Guard the Border

Still in short shrift mode here @twc central, so this very important post from GTB is up a day late. Read, then call your congresscritters, the White House and just about anyone else you think might be able to positively affect the situation. Send a link to this post to everyone on your email distro lists as well. I almost never (can’t remember a time I have done so) submit guest posts to Linkfests, but this needs to be read, so it’s getting “the treatment”.

Dirty Texas Politics Taint Border Patrol Agents’ Trial

I have to give huge kudos to Shawn Christopher Phillips, of the Wry & Coy Report, for compiling some of the least known and most misreported facts surrounding the case of the two Border Patrol Agents prosecuted for shooting a drug smuggler. Shawn has raised some very troubling questions surrounding the case – questions worth asking and investigating. He has also connected the dots in a way that the media has been unable (or unwilling) to do.

Shawn’s original research material can be found at here and here. I have supplemented the accounts with further information from my own research and from Pat Gray’s radio show on KSEV, since he and his co-host, Edd Hendee have been investigating the anomalies surrounding this very muddled case.

I have taken the liberty of condensing Shawn’s material from several posts to place it into a rough timeline of events as they occurred. As well, I wanted to include information about some of the major players in this case, from the drug smuggler himself all the way up to U.S. Congressmen and Senators.

The central perpetrator in this travesty of justice is the U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, who has old boy Texas connections from the judge overseeing the case all the way up to President George W. Bush. These connections, though not openly disclosed, have greatly impacted the case, as highly placed government officials look the other way while testimonies, evidence, and statements are manipulated behind the scenes.

Continue reading “Guard the Border”

Robbing the Cradle/Open Trackbcks

As things slowly get back to normal here at third world county (not yet; be patient :-)), regular features and curmudgeonry will resume. Meanwhile, this is an open trackback post. Link to this post and track back.

If you have a linkfest/open trackback post to promote OR if you simply want to promote a post via the linkfests/open trackback posts others are offering, GO TO LINKFEST HAVEN DELUXE! Just CLICK the link above or the graphic immediately below.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

If you want to host your own linkfests but have not yet done so, check out the Open Trackbacks Alliance. The FAQ there is very helpful in understanding linkfests/open trackbacks.

Here’s a rough sketch from my huge pile of draft posts…

Rebellious teenagers. It’s a meme we all live with, grew up with, know well. We simply expect teenagers to be rebellious. We’re told it’s always this way and always has been this way.

It’s a lie.

I know more than a few teenagers who have grown up and passed through their adolescence who have defied the meme. Our own, now grown, children are examples of children who seemed virtually immune to the meme.

Others… never grow out of adolescence, never seem to embrace the values their parents say they hold dear, are rebellious, angry, deceptive and even dangerous to themselves and others.


Well, for one thing, many parents today are ceding the parenting of their children to others from an early age.

From birth to age five, nearly 60% of American children are cared for by persons other than their parents or family members for time periods ranging from four to nine hours a day. Only 22% of American children from birth through age 5 are cared for full time by their parents. 1

Let that sink in.

Now think further: how many of those parents who are fulltime caregivers for young children largely use the television as an in-home “babysitter” as opposed to those who “teach and care” as they go about their day being an adult?

Rabbit trail: my own mom had five children born within a space of five years. No daycare, no regular in-home babysitters. She managed the household and raised the five of us. “Play” with Mother when I was a young child consisted of “helping” her do housework. (Yeh, I was a fine help banging on pots n pans with my brother and sisters while she cooked or did dishes. *heh*) TV? She read us stories. We played in the yard or with board games (as we grew) or built things with what toys we had–no closet or roomful, just a few things we could make more of with our imaginations.

Is it any wonder more and more “adults” are simply living a life of delayed adolescence? “Grups”–people who have no idea how to be adults, because they were NOT raised but simply farmed out by parents who were just children in adult bodies.

