Why I Do Not Buy Girl Scout Cookies

I hate false advertising. So-called “Girl Scout Cookies” are NOT made from real Girl Scouts.

12 Replies to “Why I Do Not Buy Girl Scout Cookies”

  1. I had a boy refuse to be served Shepherd’s Pie at school a few months ago on the basis that he didn’t like shepherds. When I assured him it did not contain any he tried some and liked it.

    1. See, Colin? “No shepherd in shepherd’s pie” makes sense there, since “shepherd’s” is a possessive form. If they would market the things as “Girl Scouts’ Cookies” I might bite. πŸ˜‰

      (Of course, a tender-hearted lad might wonder why folks were stealing a shepherd’s pie from him, but that’s another issue entirely… :-))

  2. I don’t buy them because I don’t agree with slaving the little girls out to sell the damned things.

    Check out troublewithangels.com… you’ll see me there with Diane now. Thanks for the offer though πŸ™‚

    1. Gee. I’ve been around since Girl Scout Cookies were about 20 years old, so you must be talking about somewhere back in the day before my time–like the ’30s or some such–Fits. πŸ˜‰

    1. Wednesday Addams is one of my role models, Perri. (H.L. Mencken, P.J. O’Rourke and Ambrose Bierce share the corner of my psyche where she “lives” *heh*)

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