
WOW! It’s a heat wave! Weatherbug says the local high school weather station is reporting 8.3°F (~-13°C) already. At 10:30 in the morning! I’d better break out the cargo shorts and sunblock.

Hoist With Their Own Petard

Nanny-nanny-boo-boo@The Zero, “Nazi Pelozi” and “Hairy Reed”.



I noted this on FB yesterday, but it’s worth a “real” post.

Health Judge Uses Obama’s Words Against Him

“I note that in 2008, then-Senator Obama supported a health care reform proposal that did not include an individual mandate because he was at that time strongly opposed to the idea, stating that, ‘If a mandate was the solution, we can try that to solve homelessness by mandating everybody to buy a house,’” Judge Vinson wrote in a footnote toward the end of his 78-page ruling Monday.

Not only that, but the dumbasses Reid and Pelosi failed to put a severability clause in their multi-thousand-page monstrosity, so,

“Because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire Act must be declared void.”

Hoist with their own petard, indeed.

Play and repeat twice:

[audio: What-a-maroon.mp3]

Angel Dandruff

I don’t have a camera that’s fast enough to catch the snow that’s coming down except as a kinda foggy look, but it’s coming down to beat the band… and covering the inch or so of ice that’s acting as a base.

UPDATE: Now almost 10″ of the white stuff on top of an ice base and still coming. I’m not goin’ out there! Well, not in a car.)

UPDATE 2: It’s now after sundown. Temp’s about 16°F (about -9°C). Supposed to be 10°-13°F colder overnight and even colder (by another 10°F) tomorrow night. MODOT (Missouri Department of Transportation) says, “Most of y’all should just hunker down and stay warm,” or some such.

Purple=covered in snow & ice.

The smaller state “highways” near the purple and red are worse than the main roads by a lot, if past experience is any indication.

We can’t get out of our drive, because the street in front of our house is too deeply covered. I ain’t a-shovelin’ the whole street by hand with my 30+ year old snow shovel. One street over is the main route for the county ambulance service, so it (alone) in the area has been plowed and sanded by a city-contracted service out to the nearest highway… which is in worse shape than the access road to the ambulance service.

I’m pooped out just walkin’ in this stuff to do a survey of nearby streets/roads–and I just went far enough to be able to get a look–about 1.5 blocks, walking most of the way in a track Son&Heir had broken earlier.


The “best” road in America’s Third World County:

So, Chuck’s an Uncle

Chuck hasn’t been as consistently watchable as I’d have liked, but the idea of a geeky dude playing spy has been fun, off and on. Tonight, Chuck became an uncle, but… *sigh* They named the poor (fictional, OK) kid, Clara. For someone of my generation, the first “TV Generation”, that immediately invoked images:

Yep. Either Clarabell Clown or Clarabelle Cow.

Who’s the funniest clown we know?
Who’s the clown on Howdy’s show?
His feet are big, his tummy’s stout,
But we could never do without,
Clara, Clara, Clarabell!

Who has fuzzy-wuzzy hair?
It’s partly red but mostly bare.
And since the day that he was born,
He’s honked and honked and honked his horn.
Clara, Clara, Clarabell!

Come on! You can sing along!

Sad. *sigh*

I Do These Stupid Things…

…as a service to my readers. *heh* That’s my story and I’m sticking with it.

So, I thought I was deleting a couple of 3GB video files. Oops. Somehow, the whole folder was selected. Now, that’d not be so bad except that it’s my habit to SHIFT+Delete, meaning things normally do NOT go to the Recycle Bin in Windows or Trash bin in the GUI ‘nix OSes I use.

Yep. About 200GB of video files, “gone”. Except. OK, I took the lazy way out. Was in a Win7 session, so I invoked Recuva and told it to bring those files back from the dead. Now, normally, I use this lil utility or another (much more expensive utility, since Recuva is free *heh*) to resurrect files on USB-attached drives for other folks, but at least that meant I had it available to use for myself.

