Gotta love it…

No, I’m not going to link it, but I just love it when a guy brags about being “self-employed as a software developer” and “web site designer”… and the page those boasts are on doesn’t load/display properly in two different browsers.

Oh, yeh. Mac user. (Apologies to both of my readers who aren’t typical Mac users… :-))

Still having a hoot with the al-Qaeda>Saudi>Al Jizeera>Fwench news chain of “credible sources” in the “OBL is dead (again)” story. No sane person can write great material like that.

Oh, and for more “gotta-love-’em idiocy” take Congress (please!). One “word” (for those who can’t count): Arlen Specter. How better to sum it up than this comment by one of the great minds of the 20th Century?

(BTW, ya know there are three kinds of people in the world, dontcha? Those who can count and those who can’t.)

Well, enough for a drive-by. Just remember: if you need a laugh or three, there’s plenty of stupidity to ridicule in the news, on the web—even here at twc. ;-)—and just driving down the road. After all, as Woody reminds us, at least 42% of Americans are complete morons. (Really, Woody? Ya think it’s that low? :-))

Very Short Roundup/Monday OP

This is an open trackbacks post. Link to this post and track back. More below the brief roundup featuring articles by Mensa Barbie, STACLU, Conservative Cat (Ferdy: gottalovehim), Planck’s Constant, Big Lizards, Blue Star Chronicles, Woody’s News and Views, Woman Honor Thyself, All Things Beautiful, and Basil’s Blog.

UPDATE: N.B.—I inadvertently (got inna hurry paging through mky SPAM moderation queue, ya know) deleted a TB from Bernie at Planck’s Constant. That’s a no-no in my book, so here’s the link and lede:

Muslim Humor-Muslim Jokes

I have taken it upon myself to supply the world with more Muslim jokes. It goes without saying that Muslims are perhaps the least humorous folk on Earth; whereas Jews have learned to laugh at themselves, even turning that laughter into a business: Vaudeville.

There ya go, Bernie. I’ll be more careful in the future.

Amid alla the brouhaha about the information from France, via Al- jizeera, from Saudi Arabia saying its source is Al Qaeda (damned liars reliable sources one and all *cough-spit*), let’s keep our eye on the ball in the GWOT—Truth and Justice and Iraq, in particular: Mensa Barbie offers a lil timely aid in that effort.

About that GWOT, Clinton’s apologia for his eight years’ inaction, balancing civil rights and national security, etc., STACLU comments on “Learning From The Past”.

A heartwarming link (with typical commentary) from Conservative Cat. Makes me wanna do a happy dance. *heh*

Planck’s Constant shares with us his grief over the report of bin Laden’s reported death. I agree, Bernie, though I feel perhaps your “grief” may not be quite deep enough; the proper treatment of OBL’s burial would involve a bit more, I think… *heh*

Suggested “bedmate’ for OBL’s final resting place

Daffyd (Big Lizards) notes the award of the laurel wreath to the Champion of Terrorist Rights, today. Indeed.

Blue Star Chronicles reminds us of who the real heroes are in the GWOT (Hint: they’re not found among Political Poltroons, Mass Media Podpeople, Loony Left Moonbats or Academia But Fruitcakes).

On a slight *a-hem* change of pace, Woody’s News and Viewsd has a couple of “see ’em to believe ’em” posts. OK, one is simply a graphic that strikes a resonant chord in me, the other’s a video that’s worth a lil break time.

Even further along the curve away from the GWOT (or is it, really?), Angel’s weekend open trackbacks post has some good thoughts, calming pics. Head on over to Woman Honor Thyself for a lil time of quiet contemplation of the splendor of creation.

Alexandra’s Rosh Hashanah post at All things Beautiful is one of the weekend’s “must reads” IMO.

And finally, head on over to Basil’s Blog to test your knowledge of Ramadan.

As I said above, this is an open trackbacks post. Link to this post and then track back. If you want to host your own linkfests, check out

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven

OBL dead?

[Maybe NSFW, unless in a medical establishment… Definitely not to be read while eating ice cream. Or chocolate. Or chocolate ice cream.]

Yeh, it’s been all over the news, blogs, etc. for the past coupla days. OBL dead? I’m not exactly sanguine…

OTOH, if he died of typhoid, then he died as he lived… running off at the mouth… or what passes for one among Al Qaeda circles.

typhoid fever… loss of appetite, nosebleeds, cough, and diarrhea… [b]y the end of the third week the patient is emaciated, abdominal symptoms are marked, and mental disturbance is prominent

Hmmm… there’s quite a bit of that that sounds like SOP for Al Qaeda and their ilk. Of course, the normal Al Qaeda scum is marked by prodigious reverse peristalsis diarrhea, since every word they utter is spewed feces.


I just started reading a book by an author who is new to me.

I think I’ll probably not be able to finish it, despite the fact that the premise is interesting and the characterization of the protagonist is also interesting.

The problem? The author is just too darned subliterate for me to ignore her abuse of language.

Second paragraph: “…they did peak her interest about other areas…”

That’s “pique” not “peak”. A peak is a high point, not an arousal or excitement (as of interest, e.g. “pique my interest”).