Or the flip side: children whose every whim has been catered to from birth… remaining children for life, thinking the world owes them whatever they want. Children whose parents shuffle them from one “enriching experience”after another, scheduling their days to the nth degree, stifling any genuine creativity and creating children-for-life who are bored to tears without constant stimulation.

Robbing the cradle? Robbing society of generations of adults needed to make a representative republican democracy work. It’s no wonder Congress is filled with idiots, scoundrels and worse, considering gthe electorate that sent them there. And it’s no wonder that Mass Media Podpeople and Academia Nut Fruitcakes can lie out of both ends of their alimentary canals and have both ends’products gobbled up by a gullible public of eternal children.

Maybe there’s hope. Well, I have to hope so,because despair is perhaps the deadliest of sins…

There. Now wasn’t that a cheery thought?

CatholicS Musn’t Speak their “Truth”

While David is still “thawing out”..heh…I will do my best to entertain y’all…I know a little controversy wouldn’t ruffle David’s feathers so feel free to share your slant on this one eh? 🙂

By: Angel


A Catholic city councillor in Kamloops, British Columbia, who was himself the victim of the crime of vandalism due to his faith, has been forced to apologize and pay a homo-sexual activist couple $1000.

Canadian City Councillor Fined $1000 for Saying Homose-xuality “not Normal or Natural”


In line with Catholic teaching on the matter, he described hom-osex-ual acts as “not normal and not natural.”

“I’m not against les-bian and gay people, but I don’t agree that I should have to endorse it.” He also said that people can do what they like in the privacy of their own homes, but, he said in reference to gay pride parades, they shouldn’t “go out and flaunt it, in front of people who don’t necessarily agree.”

In addition to paying $1,000 to Olynick and Koll, DeCicco will provide a statement saying his comments were “inappropriate and hurtful to some.”


Ah. So all of a sudden it’s acceptable for the self-proclaimed secular “authorities” to discipline free speech when it runs counter to secular teachings or dogmas.


Apparently, according to secular Libland and the ones in power, the right to freedom of expression, only applies to information or ideas that are favorably received or regarded as “inoffensive” by the Powers that Be.

They can justify the proliferation of pornography, religious denigration, or abide public exhibits and humor which may offend, shock or deeply disturb people of moral values and faith, but religious leaders may not express their spiritual views with the same impunity.

As a nation we embrace political correctness.

We thus have organized groups like the ACLU and CA-IR who are capable of imposing their unique brand of hypocrisy and we witness the domination of the most conventional and traditional thoughts and ideas that our very society was founded upon.

When the Muuuhamad cartoons erupted upon the scene, in France, Germany, Italy, Norway and Austria, newspapers and magazines republished the cartoons in an attempt to make the point that the limits of free speech must not be dictated simply “by those who might take offense.”

Right here in America. NO one published them.

Out of “sensitvity”?..Ha. smile-uhh.gif
They simply caved in to the censorship of the mob.

Some editors in other countries had to go into hiding, some were fired and others resigned over that matter. Americans just put on their knee pads instead. facehide2.jpg

But, now, secularists can hijack the “who gets offended by it” issue for their own seedy purposes and politcal agenda.

They don’t call for restraint and responsibility on the part of pornographers, Christ or Jew haters. Why? Because those provocations don’t dangerously fuel passions and worldwide violent reprisal. That’s why.

Dissent, is no longer acceptable and has to be cloaked in ambiguity to ward off the law suits and retaliation by the self appointed secular Gods.

“In line with Catholic teaching on the matter, he described hom-osex-ual acts as “not normal and not natural.”

According to the Bible:
“You [masculine] shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.” (Leviticus 18:22)

“If a man lies with a male as a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death, their blood is upon them.” (Lev. 20:13)

Where the bible mentions homo-sex-ual behavior at all, it clearly condemns it.

Christian and all religious morality is but a way of expressing the integrity of our relationship with God. This includes divine law in the sexual realm as well.


