
(Not great, but not all that bad either. Imagine it: a president who can sing better than 90% of “manufactured music ‘artists'” plaguing the “music industry” nowadays… just imagine… )


The guy also seems to have a better sense of humor than anyone who’s run since Reagan.

Now That’s Just Not Nice!

Not nice at all! Someone needs to think these things through before publishing the web page…

Don’t take these folks’ unthinking cruelty seriously. RIP, Steve.

Stuff From the Voices In My Head

Usually, several years go by before someone brings up the “family group” of nudists that lives [in an undisclosed location here in America’s Third World County]. For some reason, [a person who shall not be named] brought the group up in conversation this a.m…. about 9 years early. *heh* Not relaying the context, but the comment had to do with imagining living next door to the group for 20 or 30 years…

Madge: Henry, I just can’t enjoy my morning coffee on the front porch anymore. I mean, when [unnamed nudist] was in his 20s, it wasn’t all that disturbing when he came out to get his paper *wink-wink-nudge-nudge*, but now… OK, his beard covers the worst parts, so that’s not so bad; it’s just the ugly crack he always makes now as he turns to go back inside…


(TYVM. I’ll be here all week. Be sure to try the buffet.)


To those nasty coffee naysayers who are, one piece of research at a time, being revealed as the anti-coffee bigots they truly are.

Coffee Cuts Depression Risk In Women, New Study Shows

I’ve noted a few of the health benefits of coffee before, but this one, even though the study cited by the Puffingtom Host trendily limits itself to benefits for women, isn’t news to any longtime imbiber of The Holy Brew. Speaking of that wondrous bean brew, the fourth (cited) verse of the hymn just linked pronounces:

“And so today you bless us still
According to our dear Lord’s will.
O Caffeine Tree our gratitude
Is great, for you do lift our mood.”


Is This Proof?

Or is this just one more data point in support of The Relativity Weight Control Plan?

Oh, wait, you want to know what he Relativity Weight Control Plan is, eh? That’s simple. General relativity holds, among other things, that the faster a particle travels the greater its mass, as observed by an unaccelerated frame of reference until its quasi-local apparent mass is infinite.

Reason would suggest, then, that the slower an object, the less its apparent mass. So…

The fact that, when I took a two-hour nap I lost three pounds would tend to offer evidence of The Relativity Weight Control Plan’s efficacy, eh? Continue reading “Is This Proof?”

(Sung to the Tune of “O Christmas Tree”)

O clueless me
O clueless me
When will I use my storage?
O clueless me
O clueless me
When will I use my storage?

Yeh, for some reason I have 20GB of Amazon Cloud Storage available that I was unaware of until just a few minutes ago. Heck, that’s eight times more storage available than I have with Dropbox. Of course, Dropbox’s syncing app is too cool for school, but still…

And, oh yeh, I’m using only a tiny fraction of the 25GB (plus “unlimited M$Office and graphics files”) storage in my Skydrive accouint…

O clueless me
O clueless me
When will I use my storage?
O clueless me
O clueless me
When will I use my storage?

Meanwhile, I have several terabytes of local storage filling up with… stuff.