Excerpt from life:
“As my best friend, you get a star in your crown for being the BF of such a PITA.”
"In a democracy (โrule by mobโ), those who refuse to learn from history will be the majority and will dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance."
Excerpt from life:
“As my best friend, you get a star in your crown for being the BF of such a PITA.”
Different things to different people; different strokes and all that.
And apologies for the citation of Bangles boring tooth decay cotton candy crap:
At least it’s not Vevo’s “Hey Monday” or the even worse Death Cab for Cutie’s “Monday Morning” or the stab-myself-in-the ear-with-an-ice-pick “Blue Monday” by New Order.
A reader at Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos Manor makes an appropriate observation. Concerning baboons,
They are the loudest, most dangerous, most obnoxious, most viciously aggressive, and least intelligent of all primates.
What is the proper collective noun for a group of baboons?
Believe it or not, a Congress!
So, our own tribe of baboons in D.C. are known by the appropriate collective noun after all.
A case of “Two Very Minor Irritants Solve Each Other”.
“The Voices In My Head Make Me Do the Strangest Things, Sometimes”.
Irritant #1
I use a nice lil lapdesk with my lil Asus notebook. Moreover, I normally use a nice Logitech M305 wireless mouse with the notebook, and the laptop desk surface makes a nice, smooth, slick surface for mousing. Great little mouse. It’s not as comfy in my hand as the mouse that comes in the Logitech MK320 bundle, but it does have a “nano-receiver” that makes it a good fit for notebook use (dongles hanging off notebook ports=BAD :-)).
But, moving the laptop desk from laptop to coffee table or to the couch beside me, with the notebook and mouse still on it, frequently led to the mouse sliding off that slick surface. Sure, take the mouse off and put it elsewhere. BTDT, don’t like having the notebook/mouse in separate places. Be really careful when taking the laptop desk off my lap and placing it elsewhere (or picking it up, etc.). Right. Not me.
So, pick mouse up off floor every now and then, whatever. *grumble-grumble-gripe-complain*
Irritant #2
Picked up a cheap notebook bag–$7 cheap–for carrying other things (techie tools, etc.). I already have a nice bag for the Asus and another–a Targus hand-me-down from someone who “diminuted” her computer use to a netbook/smart phone combo–for my primary techie tools (now two bags to carry what used to fit in a padded aluminum case. Oh, well), but this seemed a nice enough way to carry most of the rest.
Except for the really tacky “designer’s” logo patch sewn onto the large outer flap. Made of some of that silicone-rubber-plastic stuff that is kind of “grippy”.
Removed patch from cheapo bag.
Applied contact cement to ugly, tacky “designer” logo and
Glued face down on upper right-hand corner of laptop desk.
Now, I can place the mouse on this small, 2″ patch of silicone-plastic-rubber whatchamacallit and the weight of the mouse and the “takiness” *heh* of the patch material holds the mouse in place at up to 30-degree tilts.
Using one irritation to solve another: life-hacking.
…mind, such as it is.
All my pants (including some bought w/in the last month) are falling off. Yes, all of them. I like to wear lots of pants at once. *heh* In some ways that’s good news. Having to wear a belt when I go out in public or get arrested for streaking is another. Long story.
So, I googled “Waist sizes for men”. Hey! It’s a googleworld, and the voices in my head were clamoring for attention. Had to shut ’em up somehow…
From a site that said it got its figures from the WHO (like I believed that), “ideal” waist sizes.
(Don’t get all excited gals; that’s the men’s chart. And don’t throw things at me when you look the women’s chart up. I didn’t make it.)
Anywho… by this chart, I was in anorexic territory 30 years ago when I weighed about 155 soaking wet. With clothes on. Now, 30 years and 30 pounds later–not obese but definitely in the “overweight” category by WHO standards (yeh, I looked it up, but who believes WHO anymore anyway?) I’m about 2 inches over “ideal” waist size for my height. Continue reading “Things That Make My Lil Mind Go “Huh?””
You’re welcome.
…not today. My Wonder Woman’s ethnic heritage is pure Norwegian (20th Century grandparent immigrants on both sides). While I usually get away with it because it sounds–the way I deliberately pronounce it–like “Sweetie”, today when I called her my “Swedey” she didn’t let it slide… *heh*
Oh, well, another lil grinner down. *sigh*
In related fun, while reading an article on PixelQi’s transflective display retrofit kit for netbooks, I ran across this in comments:
…which earned this response:
Since temps only reached about 95ยฐF at the high school reporting station (a little cooler in the bottoms by the area creeks and rivers, of course), it felt almost like Fall today. *heh* So, July and August were hot this Summer. I wonder why? (Hint: it’s called “Summer”.) It looks like it’ll be even cooler the rest ofthe week, so… spare time = outdoor chores! ๐ Looking forward to that. ๐ Deck cleanup and rehab, some chainsaw work, and with luck some prep for next Spring’s garden.
Sounds like fun.
Of course, “spare time” might not be a lot, what with gigs and some family projects*, but a guy’s gotta have goals, right?