The Lib secularists have taken it upon their self proclaimed selves to filter out what they perceive as sexism, patriarchalism, violence, and homophobia from the Bible.

They get to choose our ethics?
It is now our task to build ethics on the basis of bad science and secular indoctrination?

Last time I checked, in our democracy, no group, no matter how religious, has the right to claim an exemption from criticism or parody even. But “special interest” groups like Muzlims and homo-sexuals can?


Religious insights and ideas may be arrived at through a path that is based on Faith, not reason and is therefore not amenable to ordinary argument and debate, but it is nonetheless an insight and idea.

So, here we go again my friends.

The very same people who purport to protect free speech and the “civil liberties” of all Americans, at the moment that speech comes into conflict with their agenda or mission, they are first in line to quell those words, and most certainly not to protect that “speech.”

And to the couple who sued the Catholic city councillor:
Uh…about your understanding of tolerance, free speech and justice…well…you might just want to revisit an English dictionary.

What do ya suppose the Canadians think eh?

Crossposted at: Woman Honor Thyself


I know there are communities in Nebraska that have been without electrical power for nearly six weeks, now, because of winter storm damage, so the 9.5 days twc central was powerless (and the ongoing lack of broadband) is not a really big deal in the grand scheme of things. Nevertheless, more than a week without the usual sounds of an electrified home, cooking on a campstove, making do with flashlights, oil lamps, etc., and bundling REALLY warmly against continual freezing temps outside, dealing with downed limbs (yeh, maybe some pics will eventually follow), no phone for much of the time and all the isolation from the events of “importance” in the world do tend to give me pause to reflect…

The dogs really love (well, continue to love) the cold. It’s meant several “special times” every day inside for feeding/watering and petting. They always beg to go back out (thick coats and thick heads, no doubt *heh*), but are as ready to come back in for more attention.

The cats have been lil furbags of warmth–spreading themselves across available laps, necks, feet, whenever and wherever they could, even doing their best (and sometimes succeeding) to get the bedroom door open and join us in bed.

Early to bed, late to rise, pretty much timing our lives by the available light.

My Wonder Woman is a school librarian/media specialist, and with no school during the power outage and back coungtry road cleanup (bus drivers are out again today checking to see if their routes are navigable), she’s been home, as have I (with darned few people even able to turn computers on, there’ve been no urgent service needs–*heh*). So, we’ve spent the time doing chores around here, popping outa town to see the kids a few times, bundling up and cuddling together (nice!). Lotsa reading, talking, just enjoying each other’s presence.

With little news penetrating our lil world–we live in a “no reception” or at least very bad reception zone as far as radio, cell phone, etc., goes–we’ve not had the pressures of considering all the foolishness politicians *spit*, Mass Media Podpeople and Academia Nut Fruitcakes have undoubtedly been committing during our forced isolation.

How wonderful! A vacation from mass stupidity!

But now, even without TV (a mixed blessing: on the positive side, no chance exposure to Mass Media Podpeople; on the other hand, no Weather Channnel or Wolfgang Puck–*heh* On the gripping hand, though, no audiovisual anesthetizing agent–all-in-all, good) and broadband access–limited to a very slow, intermittently disfunctional 28.8 dialup connection–we have the world still with us, poking its nose back inside our cozy lil tent.

So, expect an eruption of third world county curmudgeonry any day now…


Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, Big Dog’s Weblog, stikNstein… has no mercy, basil’s blog, Shadowscope, DragonLady’s World, Pirate’s Cove, The Bullwinkle Blog, Conservative Cat, Pursuing Holiness, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Nearly Back Online/OTP

Well, after 9.5 days without electricity, we now have (*knock on wood*) power restored… but still no cable TV (WW needs the Weather Channel! :-)) or broadband (it’s cable, duh), so all our connection to “the world” is down to one usually semi-unreliable POTS line connection and a slooooowwww 28.8 dialup.

So, make this a good one, folks. This is an open trackbacks post. Hit me with your best shots, cos I’m depending on you to bring me back up to speed on what’s going on in “the world” OK?

