Gotta love it…

No, I’m not going to link it, but I just love it when a guy brags about being “self-employed as a software developer” and “web site designer”… and the page those boasts are on doesn’t load/display properly in two different browsers.

Oh, yeh. Mac user. (Apologies to both of my readers who aren’t typical Mac users… :-))

Still having a hoot with the al-Qaeda>Saudi>Al Jizeera>Fwench news chain of “credible sources” in the “OBL is dead (again)” story. No sane person can write great material like that.

Oh, and for more “gotta-love-’em idiocy” take Congress (please!). One “word” (for those who can’t count): Arlen Specter. How better to sum it up than this comment by one of the great minds of the 20th Century?

(BTW, ya know there are three kinds of people in the world, dontcha? Those who can count and those who can’t.)

Well, enough for a drive-by. Just remember: if you need a laugh or three, there’s plenty of stupidity to ridicule in the news, on the web—even here at twc. ;-)—and just driving down the road. After all, as Woody reminds us, at least 42% of Americans are complete morons. (Really, Woody? Ya think it’s that low? :-))

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