Next time, perhaps I just ought to be more careful to begin with, but meanwhile, Recuva does work.

So, just remember,

“If you can’t be a good example, then you’ll just have to serve as a horrible warning.” – Catherine Aird.

About That “Literacy” Thing

In our progressively (yes, I meant the pun) dumbed-down society, “literacy” has come to mean simply being able to laboriously puzzle out the written word. That’s sad. For one thing, it means that people who are literate by that commonly-accepted definition can graduate from college without being able to puzzle out the meaning of the directions on a prescription pill bottle, a bus schedule or a dumbed-down (to supposed eighth-grade level) newspaper editorials.

There. Did I make that link hard enough to miss? 🙂 The data that article draws on is scarier than the article. If you search hard enough, you can find it. *heh* (Yeh, not doing folks’ homework for them on this one. I only want the ones who are… literate enough *heh* to be able to handle the info to get it. Snarky enough? Probably.)

But the problem is really worse than that. Maybe because we’ve become a society defined by the audio-visual media that is TV and radio more than anything else, the proliferation of markers demonstrating that even folks who can read, don’t, or (worse?) that when they do, they read dreck, slop, crap, really, really stupid and uninformed writers.

A very few examples will illustrate my point.

How often have you seen and heard people use “anniversary” to indicate something other than an annual event? “Two month anniversary” is a common example. What part of “anni”–from Latin, “anno” or YEAR–have these subliterate idiots missed?

Or, one I read recently from someone who is ill-read, but who listens to subliterate Hivemind podpeople enough to be dis-educated: “…for the light of me…” when the appropriate phrase was “for the LIFE of me”. Compound that with the multiple occurrences of such phrases as “woks of life,” “chester drawers” “intensive purposes” and a veritable Legion (and yes I meant that2 cultural reference *heh*) of other malaprops, stupidities and downright illiteracies, and we have a society progressing toward genuine illiteracy.

And what, pray, hath brought about this effusion of disgust for a growing illiteracy in our society? Why, the annual profusion of one of its most stupid examples: FEB-YOU-ARY.


It’s FebRUary, dumbasses.

Of course, in the mini-rant above, I did not place enough stress on one of the worst aspects of progressive illiteracy: who the illiterates listen to and “read”. As Mark Twain wisely said,

“The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.”

Note the word, “good”. People who find books written by such as Dan Brown to be readable are people who have denied themselves the advantage of reading books that are well-written and so don’t even know that they are poking a metaphorical screwdriver into their forebrain and stirring. People who watch or read “news” (propaganda) promulgated by an increasingly subliterate Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind rarely twig to the fact that they are being enstupiated by doing so. (And yes, I know that the word “enstupiated” is used more often by me than by any other source known to Google. So? It’s a perfectly good neologism coined by John Stossel, IIRC. :-))

Of course, it’s a thorny problem. So many people have “gradumacated” from American public schools having been told they are”literate” that most do not even know that they are, at best, fumble-headed subliterates. Those few of us who twig to the fact that the “edumacation” system is seriously broken may figure out that we are technically literate subliterates and begin to take steps to correct the problem, but it’s a long, hard row to hoe (and a tip o’ the tam to Davy Crockett for being the first to record that phrase :-)). I’m still working on my literacy (the Lays of Ancient Rome and other works by Macaulay, among many, are still unscaled works, for example), and expect to continue to do so right up until my body’s ready to be cremated.

Most folks, it seems, surrender their literacy to the care (and poisoning) of others more interested in keeping them fat and stupid than anything else.

RPG for the Idle Rich

Make that, “RPG for the Dhimmicraps, Mass MEdia Podpeople and ‘The Political Elite'”.

(Note the copyright. I excerpted one pane for my purposes of 1. sticking something sharply pointed into the “debt ceiling” talk and 2. “Fair Use” of a small portion of a strip to point to the larger opus, hoping some others might get sucked into the world of the Foglios, which includes not just the strip referenced here but also Girl Genius.)