of the Constitution, take some time out to simply READ it. Don’t pay any atention to dumbasses, liars and charlatans who say it’s written in archaic language that’s hard to understand (it isn’t, for anyone who’s moderately literate). That’s worse than the lame excuse the Medieval church gave for keeping common folk from reading the Bible, “It’s in Latin and you’re illiterate anyway, so just let us experts interpret it for you.” *feh* Academia Nut Fruitcakes, Mass MEdia Podpeople, politicians *spit* and the like would prefer you remain ignorant of its provisions so you’ll be unable to see when (every day) the establishment elite trample its protections for our liberties. Politicians especially don’t want you to really know what the Constitution says, because when you do it will lay bare the fact that approaching 100% (there are a very few holdouts) of congresscritters *spit* are in daily breach of their oaths of office:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

Of course almost all congresscritters are in breach of their oaths; they ARE the primary enemies of the Constitution! Witness all the talk from BOTH sides of the Uniparty aisle about federal “reform” (takeover) of health care. Hint: there is NO enumerated power in the Constitution that would allow such a thing.

Read the Constitution for yourself and see: it’s true. The Federal government has no such power, legitimately, but that is not going to stop Congress from acting illegaly in this case any more than it has stopped Congress from enacting other laws it has no legitimate power to enact. Note in the Christian Science Monitor article linked above that,

Ironically, consumers today cannot freely buy health insurance from across state lines. If there’s any legitimate application of the “commerce” clause, it would be to overturn such restrictions. But the framers never gave Congress the general power to regulate industry.

Wow! He’s Pretty Fit for an Old Guy!

Sen Roland Burris (D-State of Corruption) runs away from questions about his support for ACORN:

Beholden to The 0-! and corrupt Illinois politics, Roland Burris darned near breaks into a flat out run to get away from an inconvenient question. Chickenshit.

Senators for Child Prostitution

Ed Morrissey has the list of U.S. Senators who voted yesterday to continue to supply tax dollars to ACORN, thus noting their support for child prostitution.

  • Dick Durbin (D-IL)
  • Roland Burris (D-IL)
  • Robert Casey (D-PA)
  • Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)
  • Patrick Leahy (D-VT)
  • Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
  • Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)

There’re your seven Dhimmicrappic whores for ACORN. Too stupid to even vote in their own best interest. Too venal to vote their consciences (because they don’t have consciences). Too worthless to be kept around as oxygen sinks.

Will Rogers on Congress–Updated for the 21st Century

Will Rogers had a way of putting his finger on the pulse of the tension between a free citizenry and the political “elite” but he does need a bit of updating for our times, for example:

“This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as we do when the baby gets hold of a hammer.” – Will Rogers

Well, yeh, if the “baby” is 9 feet tall, weighing in at about 600 pounds, swinging a 25 pound sledgehammer and having 50 pounds of “diaper harvest” dripping all over the place… Yeh, that kind of baby with a hammer and a tantrum.

Well, OK, Let’s Just Fire Her HWA

Claire MCCaskill got an unwelcome response when she reminded citizens at a “town hall” meeting in Jefferson City, MO, “You have every right to fire me.”

Let’s not waste any time, OK Missouri? Exercise your right to fire her HWA as soon as possible.

“HWA”= “Hinky White Ass”
“hinky”~ in the sense of “seemingly or apparently crooked”

“I have kept my oath; do you ever intend to keep yours?

The post title comes from a “townhall” meeting held with with U.S. Congressman Brian Baird.

In all the “health care reform” talk, I have yet to see or hear any citation of a constitutionally enumerated power that gives the “feddle gummint” any legitimate reason to be involved in such a thing. Sure, I’ve seen tortured, disingenuous or flat out lying citations of the commerce clause as justification, but nothing yet that has been at all persuasive to me. Of course, with well more than half the “feddle gummint” meddling in areas where it has no enumerated power to do so already, the challenge of the gentleman in the video I link below to “protect and defend the Constitution” resonates with me as I watch congresscritters violate their oaths of office on a quotidian basis.

http://media.causes.com/555066?p_id=60313119 (Sorry, no embedding link provided, and I haven’t dug into a way to download a facebook-only-embedded video.)