Just link to this post and track back.

If you have a linkfest/open trackback post to promote OR if you simply want to promote a post via the linkfests/open trackback posts others are offering, GO TO LINKFEST HAVEN DELUXE! Just CLICK the link above or the graphic immediately below.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

If you want to host your own linkfests but have not yet done so, check out the Open Trackbacks Alliance. The FAQ there is very helpful in understanding linkfests/open trackbacks.

Before I turn WW’s computer back over to her for classwork, here’s a quick lil tip for Windows users who’re too lazy to do regular maintenance …or even just folks with better things to do than spend time running one standalone program after another to keep their Windows install working properly.

Here’s the deal: like it, love it, indifferent or hate it, Windows is here to stay for a while on most folks’ desktops. And it’s the target of choice, for many reasons, for malware of all kinds. In addition, Windows installations “cruft up” something fierce after only a few days or at most weeks of use and become, if not unusable, at the very least less than optimally-configured as a result.

What to do? Well, since converting to Linux is still out for most ordinary users (in spite of the “Aunt Tilly” friendliness of some recent distros) and switching to Mac OS X(.xx) is just trading for a different straightjacket–one that is apparently safer in part because it’s a more restrictive straightjacket–then maintaining a relatively cruft free and malware free Windows install is pretty much necessary. Until recently, that’s meant using several different products to achieve that goal, something that can be daunting or simply too time-consuming for folks who just want to get their web cruising, media management and document creation done.

Sure, Symantec and others have touted their integrated security and computer management/cleanup products for some time, but none of the “big boys'” products have appealed to me to the degree that I’d recommend them to clients. In particular, all of them, including the new Microsoft Onecare, have had serious flaws in execution or feature set that have made them “no deals” for me, and what I cannot justify for my own use, I cannot recommend to others.

Recently, however, I’ve found a product that, while lacking a software firewall and anti-virus, has most of the other features I have recommended several standalone products to fulfill, and fulfills those features quite well. That’s at least a step in the right direction for lazy–or just busy–folks who just cannot make the time to run several different computer management/anti-malware apps every day.

That’s a pic of Advanced Windows Care2 (PE) in action. (Yeh, I’ve blanked out any even vague identifiers that might peg which machine I was running it on. :-)) I’ve run it and several different apps that perform the same functions in comparison runs and had surprisingly similar results. With Adaware SE Personal and Spybot Search and Destroy scanning for spyware and startup issues, Fixit Utilities 5 scanning for registry errors and cruft files, for example, I found pretty much the same issues that Advanced Windows Onecare2 (PE) found with a one click, one pass effort. The general Windows and network optimizing suggestions were icing on the cake.

For disk defragging, personal firewall and anti-virus protection I’ll still have to continue to recommend (mostly) separate applications, but for those who find running multiple apps to scan for registry errors, spyware and other security issues to be a pain, I feel comfortable recommending IObit’s Advanced Windows Onecare, now. The “Personal Edition” is even free for home/private use.

Trackposted to Rightwing Guy, Wake Up America, Faultline USA, Big Dog’s Weblog, basil’s blog, Shadowscope, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, Dumb Ox Daily News, Conservative Cat, Right Voices, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

“Your’e Fired”

By: Angel


A Mus–lim woman police officer has sparked a new debate by refusing to shake hands with Britain’s most senior police chief for religious reasons.

I cannot shake your hand, sir. I’m a Mu–slim and you’re a man

In addition to refusing a traditional congratulatory handshake from Sir Ian, the WPC – who wore a traditional Mus–lim hij–ab headscarf – also declined to be photographed with him as she did not want the picture used for ‘propaganda purposes’.

“There was a great deal of discussion about it afterwards. People were asking how the hell is she going to make an arrest if she refuses to touch men.”

Ah. Yes. Just the person you want in charge of Public Safety.

Um. O.K.

