A Not So Petty Peeve

No, really, it’s not! *heh*

Authors and proof readers and editors who get paid to write and proof read and edit copy that people then buy from them really have a duty to use words properly. I’ve been struggling through another work that could have used some due diligence from each of these classes of people. The straw that broke the back of my patience was, “…jeopardize it with undo stress…”

That’s “undue stress,” folks. *sigh* Just the last straw (of many) for this book. On the “rejects” pile, now. Time is just too short and my red pencil is wearing to a nubbin. *heh*

I think I lost 3 IQ points trying to give the book a chance. That’s three of nine books that proved to be wasted time this week so far. Not a good set of numbers.

OK, perhaps I was hasty. Lack of sleep? Well, that’s no excuse; I should allow for that. The book with all the absolutely stupid errors of usage, etc., is an advance reader copy and hasn’t been through a final proof for publication yet, so I really need to cut ’em some slack. Or maybe I should offer my “proofed” copy to save ’em some time? *heh* Nah. Only if they pay as piece work for corrections (but then they might lose money on the book… ;-)).

*This Is Not the Post You Are Seeking*

*heh* IOW, this is one of those posts that probably should not see the light of publication, but the voices in my head (a firm majority) insist I do so anyway…

As an Olde Pharte, I have discovered the joys of extended times upon the throne. When I have a long session in “The Throne Room” I frequently take a book to occupy my time while other things are “processing”. Now, however, thanks to the fact that I finally succumbed to the “wants” to get a toy computer (the lil notebook I’m using for this post), I sometimes just take this lil toy into the “Throne Room” with me, instead of just a book (why not? I usually have more than one eBook in process at any one time on this and other computers).

And yes, that is where I am now, posting this most TMI post of the year for twc.

Now, That’s a Desktop Background

Following on LC Aggie Sith’s post, I *Heart* Hooters, I went searching for a hooter of my own to use as a desktop background and found this:


Now, that’s a hooter.

And so is this one… found later and made into my “new(er)” desktop background:

“Whatchu talkin’ about? I AM smiling… ”

And the replacement for the second background above…

Bugs ‘n’ Fixes

Well, even Windows 7 has its shortcomings. I’ll not list them here (feel free to do so in comments *heh*). It is still the est thing M$ has done in quite a long while, and easily Good Enough for most uses, good enough, in fact, to supplant Ubuntu (in any flavor, including the attractive and full-featured Mint) as my daily use OS for most uses. That’s going some.

But still, some rough edges, and so M$ has made an effort to make it more secure with a better update process (though still not as good as some ‘nix distros manage… most of the time), th free Microsoft Security Essentials (which is pretty good) and…

Microsoft Fixit, a website devoted to some easily-run fixes for Windows annoyances. It’s actually pretty useful. Surprise, surprise. 🙂 Of course, when I visited the place recently using the (very) new Opera 11 beta, which is very, very, very good in almost all respects, I noticed that Microsofties aren’t the only ones who can have bugs slip in from time to time:


What Sign Were You Born Under?

Astrologically, I suppose folks who gave that sort of thing any credence would say that I was born under this sign:

My mom, though, would probably say I was born “under” this sign:

Nowadays, I look at what our self-annointed political masters have wrought and what the current lame duck congress seems intent on doing, and I wish for a time machine so I could catch their parents in the act(s) of conceiving them and point them to this sign:

Interesting… this post displays correctly in Opera and Internet Exploder (of all things!) but apparently NOT in Chrome or Firefox. Heck, I even tried “DIV” statements to no avail. Oh. Well…

Twisted Pat-Downs?

I wonder if SFO (San Francisco International Airport) will be seeing an increase in folks opting for pat-downs by homosexuals who want to by-pass placing “SGM” or “SGF” ads in the personals…

“A little to the left, honey… Ahhh! Now that hit the spot!”

Perspiring minds wanna know…

Bung Hole Method of Child Raising


Mark Twain once suggested a method of dealing with children like this: place them in a barrel and feed them through the bung hole.

At the age of 14, drive in the bung.

(Yeh, yeh, it’d never fly in today’s society–or in Mark Twain’s for that matter. Doesn’t mean it wouldn’t save a lot of trouble down the road… )

“…the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office…”

More like “unwilling” in the case of The Zero (or, given the millions spent on obscuring The Zero’s qualifications, maybe even “unable to LEGALLY” discharge his duties), but perhaps it’d work, if there were enough congresscritters who’ve not yet become members of the corrupt political elite:

Section 4. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President…

At any rate, The Zero’s disconnectedness from reality would be enough to remove him, in my book. Who wants a delusional fantasist in the Oval Office anyway, save for those political elites who benefit from his insanity, the welfare plantation slaves and government “workers” who suck at the public teat and any others whose unenlightened, stupid selfishness cares not a whit for the destruction of the republic that seems to be The Zero’s goal?