What Do Barack Obama and Anders Breivik Have in Common?

It seems the P-resident of the (dys)United States and the Norwegian shooter have some substantial things in common:

  • They both apparently claim to be “Christian” (at least for values of “Christian” that the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind recognizes as valid) and
  • They both espouse the values of the Loony Left; The Zero those of the leftist bomb team of Ayers and Dorhn, Breivik those of the equally leftist Unabomber.

Of course, The Zero and Breivik apparently have another thing in common. Since they both reportedly claim to be “Christians” but have behaved in ways that openly, blatantly, flamboyantly contradict the teachings of Christ, then they are both also liars.

Yeh, yeh, I know the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind insists on calling Breivik a “right-winger” but anyone who has one of the Hivemind’s favorite left wingnuts as the PRIMARY source for his own “manifesto” is no right-wing anything, and the fact that that Hivemind insists on the lie says more about the Hivemind than about Breivik.

Lessons from Mao

Mao’s “Cultural Revolution” killed millions, destroyed China’s economy and took millions more back to bare subsistence living. So, it’s no wonder…


Why Not?

If The Zero wants to withhold Social Security and military pay, why not get serious and withhold so-called “welfare” payments as well?

Oh, wait. That’s right. What was I thinking? He has to keep bribes to his constituency going.

New Math or Just Innumerate?

(Note the date of recording.)

I think I’ll go with innumerate twit:

See? I told y’all not to trust that so-called “birth certificate”. Even The Zero (inadvertently) admits it’s hinky. (A guy who has created such a big fuss about the issue but doesn’t even know when he was born–or worse, when he IS NOW–is incompetent to manage his own affairs, let alone be president of a garden club. Just sayin’… )

Important Distinctions

How I learned the difference between “ufda” and “feeda”… *heh*

Summer of 1978, coming out of a theater in MN (was a showing of Grease) into bright light. Two guys ahead of us. One pointed to some gum on the ground in warning with an “Ufda!” The other guy stepped in it anyway, lifted his foot and looked at it, then exclaimed, “Feeda!”

So (whatever “it” is *cough*), it’s “ufda” if you see it and “feeda” if you step in it.

Every time I see The Zero, I think, “Feeda!”

The Zero Shoots Himself in the Foot…

…and of course the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemnd is in full “duck and cover” mode on this.

Translation: “Nah, I don’t want actually to raise taxes enough to kill whatever jobs are left until after you fools re-elect me.”

To quote the best response to The Zero’s comment,

[audio: What-a-maroon.mp3]

Turning My Crank

This churns my butter in several different ways,

Halperin’s MSNBC suspension latest example of White House press tampering

The Zero’s thin skin is sadly laughable. He gets an easy ride, a sweet deal, a pass on all his gaffe, blunders, lies, equivocations, and outright illegal acts from the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind, for the most (99%) part. But when some uppity ‘porter slips off the plantation for a comment or two, Katie bar the door! All ahead, guns blazing! Whip out another Big Lie and trumpet it from the mountaintops!

The article lists seven (of many) cases where The Zero or one of his surrogates have attempted to directly accuse people in “alternative media” (not completely collectivized into the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind) of false reporting, and making such accusations in a public forum, then says “Bush did it too,” citing ONE case where Ed Gillespie wrote a letter (a private communication that the receiver chose to make public) to NBC refuting specific points in its coverage of Middle Eastern foreign policy.

You see, apparently to The Daily Caller, there’s a moral equivalence between multiple cases of disingenuous public propaganda and one case of private communication of reasoned arguments and facts. THAT’S called “reporting” in the Hivemind… Even when some things that are true get said, they MUST get “balanced” with disingenuity.

In Context

The Zero did say if his administration (well, himself, in his own words) couldn’t turn “this thing” (referring to the economy) around in 3 years then he’d be a one-term president. It’s been about 2.4 years, now…

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But then, American sheeple are almost too stupid for words, and the Dhimmicraps have grand masters at vote fraud, so maybe he really doesn’t have to worry about being turned out of office by the voters.

Do we really have to wait until his term ends? Couldn’t the House just impeach his ass? I mean, take their pick of his illegal actions and just go to town on him?