Chicago White House Rules

Well, at least the kids in The Zero’s White House pay off co-conspirators who come through with the goods for them:

AARP Cashes In On Obumacare “Waiver” (Payoff)

Yeh, yeh, so I retitled the weenie, “AARP latest to receive Obamacare break” to reflect the simple fact that AARP and The Zero and their Dhimmicrappic congressional co-conspirators colluded together to make bribing shills like AARP (among others) to support the unconstitutional Obumacare something of a textbook case of Chicago White House Rules.

Original, Carefully Crafted Lies from The Zero

Nothing unusual here; these are just typical, bald-faced lies from The Zero. Not news.

Of course, one of the “lies” above wasn’t a lie but a misstatement of fact from the historically sub-literate goof the sub-literate, moronic electorate chose as the proper representative of a lobotomized sheeple.

Bin Laden, etc., *yawn*

Haven’t listened to The Zero’s speech, but did read a transcript, and it pretty much followed the pattern I predicted last night:

Modest prediction: tomorrow, I’ll say at some point, “Oh, dear me. Did I ‘miss’ The Zero preening and essentially claiming, ‘Mission Accomplished’ (yet another lie as really he has yet to complete his self-assigned mission of the complete and total destruction of the United States… )?”

So, what was the format? Three paragraphs of 9/11 scene-setting oratory, one paragraph of thinly-disguised “blame Bush,” and then three paragraphs of “I, I, I, me, me, me” preening. One brief paragraph faintly praising the guys whose paychecks he wanted to cut off if there’d been a budget shutdown and a reprise of the first three paragraphs.

And the evidence is buried at sea, “…at my directive…” (The Zero)

Yep, pretty much what I expected, and instead of losing almost ten minutes of my life listening to one if the most boring public speakers in the world drone on, I spent two minutes reading the thing.

But really, *yawn* Bin Laden’s confirmed dead, so? The rest of the Saudis are still wasting oxygen. I’d be willing to give The Zero some credit (from zero up to a score of maybe 20 on a 100 point scale) if he were to do what Bush refused to do: recognize that the Saudis have been the primary funder of worldwide jihadist terrorists and authorize their complete extirpation.

Oh, and just take their oil. Reparations, you know.

Dhimmicraps Think You’re Stupid

Here in America’s Third World County, the price of a gallon of gasoline is 2.71 times higher than it was before The Zero took office and his policies took effect. But The Dhimmicraps’ outrage at the Bush policies (spend, spend, spend on foreign wars that returned nothing to the American people plus sweetheart treatment for his terrorist-enabler buddies, the Saudis, etc.–ignoring natural disasters and terrorist acts that had had some effect of their own) that had aided in nearly doubling the price of gasoline at the pump over the course of twice as much time as The Zero has had to screw things up is strangely missing when it comes to $4.00/gallon gas, which they now apparently view as a good thing…

And the Dhimmicraps (and their co-conspirator, the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind–yes, I intended the singular noun, “co-conspirator,” there) also seem to think they can sell you on the idea that we are in an actual economic recovery. Anyone who’s actually bought into that con is too stupid to be walking around without a keeper.

You Call This a Recovery? Obama Offers More Excuses Than Solutions

Seven quarters into the Obama recovery, GDP growth has averaged an annual rate of only 2.8 percent. In contrast, since 1970, the first seven quarters of previous recoveries averaged 4.6 percent. The poor growth rate is especially surprising since the preceding recession was so severe, there should have been ample room for high growth as the unemployed returned to work. For example, the Reagan recovery followed a similarly high unemployment rate and saw the economy grow at an average annual growth rate of 7 percent.

The slight decrease in unemployment – currently at 8.8 percent — has been touted as good news. Yet that slight drop has largely been the result of job-seekers giving up looking for work and leaving the labor force. On top of that, the new jobs that have opened up have primarily been temporary jobs, the number of permanent jobs has actually fallen…

But there is some (very) small good news: fewer people seem to be fooled by the “feddle gummint” lies about the “recovery” than were fooled by the Hivemind and others into voting for The Zero. From the source linked and quoted above,

By an incredible 68 percent to 26 percent margin, The Real Clear Politics average of polls shows that Americans think that the country is headed in the wrong direction, which is the pessimism people experienced at the depths of the recent recession. By a 56 to 40 percent difference, even the liberal Talking Points Memo average of selected surveys finds that Americans disapprove of Obama’s handling of the economy.