This is the uniform, toots and these are the the job requirements. And, by the way, being a police officer, guess what.. they do include touching people you’re not related to.
Don’t like it?
Don’t take the flipping job.

But, not the Dhi-mmi countries. They have another solution:

First, they begin by making allowances with the uniform. british-police-bobbies.jpg
They change the uniform to “accomodate”

Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon said Victoria Police wanted to attract more women and more recruits from culturally diverse backgrounds that reflected the community.

Making hij–ab part of Victoria Police uniform.

Now, they make allowances with rules and professional courtesy and decency.
Not to mention that by not shaking hands with the head of the force, this “traitor” to her policeforce, fails to respect the very uniform she wears.

And, let us not rule out that what we have here sweet friends, is yet another Flying Im-am moment.

You know…A set up. A pre-announced, staged drama, to create first controversy , then the usual Libs coming to “save” them and grant them even more “privilege.”

I have a bulletin for Mz. Muzlim who refuses to respect her most senior police chief and colleagues. This job involves interfacing with the public and should not exactly be given to people who refuse to interface with “some” members of the public, at her own arrogant discretion.

Oh, and have you forgotten the Muzzlim policeman who refused to guard the Israeli embassy? Picky Picky aren’t they.

But more importantly, and adding insult to injury, she refuses to have her picture taken because it “would be used for propaganda purposes.”?!

If this doesn’t demostrate a clear antipathy towards her supposed service, superiors and duty, then nothing does.

Where’s Trump when ya need him. Why was she not fired on the spot.

But fear not y’all.. This was all predicted

Moderate British Mu–slims in the police, Armed Forces and Civil Service will one day revolt against the system to “crush it from within“, according to Om–ar Ba–kri Mo-ha–mmed, the notorious Is–lamic extremist.

“When you start to ask Musl–ims to join your Army and your police you are making a grave mistake. That British Mus–lim who joins the police today will one day read the Ko–ran and will have an awakening,” he said.

But, alas, this is the U.K. and Europe we speak of.
The social “P.C.” engineers and bureaucratic apathy and dhim-mitude have unleashed an infectious plague there, which is steadily heading in our direction.

(Muzlim cab driver anyone? dogs, dog2.gif and no alcohol you infid-el!)

But fear not, no doubt she will be vindicated and then she can police only women and her immediate male family members. Yea. That’ll work.


Crossposted at : Woman Honor Thyself

On Day Eight No Power…

America’s Third World County is living up to its name. Day eight. At least we have water. Saving battery power on WW’s notebook; have NO idea what’s happening in “the world” so just depending on CSA, R’Cat and Angel, I guess, until “the day”.

Lotsa cleanup of limbs from our sycamores on neighbor’s property, today. MUCH more to do in our back yard; fence and storage building need repairs as well. No biggies, though. Looks like the big ole limb that hit the roof of the house just skittered off (and plowed through the storage shed :-)).

Well, off again.Cya for some real third world county curmudgeonry & etc., when power’s restored . 🙂

Why Do Our Young Go to the Sound of the Battle?

Today’s political, military and geo-political landscapes are a muddy, quicksand like consistency it seems some days. Little clarity, lots of “suction” to keep the progress from occurring. From Hugh Hewitt’s radio show tonight, a moment of clarity, the words of a young man. His words, those of a freshly minted “butter bar” provide the answer to the title of the post, and also convey some wisdom his elders might be wise to take counsel of.