Ah, here it is from YouTube. Trust Woody to find it.

No, I am not despairing. Not as long as folks like the gentleman in the video can still speak. But Nancy “they’re un-American” Pelosi and her ilk seem to fully intend on completely gutting the First Amendment with the full cooperation of the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind.

A relevant aside: the folks at the Intercollegiate Studies Institute have a chilling presentation of American illiteracy on the subject of civics, as noted in a post below. The organization’s survey conclusions are no surprise to me or likely to any observant person with ev en rudimentary knowledge of American civics, but the information is nevertheless a disappointing confirmation of my private observations. One completeyl no-brainer observation:

“Of the 2,508 People surveyed, 164 say they have held an elected government office at least once in their life. Their average score on the civic literacy test is 44%, compared to 49% for those who have not held an elected office. Officeholders are less likely than other respondents to correctly answer 29 of the 33 test questions. This table shows the “knowledge gap” for each question: the difference between the percentage of common citizens who answered correctly and the percentage of officeholders who answered correctly.”

Just as with public school administrators, all the politicians I have ever personally known (save one U.S. Senator–and he was eventually corrupted by the political process–and one small town mayor) have been among the least qualified people for the positions they held.

I fear for the nation my grandchildren may have to live in as adults.

Political Hypocrisy is Nothing New

The hypocrisy of the Obama administration is growing to match that of one to whom he has been compared by his cronies and sycophants in the Mas MEdia Podpeople Hivemind:

“Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government and form a new one. This is a most valuable and sacred right – a right which we hope and believe is to liberate the world” — Abraham Lincoln, 1861

This is, of course, the reason he went to war against the Southern States who did this very thing…

Stealing Money From Your Grandchildren

…to buy a car today. That’s what the “Cash for Clunkers” program is about. (Heck, that’s what well more than half of government spending’s about anymore. *sigh*) Everyone who’s gone out and bought a new car recently under the now strapped-for-cash “Cash for Clunkers” program has gotten their “feddle gummint” money on the deal by billing your children and grandchildren; it’s all “pay the debt forward” in a very perverse way.

And this idiotic greenie idea that it’ll do something wonderful for the environment is plain hooey. It’ll take at least five years of substantial fuel economy savings for these new cars to “pay” for the energy it took to manufacture them, more than likely. Probably more. And by that time, what do you want to bet that most of the buyers of these new cars will be ready to trade in on another energy deficit car?

Meanwhile, cars thjat have already “paid off” their energy deficits are being trashed–the drivetrains (the most energy-intensive postions of the manufacture) of “Cash for Clunkers” program trade-in cars are all being turned into scrap metal. Scavenging drivetrain parts (huge energy savings in avoiding manufacturing new replacement parts, and even moderate energy savings from rehabbing used parts) for cars folks would rather repair than scrap becomes impossible.

Now, Congress is talking about stealing another two billion dollars from your grandchildren for this boondoggle.

*feh* on them.

Congress Intent on Swearing The Dhimmicrappic Oath

The 0!’s “Campaign to Enslave America” (A.K.A., “Health Care Reform, “Cap and Trade” etc.) uses the Underpants Gnomes’ Business Plan as a model to create further crises in order to bring our society to its knees. Once he has fully exhausted the benefits of

Phase 1: Collect Underpants
Phase 2: ???
Phase 3: Profit!

and the havoc such a plan will wreak on our society, he can reap the rewards of his refinement of the CLOWARD-PIVEN STRATEGY,

“First proposed in 1966 and named after Columbia University sociologists Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, the “Cloward-Piven Strategy” seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.”

Let’s call The 0!’s plans for America what they are, The Underpants Gnome Cloward-Piven Maneuver to Enslave America. Sure, it’s a mouthful, but it has the charm of being more honest than the lying “Health Care Reform” or obscurantist “Cap and Trade” bullshit.