And in the face of all the economic woes, Dhimmicraps–and The Zero especially–think YOU are so stupid they can sell you the idea that $4.00/gallon gasoline is a good thing. Perhaps the reason they think both things (that it’s a good thing and that they can sell swampland to you as “ocean front property”) is that they have insulated themselves from the worst effects of their destructive policies. They have theirs. You can simply eat cake. Or suck swamp water, however you prefer to metaphorize their viewpoint.

This Is Just Bizarrely Stupid

From an AP report about the document posted/released by the White house recently in response to The Donald’s success in pushing the question about The Zero’s strange reluctance to release his birth certificate:

…For much of the past two years, the issue has been marginal. And then it flared again as critics clamored for the long-form certificate of birth.

In response, Obama secured special authority to secure two official copies of the more detailed certificate. He dispatched his personal attorney to fly to Hawaii, get the certificates and hand deliver them back to the White House. [emphasis added]

“[S]pecial authority”?!? WTF? From Hawaii’s own DOH website,

“Vital records (birth, death, marriage, and divorce certificates) for events that occurred in Hawaii are received and preserved by the Office of Health Status Monitoring, a unit of the Department of Health (DOH). In Hawaii, access to vital records is restricted by statute (HRS §338-18).

“Certified copies of these records may be issued to authorized individuals and used for such diverse purposes as school entry, passports, Social Security participation, driver’s licenses, employment, sports participation, survivor’s benefits, proof of property rights, and other needs.

“This is only an ordering system for certified copies of vital records. The certified copies being ordered WILL NOT be issued online as a part of your transaction. You will receive the ordered certified copies via first-class postal mail within 4-6 weeks…

“…You may order certified copies only of your own birth and marriage certificates or of an immediate family member (e.g., a parent of his/her child’s birth or marriage certificate) on this web site…” [emphasis added]

And it doesn’t take spending many multiples of thousands of dollars of taxpayer money to obtain those records by sending an attorney to get a copy in person, either. Total cost for one: $11.50, including an electronic handling/processing fee, and I imagine one could pay for special handling by the post office to ensure the thing was delivered in a timely and safe fashion.

But “special authority” needed? Nah. Just a copy of one’s driver’s license or other verifiable ID. Easy-peasy.

Why lie about how easy it is to get an official, certified copy of a Hawaiian birth certificate? And heck, I’ll say it again, if some rubber-stamped signature is the equivalent of the normal embossed seal that has appeared on all the other Hawaiian B.C.s I’ve seen images of, then I’m a red-tailed baboon.

And these obvious dumbass mistakes in presentation, things ANYONE with access to the internet can check for themselves, are just icing on the cake amid the substantial questions the documents as presented have raised when simply looked at with the naked eye, let alone the fakery discovered by folks who’ve made more thorough examinations of the White House’s pdf file.

Sure there could be some innocent excuses for all the different issues that have come to light about this latest offering from The Zero, his minions and his handlers, but any innocent explanations of them all have to depend on incompetence from The Zero, his minions and his handlers and the JDs (no, not juris doctorates: juvenile delinquents, no matter what their chronological ages) effecting this shit.

This is all just so patently stupid that I must keep reminding you to look for what the other hand is doing…

Burning Straw Men

This HuffPo post is typical of the least offensive arguments Obamaniacs* muster against reasonable questioning of the least transparent presidency since Richard M. Nixon’s. Heck, The Zero is less open than Tricky Dicky was.

“We fully plan on hearing from birthers about why his authentic certificate still raises doubt. Here are some of our predictions of what lingering questions they will have about the birth certificate.”

Then follows this graphic full of ridiculous straw man assertions of “objections” those the HuffPo target demographic labels “birthers” will have to the newly-released document:

Typically appallingly dishonest argument from a HuffPo Obamaniac.

And, of course, the expected “objections” have no relation whatsoever to the few questions I’d likeanswered about the document, and, also of course, the HuffPo post ignores all the other issues with The Zero’s legitimacy.

*Since these people have consistently engaged in dishonest labeling of skeptics as “birthers” and worse–accusations of racism whenever folks question The Zero abound–I don’t feel that the rather mild “Obamaniac” descriptive is unwarranted.

And Woody has the perfect response to such disingenuous “straw man” arguments as the HuffPo presents:

There. Didn’t see that one coming, did you HuffPo weenies?

All You Really Need to Do Is Just Pay Attention

Seriously. Recall The Zero’s blather last week wandering around in search of a justification for his Libyan adventure? The key comment was buried in the toxic fecal matter that issued from his pie hole:

“I believe that this movement of change cannot be turned back, and that we must stand alongside those who believe in the same core principles that have guided us.”