My disinterest begins to peak…

Further down the page, one of my favorite gripes: “…there’s bound to be different interpretations…”

Nope. “There ARE (there’re) bound to be different interpretations” would be correct. “There IS (there’s) bound to be A different interpretation” is also correct, but “there’s bound to be different interpretations” is just stupid.

There’re more such stupid usages. All in the first coupla pages.

The author of this book (and no, I’ll not name either the book or the author; I’ll not inflict that pain on anyone else) shouldn’t get any play until she learns her craft properly. And since this author’s somewhere in her 60s, time’s running out for her.

Oh, and her editor/publisher should use hemp neckties to rid the world of their subliterate incompetence as well.

*profound sigh*

People who murder the English language for pay (and, of course, politicians and Mass Media Podpeople and Academia Nut Fruitcakes all fall into this category as well) really need to be introduced to Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether for remedial instruction.

Highly intelligent stupidity

When viewing Bill Clinton’s recent defense of his eight years of inaction and ineffective waffling in the face Islamic terrorism, I was reminded of words put into the mouth of Antonio Barberini* by Eric Flint and Andrew Dennis in 1635: the Cannon Law. It seems to me that, like the character referred to in the fictional account, Bill Clinton has the uncanny ability to

“…bring more brain-power to bear on being a fool than most men could exert in the profoundest philosophical inquiry.”

*Yeh, the book’s an “alternate timestream” kinda thing and Antonio Barberini was a real person in history suited out to play a part in it.

More on Puppy Linux

OK, I’ve mentioned Ubuntu Linux (6.06 “Dapper Drake”) several times and Puppy Linux a coupla times. For “Aunt Tilly” easy, either qualify. Ubuntu is slicker and a lil more “Windows-like” (though distinctly different), but Puppy Linux 2.10 is… really, really nice.

For one thing, running Puppy Linux off the CD (no hard drive install) is really FAST compared to other “Live CD” experiences. Puppy sees more of my actual physical memory than Windows does and uses that to its advantage. Plus, as opposed to other Live CD Linux disks, Puppy makes saving my changes and configurations in a Live CD session almost transparently easy. And while I’m not all that tickled with the Seamonkey browser, it’s still about as capable as Firefox, and having it remember my logons (like to this admin account) between live CD sessions is really nice.

Highly recommend y’all who use Windows at least download Puppy and try it out, especially since IF (and/or WHEN) your Windows install refusews to even boot into Safe Mode (I had another client computer with a set of issues that resulted in that just this week), you can still boot into a Puppy Live CD session and rescue data files, at the very least.

Download Puppy Linux here and give it a try. At the least, it’ll be fun (or interesting), and it might just save your bacon to have something like this sitting in your toolbox.

Puppy Linux 2.10 is definitely getting installed on the next box I build for testing here.

OTA Post/Security note

This is an Open Trackbacks Alliance post. Link to this post and track back all weekend long. More below the mishmash (which includes some info anyone who uses Internet Exploder or Outlook MUST read!)

If you’ve not heard of it yet, on Tuesday Microsoft acknowledged a(nother!) serious security flaw in Internet Exploder (and by extension also in the html rendering in Outlook/Outlook Express) that you MUST take seriously.

To deal with this security flaw, you have two paths to take at this time, since Microsoft has NOT issued a patch:

1.) Stop using Microsoft’s internet applications! Stop it! Now! I use Opera for my browser, email and newsfeed client. I don’t really need to use Internet Exploder, unless some jackass website builder requires Active X components to load a site I NEED to use. (And in most cases, I’ll get on the phone to ’em and chew ’em out for it.)

2.) Kludge through the workarounds:

From Microsoft’s Security Advisory 925568, under Workarounds, in addition to UN-registering the vgx.dll (Click Start, click Run, type “regsvr32 -u “%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VGX\vgx.dll”” (without the quotation marks), and then click OK.):

Read e-mail messages in plain text format to help protect yourself from the HTML e-mail attack vector

Microsoft Outlook 2002 users who have applied Office XP Service Pack 1 or a later version and Microsoft Outlook Express 6 users who have applied Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 or a later version can enable this setting and view e-mail messages that are not digitally signed or e-mail messages that are not encrypted in plain text only. Digitally signed e-mail messages or encrypted e-mail messages are not affected by the setting and may be read in their original formats. For more information about how to enable this setting in Outlook 2002, see Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 307594.

Impact of Workaround: E-mail messages that are viewed in plain text format will not contain pictures, specialized fonts, animations, or other rich content. Additionally:
1. The changes are applied to the preview pane and to open messages.

2. Pictures become attachments so that they are not lost.

3. Because the message is still in Rich Text or HTML format in the store, the object model (custom code solutions) may behave unexpectedly.

OK, don’t say you weren’t warned. For my part, the machines around here are all having the vgx.dll unregistered, and I’ll simply keep on using Opera for all (well, 99.99%) my web browsing, email and RSS feeds.

UPDATE: Released today by ZERT: third party patch for the VML vulnerability from the “Zero Day Emergency Response Team”—NOT a Microsoft patch.

