"In a democracy (‘rule by mob’), those who refuse to learn from history will be the majority and will dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance."
Teachers are often required to attend “workshops” and “seminars” run by “education professionals” to maintain so-called “continuing education” credits necessary for their certifications/licenses. All too typically, such events feature know-nothing (or worse, know wrongly) educrats telling the teachers what they MUST do in their classrooms in order to be in compliance with some governmental regulation. Example: a workshop not long back featuring a remote educrat who said, “I have never taught in the classroom, but here is how you do xxxx.”
A know-nothing dictating to those who already know how to teach… but who often simply aren’t allowed to do so.
Remote educrats and the admins who enforce their edicts: F-n’ idiots.
One of the better things about rural schools is that some are often in quiet rebellion against city folks running their lives, and they’re small enough and sometimes remote enough to get away with a wee bit of foot-dragging on some of the stupider edicts. Just one reason that rural schools in general outperform many urban school systems in useful education. Review the principles of subsidiarity and accountability for reasons why this may work better in rural settings…
The best, most “positive” view the typical libtard has of Christianity is,
“Jesus paid for our sins, so let’s get our money’s worth.”
Always eagerly answering Romans 6:1, “Yeh,baby!” without even the ability to move onto the next and following verses…
Apart from that, all the typical libtard can do is either cite examples of behavior by people acting in completely UN-Christian ways as evidence that Christianity is evil or simply utter lies for the hell of it. Of course, these are the same people who proclaim that the religion founded and modeled by the mass-murderer, rapist, pedophile, liar, brigand, torturer, slaver and thief, the Butcher of Medina (Mohamed, he who quite obviously, from the testimony of his own lips and the record of his life, now finds his eternal home in hell), is a wholesome “religion of peace,” with absolutely no intended irony.
IOW: crap. That’s the “standard” of English taught by the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind to those who sup its toxic waste. Take this piece of ungrammatical stupidity taken from an otherwise innocuous piece of fluff about a woman who found a 17 gram piece of a meteorite:
“That gem from outer space was found at the Lotus park where Brenda, her kids and her collie come to [sic] nearly every day.”
Dan Savage, self-promoted anti-bullying campaigner and homosexual sex advice columnist (“Savage Love”), lit into a vulgarity (and by some reports profanity) laced diatribe against Christians in what was supposed to be a talk on combating bullying given at a national journalism conference for high school students. when a goodly portion of students elected to leave, the anti-bullying campaigner naturally did the right thing. *gag* He called them “pansy asses” as they walked out, just like any accomplished bully would do.
Well, Jazz Shaw, of Hot Air, has found what appears to be Savage’s source material for lectures about bullying:
It’s about time folks began doing the right thing and called out the anti-gay bullies–you know, those unhappy, neurotic, angry homosexuals like Dan Savage who are NOT “gay” but simply unhappy, neurotic, angry homosexuals–who go around bullying people who simply don’t believe that the something like 3-4% of the population* who claim to be homosexuals should be allowed to bully everyone else.
I forget where I came across this, but it does speak volumes. Add this to the mom jeans, “57 States,”* “corpse man,” “the Austrian language,” the “girly pitch” and other “coolness” from The Zero: pure stupidity.
It’s sad, really. One always wants to give appropriate credit where it’s due, but with “affirmative discrimination against qualified applicants in favor of favored ‘minorities’ who may OR MAY NOT be qualified” it’s kind of hard, especially when others in his position–*cough* Bush *cough*– have freely shared their academic exploits and foibles but the Imperial Dumbo refuses to. So, just being fair here: it’s pics like this that demonstrate that the actual intellectual prowess of The Zero is consonant with his demonstrated ignorance (“corpse man,” the Austrian language, Maldives for Malvinas, 57 states–number visited at that time, leaving three unvisited, according to the rest of his statement–etc.) that is ignored by a complicit Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind, really needs to be discussed. Can we really afford an ignorant, dull Marxist Indonesian who’s nevertheless well-schooled in the Cloward-Pivens, Bill Ayers, Saul Alinsky tactics of subversion as anyone to hold the influence and power this klutz does?
*Just to be clear: in context, the “I’ve visited 57 States so far” indicates he thought there to be MORE States in the US. So his “57 States” comment, combined with so very many other comments indicating historical, geographical and cultural illiteracy do make me wonder: just how dumb is Barry Hussein Odumbo-Soetoro (the first Indonesian president of the US, as far as I can tell from whatever documentation’s available)?
Jerry Pournelle’s essay on “Voodoo Sciences” should be read by every American with more active brain cells than a 10-year-old cracked cock of kimchi has. That, of course, excludes the electric sheep on the Left, automatons mimicking human behavior by parroting Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind memes, perhaps (no, probably; no, precicely) because they do NOT possess more active brain cells than a 10-year-old cracked cock of kimchi.
