“Balance” from the Hivemind

So, the usual Hivemind and barking mad leftards are in an uproar for the blowhard Limbaugh’s characterization of a confessed libertine as a “slut”.

“slut: noun an immoral or dissolute woman”

Seems fair. In my opinion, it closely resembles (closely resembles” as in “seems to be a perfect fit for”) Sandra Fluke’s own confession of her “need” to have a Roman Catholic educational institution finance the means for her to have “protected” sex when, where and however she pleases with whatever (and however many) partners she can get to have sex with her.

Seems like she confessed to at the very least “needing” to engage in sluttish behavior to me.

So what’s the problem? It’s “discourteous” or “ungentlemanly” or some such thing according to standards rejected by the Hivemind and associated barking mad leftards? Not as applied to their own speech standards which approve of publicly voicing rape fantasies and worse about such people as Sarah Palin and Laura Ingraham, while calling them by much, much more vulgar, even obscene, terms.

Of course that’s the problem. Their “standards” are simply this: “We can say and do anything we damned well please, and anyone who disagrees with us can say only what we allow them to.” If that were not the case, then Hivemind members like Keith Olbermann, Bill Maher, Mike Malloy and a rogue’s gallery of others would have been tarred, feathered and run out of the business long ago. Sample a little typical “rational” and “civil” discourse from the Hivemind’s Malloy, as but one small example of thousands:

Get that. Malloly celebrates the deaths of tornado victims and mocks religious beliefs he deems to be held by people in the so-called “Bible Belt”–which happens, in his tirade, to coincide with the locations of most of those killed by recent tornadoes.

Typical of the nasty, hate-filled, hate-spewing leftard Hivemind. In fact, it’s so normative that people are largely inured to it, it seems, and simply accept their hate-filled spew as normal speech. Have someone push back with an accurate description of an anointed, manufactured hero/ine of the Hivemind, though, and there will be hell to pay, as the blowhard Limbaugh discovered.

BTW, Rush Limbaugh a “blowhard”? Yep. Anyone who will apologize for simply speaking what would seem to the truth to any rational observer is a blowhard.

Impending Doom

Every day, I see evidence that those in our society who make their living by the written word are increasingly influencing the remaining few who bother to read at all with illiterate pronouncements, accelerating the slide into nonsense. Case in point (just one of many over the last few days alone):

“Clearly, the tablet and mobile worlds have begun to impact the desktop OS in a major way. This begs the question: Can the desktop survive?”

Methinks the writer has no idea what a petitio principii fallacy is.

Beg the question=”take for granted without basis or justification”

I just hate it when “mass man” semi-literacy (or should I say “cultural illiteracy”?–w/a tip o’ the tam to E.D. Hirsch, Jr.) debases writing this way. But that’s what happens when supposedly literate people have been trained–certainly not educated–via less than literate organs such as pubschools, contemporary “higher ed” and the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind. Ah, well, I suppose it’s just one more evidence of society’s slide into a Dark Age, when more and more people don’t even know much about what they don’t know… or care. And it is, of course, this increasingly self-enstupiated, self-deluded, autolobotomized group that seems to be guiding the course of our society. But then of course,

“In a democracy (‘rule by mob’), those who refuse to learn from history are in the majority and dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance.”

Continue reading “Impending Doom”

Whitney Houston Died for the Grammys…

Color me unconcerned, unsurprised and untouched. Drugs and alcohol were such a large part of the celeb’ Houston life that this was a foregone conclusion. In fact, every time I heard news indicating she was still alive, I was a tad surprised.

The “Manufactured Music Industry”‘s hagiography of this pathetic celebrity’s self-waste of a life and talent is, frankly, revolting. The “Princess Di Phenomenon”? (That was another outpouring that gagged me–nearly as much as the Elvis and Michael Jackson crap.)

Just let it go.

Ignorant, Stupid or Just Plain Liars?

Over and over and over again, the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind utters completely false (or torturously-deniable?) statements simply because the lies agree with the Hivemind narrative on a topic. The example that spurred this particular gripe?

“…hydrofracking, a relatively new process of extracting natural gas by breaking up rock with pressurized water…”

See? It all depends on what the writer can later claim was meant by “relatively new”. In terms of the typical lifespan of Americans or the average readership/audience of Hivemind organs, “relatively recent” is an outright lie, since it’s been a commonplace oil-and-gas-field technique for over 60 years, just another tool in the toolbag of oil and gas developers. Heck, I* can recall conversations on the topic with friends, acquaintances and clients in the oil industry 30 years ago, myself.

Now, of course the lying scumbags (I almost typoed “scumbarfs” *heh*) in the Hivemind pushing this “relatively recent” meme can always say they mean relatively new in human history (or geological time frames or whatever) in order to deny it’s a lie, but then they’ll just lie about something else, as well.

“Relatively new process” MHWA…

But hey. This sort of easily refuted lie is just common fare with the Hivemind, and the illiterate, aliterate, self-lobotomized sheeple just eat this toxic waste up with a spoon and then say, “Please, may I have more?”

Richelieu Is Running the “Feddle Gummint Bureaucrappy”

…and likely your local city government as well.

