Third World County Dreamin’

What if…

…All the DC politicians (OK, perhaps three or four exceptions–I’ll negotiate with y’all about the exceptions :-)) were “given” a large portion of the “feddle gummint” lands in Nevada (appropriately fenced with sniper towers in a nicely-designed “crossfire” pattern :-)) and assigned to pound sand for the rest of their unnatural lives?

…All the Prisons for Kids (A.K.A. “public school”) administrators (again, I’d be willing to negotiate a 1% exception) and “schools of education” educraps (no exceptions allowed) were given lovely chains and assigned the task of breaking rocks into sand for the D.C. politicians to pound?

…And parents of children who refused to act in a civilized manner in school and DO THEIR WORK, learning how to read (and to read), do maths, etc. were put to work carrying rocks to the Prisons for Kids administrators and educraps?

…And teachers who failed to teach kids to read, etc., were FIRED?

Well, I’ll tell you “What if”–wake up, you’re dreaming!


4 Replies to “Third World County Dreamin’”

    1. Woody, GOOD on you! We homeschooled ours through primary years, and we would have done so longer, except a move changed circumstances greatly (schools with MUCH more parental control among other circumstances). The early years homeschooling also meant we were much readier to supplement areas of lack in the schools we later enrolled our kids in (first a private school, then a decent, though still academically lacking, pubschool). Nowadays… we’d have to look at the mix even more carefully. *sigh*

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