Pournelle’s essay really resonates with me. Sure, my degrees and most of my life’s work experiences are in fine arts (music) and humanities (history, philosophy, theology, literature, languages, etc.), but I had a serious crush on the science sciences early on and found statistics much more fascinating after a few semesters of calculus (because that experience made more of the formulas make sense). Now, after another 40+ years of observing the passing scene, Pournelle’s comments ring even truer.
Early in the essay, speaking about just one of the “voodoo sciences”, Pournelle commented,
“We have by law a Council of Economic Advisors to report to the president, while the Congress has its own staff of economists to tell them what they should do.
“From all the evidence I’ve seen, we’d do as well to give the president a Council of Voodoo Practitioners, and let the Congress consult its Chief Astrologer. In fact, I suspect that a chief hungan and mambo would do less harm than our present economists: we’d be less likely to take them seriously. However much our Chief Voodoo Advisor protested that his work was scientific, we’d demand some kind of track record, some evidence that his predictions might once in a while come true; while we impose no such burdens on economists, which is just as well, since their track record is one of universally dismal failure.”
Hmmm… new constitutional amendment? Bills should have clear objectives stated up front, and if the laws/regulations resulting can be shown to not obtain those objectives, then the laws/regulations go *poof*? Goodbye Headstart. Goodbye 99.999% of Department of Education and EPA mandates. Heck, goodbye roughly 85% of “feddle gummint” laws, regulations and “bureaucrappy”.
Balance the budget and reduce the debt quickly, that would, eh? Heck, putting “feddle gummint bureaucraps” and “law enfArcement” officers (primarily those engaged in blatant infringement of human/civil/constitutionally guaranteed rights via the unconstitutional “war on drugs”* and darned near every “security theater” law and regulation) on the dole would be less expensive than paying their salaries and benefits. Let them eat cake. Crow cake.
That’s the reasonable takeaway/pushback to DNC/Obama advisor Hilary Rosen’s slur on Ann Romney:
And yeh, I’m also pointing out that Rosen quite obviously has a skewed view of motherhood from the gitgo. Hey, Hilary! Next time, buy a different vowel! As it is, you don’t have a clue what real women are about. Heck, even I know more from simply having lived with and around real women (my mom, grandmothers and wife) all my life, instead of living with a deviant* “partner”.
Update: Flashback! In 2008, Rosen dismissed criticisms of Sarah Palin for working outside her home with,
“Judgments about people’s personal lives are better left unsaid and unrealized.”
But, of course, condemning a SAHM (stay-at-home-mom) experience as rendering opinions on the world at large invalid is OK with Rosen, because she apparently has no ethical standards worth mentioning. Of course. You did see “DNC/Obama advisor” in the opening line of this post, right? So, “no ethical standards worth mentioning” is a “dog bites man” thingy, eh? 😉
*deviant, n, Differing from a norm. Since self-identified homosexuals make up less than 4% of the adult population of the U.S. (that would include male, female and “other” homosexuals *heh*), and female homosexuals may comprise no more than half that number, I’d say 2% makes Rosen and her “partner” deviant, by definition.
Anyone see the faux apology Rosen finally issued yesterday? Following her deliberate slam of SAHMs as “not having worked a day in [their] li[ves]” is was an insult to anyone who viewed it, especially following on the heels of her expanded insults at “Puffington Host” while penning a walkback on her slur on SAHMs designed to gull the terminally stupid and satisfy her fellow travelers. Check this:
Mitt Romney actually said, referring to asking Ann Romney what she’s been hearing on the campaign trail,
“…she reports to me regularly that the issue women care about most is the economy.”
OK, Rosen quoted that and then LIED about what Romney said! LIED:
“…saying he supports women’s economic issue because they are the only issues that matter to [women]”
Note two things: Romney mentions his wife campaigning with him and on her own and reports what she tells him the women she interacts with on the campaign have told her are the most important issues they care about in the campaign, NOT “the only” as Rosen says in her lie. Firstly, he didn’t ask his wife what her “SAHM opinion” was. He asked her what she was encountering on the campaign. So, Rosen’s comment about Ann Romney (that she’d not worked a day in her life) was not only mean and dismissive of the real work that SAHMs do, it was completely, totally and absolutely irrelevant.
Secondly, Rosen then has to further her attack by actually telling a baldfaced lie about what The Romney Android actually said, on her way to (again!) mischaracterizing the whole incident.
Then, yesterday, she says she simply made some poor word choices and apologizes that her poorly chosen words–not the attitude and content of her dismissive comment, just her word choice–offended some people.
That’s no apology. It’s not even an admission of her behavior. Heck, if she were making a plea of guilt as a part of a plea bargain in court and submitted a similar comment, any honest court would refuse her plea.
Such persons as Hilary Rosen are worse than merely disgusting; they are nothing more than toxic waste trying to pass as human beings.