“Give me six lines written by the most honorable of men, and I will find an excuse in them to hang him.” —Cardinal Richelieu

Just search for “too many laws” (don’t use Google unless you want your searches used against you… just sayin’. Use scroogle.org or some other proxied search engine). A moment’s thought pre-search will avert any surprise at what you turn up. *heh*

Anarcho-tyranny*, much?

Continue reading “Richelieu Is Running the “Feddle Gummint Bureaucrappy””

Fortunately, I Don’t Run in Those Circles

I know of a few people–dhimmicrappic leftards, one and all*–who have lost very nearly amazing amounts of weight using the “HCG diet” that uses a combo of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone, a hormone naturally produced by human embryos, and severe calorie restriction (500-800 calories/day) to achieve weight loss. You noticed, of course, that I italicized “weight” in that statement. That’s simply because the amounts of muscle mass lost in this diet is excessive. If one is too fat, then fat loss is a good thing. Muscle mass loss is not, for more than a few reasons. Here, let me just quote a Mayo clinic page on the topic:

“…HCG is used mainly to treat fertility issues. HCG is not approved for over-the-counter use, nor has it been proved to work for weight loss. Companies that sell over-the-counter HCG weight-loss products are breaking the law.

“So why has there been so much talk about the HCG diet? Perhaps it’s because the diet recommends severe calorie restriction — typically just 500 to 800 calories a day. People who follow such a very low calorie diet are likely to lose weight, at least in the short term. However, that level of calorie restriction has risks, such as gallstone formation, irregular heartbeat, and an imbalance of the electrolytes that keep the body’s muscles and nerves functioning properly.”

BTW, I have seen the page I just quoted from excerpted and used in support of the HCG diet. Of course, those who do so are liars, deliberately misrepresenting what was said there in order to promote this dangerous fad diet. So far, every case I’ve seen of such misrepresentation has strangely (NOT!) failed to link the actual page… I have no doubt that the reason is simply to obscure the fact that they are twisting the material they carefully excerpt.

Of course, the target audience of such lying screeds is likely too lazy and stupid to follow a link to the “rest of the story” even if it were provided… and likely too lazy and stupid to understand what’s there, anyway.

Oh, and that “*” earlier? Here it is: I know I run the danger of committing an argumentum ad hominem fallacy by making the association: dhimmicrappic leftards—>dangerous, irrationalbehavior. I’m not actually making that argument by noting that only persons I know who are stupidly abusing their bodies with this dangerous fad diet are the dhimmicrappic leftards mentioned above. The stupid dhimmicrappic leftards I know who are committing this self-abuse are simply data points in a broader correlation I see between dhimmicrappic leftards and many other cases of unthinking (or simply stupid) abuse of self and others. In every case, the unthinking (or simply stupid) abuse of self and others involves blind acceptance of “authoritative” misstatements of fact (or outright lies) and a complete lack of forethought combined with a stupid embrace of “quick fix” solutions to difficult issues.

Just sayin’ It seems, from my observations of the passing scene, to be much more common–though not exclusive to–the left than the right.

No, That’s Not What Bothers Me

Fake iPad 2s made of clay have been sold at a couple of Canadian electronics stores.

Fake iPads made of clay were sold to as many as 10 people in Vancouver, Canada, CTV News reports. The fake iPads were sold at Best Buy and Future Shop, after scam artists bought a real iPad with cash, and replaced the device with modeling clay.

The scammers then brought the fake iPad back to the store and returned it for a full refund. Future Shop and Best Buy put the returned devices directly back onto the shelf, where other customers bought it. Mark Sandhu bought his wife, Sundeep, what he thought was an iPad 2 for Christmas. Instead, they both got a surprise when they opened the box.

Whoop-de-do. *yawn* So? They were tablets, weren’t they? *heh* No, what bothers me, really bothers me, is this sentence in the FoxBusiness report:

Future Shop and Best Buy put the returned devices directly back onto the shelf, where other customers bought it [sic].

Someone want to parse that for me? The dumbass who wrote the report really should be fired.

“Suckitudinous Fiction” Isn’t Confined to Books

And Holly Lisle’s rules aren’t the only ones, but Seraphim Falls manages to hit the low spots and add a whole huge bunch of others.

What a piece of crap… and I watched the whole stinking thing. That’s a couple of hours of my life I’ll never get back, but at least, after the first fifteen minutes or so I grabbed a notebook and started filling a few pages with brief references to some of the stupidest directing, plotting, staging and other revelations of ignorance and stupidity in this fantasy portrayal of a cast of unappealing–no, mostly unsavory, repulsive, extremely unsympathetic–characters.

Oh, well. At least (absent someone holding a loaded gun to my head) I’ll never have to watch it again.

You may note that I filed this post under “Dumbasses”… and I R one for having waded through this crap, even if I did get a small amount of pleasure from writing down a small sampling of the stupidities it used in telling this worthless, uninteresting, banal story. (No, I’ll not transcribe the FOUR PAGES of notes. I really don’t want to relive the thing even that much.)

If The Zero Wants a New Running Mate…

…as an upgrade from the intellectual prowess of Cwazy Unka Joe Biden, I think I can scare up a bag of hammers (although a sack of $h1t would be a more appropriate upgrade).

Just tryin’ to help the guy out here.