BTW, see the foot of thos post (“read more here” below the Open trackback reminder) for a few personal observations about Microsoft and security holes/vulnerabilities.

This is an Open Trackbacks Alliance post. Link to this post and then track back. If you want to host your own linkfests, check out

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

Linkfest Haven

Continue reading “OTA Post/Security note”

“And the award goes to… “

(Award for dumbass opposition to Truth, Justice and the America Way)

And the award goes to… the ACLU for its opposition to the Voter Integrity Act. The blogburst from STACLU lays it out:

Crossposted from Stop The ACLU

Via The ACLU Website:

The American Civil Liberties Union today expressed its disappointment with the House passage of a bill placing undue and unnecessary burdens on Americans’ fundamental right to vote. H.R. 4844, the “Federal Election Integrity Act of 2006,” requires voters to present a government-issued photo ID in order to vote in federal elections. In addition, beginning in 2010 voters would be required to present a photo ID that was issued based on proof of citizenship in order to vote. The measure passed by a vote of 228-196.

The following can be attributed to Caroline Fredrickson, Director of the ACLU Washington Legislative Office:

“Less than two months after the renewal of the Voting Rights Act, the House of Representatives has chosen to pass legislation disenfranchising the very citizens the VRA was designed to protect. No eligible citizen should have to pay to vote. There are voters who simply don’t have photo ID and requiring them to purchase one in order to vote would be tantamount to a poll tax. This measure will disproportionately impact racial and ethnic minority voters, senior citizens, voters with disabilities, and others who do not have photo identification nor the financial means to acquire it.”

What a load of crap! This ridiculous “poll tax” meme is quickly making its rounds. Nancy Pelosi has taken the ball with this one and ran with it headlining with the alarmist title, “Voter ID Bill Is an Attempt to Suppress the Votes of Millions of American Citizens!

Give me a break! You have got to be kidding! Perhaps they are worried this act will supress “millions” of illegals and dead people from voting! An I.D. is required in many of the most basic things in America such as driving a car or even cashing a check. Please, tell me how all of these poor people that can not afford to get an I.D. cash their welfare checks?

Rep. Henry Hyde makes the same point.

But Rep. Henry Hyde (R-Ill.), who sponsored the Federal Election Integrity Act, says requiring voters to show photo ID at the polls “presents no greater hardship than people face performing everyday activities.”

For example, Hyde noted that government-issued photo IDs are required for driving vehicles, applying for Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid, food stamps, boarding airplanes, entering government buildings, registering at school, getting student loans, renting movies, and cashing checks.

Given all the cases in which U.S. citizens are asked to produce photo IDs, it should not be difficult to produce IDs to guard against fraud in the electoral system, Hyde said.

It really isn’t surprising that the ACLU would be against making our democratic process have more integrity. After all, they know which side butters their bread. They even keep a scorecard on Congress.

The ACLU are involved across the country fighting voter I.D. laws. In Missouri at least 16 St. Louis area Democrats have been found guilty of election crimes in the last year and a half! When Republican Gov. Matt Blunt signed a law requiring voters to provide I.D. the ACLU had to come up with a different argument than the poll tax crap. Even though Missouri the Missouri law provided for free photo IDs that voters could obtain before election day the ACLU represented a group of Democrats to challenge the law by arguing for a loophole they found stating the law violated a state constitutional provision against imposing costs on local governments without providing state funding. So much for the poll tax argument or putting an undue burden on the poor.

As a matter of fact as Digger’s Realm points out:

Those against it are claiming it’s a poll tax on the poor, minorities and elderly and that they can’t afford to get a drivers license or passport. They fail to mention that the bill includes a portion to pay for free for the poor who can’t afford a photo ID.

People can see for themselves. The full text of the bill is here.

The ACLU were also involved in the recent case against a similar bill in Georgia that was struck down. It also provided free I.D.s. They also fought voter ID laws in New Mexico, Michigan, and Indiana. The ACLU has clearly shown its true colors in support of voter fraud. The only possible reason I can realistically see why someone would be against this bill is if they actually desire for voter fraud to continue. Once again the ACLU has shown just how transparent their lie of non-partisanship is. It is clear what the ACLU and democrats want. They want rights for illegal aliens, dead people, and felons to vote early and often.

This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay at or Gribbit at You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 200 blogs already on-board.

*sigh* And the ACLU can probably get judges like “Judge Robert G. James of the United States District Court, Western Division of Louisiana… “ to go a;ong with their cockamamie, dumbass attack on the integrity of the voting process.

Someone had to do a study for this?!?

Report Critical of Training of Teachers.

MQ starts with the lede:

Most American teachers are trained in university programs with low admission and graduation standards, and with faculty members and courses that are often unimpressive and disconnected from what takes place in elementary and secondary schools, according to a study released yesterday.

Some education departments and schools should be shut down and others need vast improvement, said the report, “Educating School Teachers,” released by the Education Schools Project, a research group.

Well, duh. Anyone with more than two active brain cells knows that. If the “education system” in America were a person, it’d need another neuron just to make a synapse.