In order to discern what those “core principles” he refers to are, we need to ask a few questions:

WHO is The Zero saying that “we” share these “core principles” with?

Answer: Islamic savages on one side of a conflict to decide which set of Islamic savages will be in power in Libya.

WHAT are the “core principles guiding the Islamic savages on both sides of the conflict?

Well, let’s see: both sides profess to revere as the perfect man to emulate in all manner of life a man whose life and teachings demonstrate (and teach as proper) the rape and brutalization of women, mass murder, that it is right and proper to steal anything not nailed down (as long as it is the property of “unbelievers”), applaud pedophiles, and believe the “kafir” (which means anyone who’s not an Islamic savage, including almost all those idiots who voted for The Zero) is good only for butcher sport and plunder, etc.

WHO is this “we” The Zero refers to?

Surely not you and I? Do you and I share the “core principles” that guide Muslims? Do you revere a “prophet” whose life and teachings DEMAND that his followers commit mass murder, rape, pillage, abuse of women, slavery, and such like? Well, I can’t be absolutely sure about you, but I’m not a part of any “we” that shares those values. Obviously the “we” The Zero refers to does share those “core principles” with the group of Islamic savages The Zero has aligned himself with, so that “we” must be Muslims.

Then again, since Mohamed also taught–both in word and deed*–that lying to “unbelievers” to advance his cause is not only permissible but required if force alone cannot advance the aims of Islam, then he could also just be blowing smoke up our skirts by asserting the “we” part of the statement. He could be standing alone in his siding with one group of Islamic savages against another group of Islamic savages.

Or he could be using a “royal ‘we'”.

Or maybe he had a mouse in his pocket.

*Remember: The Butcher of Medina earned that sobriquet via his first “great victory”–the massacre of the Jews of what is now Medina after he had drawn them out, unarmed, under a flag of truce. Then, of course, he rewarded his band of thugs by sharing the rape of the women and the plunder with them.

Sweet guy.

h.t. to TF for reminding me of The Zero’s lil slip up.

I Don’t Like Donald Trump

He’s a blow-dried blowhard, IMO. Just listening to him speak gives me a rash.

But. My, oh, my, didn’t he snooker Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind into hoisting itself with its own petard? You probably know the details by now. The Hivemind has been covering for The Zero’s failure to produce a verifiable copy of an official source document–his birth certificate–for several years now by claiming the “anyone can phone in a part” computer-generated copy of a Hawaii Certificate of Live Birth is the same as a birth certificate, which names names and places, including the delivering physician and place of delivery, as well as signatures of witnesses to the birth and an official acceptance of their representations.

Nope, for The Zero, a document that’s computer generated and simply stating that a birth took place is enough.

But, when Trump released his “Birth Certificate” the Hivemind immediately jumped to attention and sneered, almost as one (as any “good” hivemind is wont to do), that what Trump had produced wasn’t good enough. No, it was merely a hospital “birth certificate” (complete with witness signatures, name of delivering physician, etc.–IOW, much, much more info than on the computer-generated piece of crap they say if good enough for their Obamassiah) and so proved nothing.

So, what did Trump then do? Oh, he released his official Department of Health Birth Certificate.


If the Hivemind had any scruples whatsoever, it’d be wearing sackcloth and ashes, flagellating itself with steel-tipped whips and wailing in repentance.

BTW, I checked, and if I needed an official replacement B.C., all it’d take would be

1. a copy of my current driver’s license or similar ID
2. an SASE
3. $15

Big. Stinking. Deal. That’s something that wouldn’t even take 15 minutes over a lunch break to handle. I guess The Zero’s just not had 15 minutes to take care of such an onerous task anytime in the last 3-4 years since the issue was first raised.

But he and his minions have had many, many hours and millions of dollars to invest in preventing anyone from compelling him to produce a birth certificate, as other presidents have had to do. (Anyone recall the kerfuffle about Chester A. Arthur’s natural citizenship qualifications? Oh, I suppose you just weren’t around at the time… *heh* But heck, surely you recall Dwight Eisenhower having to produce his legal birth certificate to get on the ballot in 1952? I mean, sure he’d graduated West Point, served honorably in the armed forces and been a public figure for years, etc., but he still had to produce a birth certificate to show the circumstances of his birth to run back in those days of yore… )

Maybe The Zero and his minions have spent those millions to avoid the release of his official birth certificate simply as their own private means of preserving or creating jobs in the legal sector during the economic downturn. Yeh, that’s it: it’s just private charity.