Important Distinctions

How I learned the difference between “ufda” and “feeda”… *heh*

Summer of 1978, coming out of a theater in MN (was a showing of Grease) into bright light. Two guys ahead of us. One pointed to some gum on the ground in warning with an “Ufda!” The other guy stepped in it anyway, lifted his foot and looked at it, then exclaimed, “Feeda!”

So (whatever “it” is *cough*), it’s “ufda” if you see it and “feeda” if you step in it.

Every time I see The Zero, I think, “Feeda!”

3 Replies to “Important Distinctions”

  1. ?????

    guess that you have no real concept of other languages ..

    perhaps the ‘tea party’ has more in common with the Taliban than they realise?

    1. I guess you’re right, Davo. After all, those years of Spanish, French, German, Italian, Greek, etc., probably left no mark on me whatsoever. (Funny thing, though: my Greek professor thought this was an interesting* philological insight… )


      And your “tea party” comment reveals that you’re off your meds, since it’s complete assholery.

      *OK, “amusing”.

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