Sadly, these words, most likely would have been doomed to being read by a few hundred or so people in passing on Lt Mark Daly’s MySpace page, but as the result of his death in combat on 1/15/2007, his readership will increase dramatically. Here they are. Pause to consider Mark says things not popular, yet in a professional and forthright manner:

Why I Joined: This question has been asked of me so many times in so many different contexts that I thought it would be best if I wrote my reasons for joining the Army on my page for all to see. First, the more accurate question is why I volunteered to go to Iraq. After all, I joined the Army a week after we declared war on Saddam’s government with the intention of going to Iraq. Now, after years of training and preparation, I am finally here. Much has changed in the last three years. The criminal Ba’ath regime has been replaced by an insurgency fueled by Iraq’s neighbors who hope to partition Iraq for their own ends. This is coupled with the ever present transnational militant Islamist movement which has seized upon Iraq as the greatest way to kill Americans, along with anyone else they happen to be standing near. What was once a paralyzed state of fear is now the staging ground for one of the largest transformations of power and ideology the Middle East has experienced since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Thanks to Iran, Syria, and other enlightened local actors, this transformation will be plagued by interregional hatred and genocide. And I am now in the center of this. Is this why I joined? Yes. Much has been said about America’s intentions in overthrowing Saddam Hussein and seeking to establish a new state based upon political representation and individual rights. Many have framed the paradigm through which they view the conflict around one-word explanations such as “oil” or “terrorism,” favoring the one which best serves their political persuasion. I did the same thing, and anyone who knew me before I joined knows that I am quite aware and at times sympathetic to the arguments against the war in Iraq. If you think the only way a person could bring themselves to volunteer for this war is through sheer desperation or blind obedience then consider me the exception (though there are countless like me). I joined the fight because it occurred to me that many modern day “humanists” who claim to possess a genuine concern for human beings throughout the world are in fact quite content to allow their fellow “global citizens” to suffer under the most hideous state apparatuses and conditions. Their excuses used to be my excuses. When asked why we shouldn’t confront the Ba’ath party, the Taliban or the various other tyrannies throughout this world, my answers would allude to vague notions of cultural tolerance (forcing women to wear a veil and stay indoors is such a quaint cultural tradition), the sanctity of national sovereignty (how eager we internationalists are to throw up borders to defend dictatorships!) or even a creeping suspicion of America’s intentions. When all else failed, I would retreat to my fragile moral ecosystem that years of living in peace and liberty had provided me. I would write off war because civilian casualties were guaranteed, or temporary alliances with illiberal forces would be made, or tank fuel was toxic for the environment. My fellow “humanists” and I would relish contently in our self righteous declaration of opposition against all military campaigns against dictatorships, congratulating one another for refusing to taint that aforementioned fragile moral ecosystem that many still cradle with all the revolutionary tenacity of the members of Rage Against the Machine and Greenday. Others would point to America’s historical support of Saddam Hussein, sighting it as hypocritical that we would now vilify him as a thug and a tyrant. Upon explaining that we did so to ward off the fiercely Islamist Iran, which was correctly identified as the greater threat at the time, eyes are rolled and hypocrisy is declared. Forgetting that America sided with Stalin to defeat Hitler, who was promptly confronted once the Nazis were destroyed, America’s initial engagement with Saddam and other regional actors is identified as the ultimate argument against America’s moral crusade. And maybe it is. Maybe the reality of politics makes all political action inherently crude and immoral. Or maybe it is these adventures in philosophical masturbation that prevent people from ever taking any kind of effective action against men like Saddam Hussein. One thing is for certain, as disagreeable or as confusing as my decision to enter the fray may be, consider what peace vigils against genocide have accomplished lately. Consider that there are 19 year old soldiers from the Midwest who have never touched a college campus or a protest who have done more to uphold the universal legitimacy of representative government and individual rights by placing themselves between Iraqi voting lines and homicidal religious fanatics. Often times it is less about how clean your actions are and more about how pure your intentions are. So that is why I joined. In the time it took for you to read this explanation, innocent people your age have suffered under the crushing misery of tyranny. Every tool of philosophical advancement and communication that we use to develop our opinions about this war are denied to countless human beings on this planet, many of whom live under the regimes that have, in my opinion, been legitimately targeted for destruction. Some have allowed their resentment of the President to stir silent applause for setbacks in Iraq. Others have ironically decried the war because it has tied up our forces and prevented them from confronting criminal regimes in Sudan, Uganda, and elsewhere. I simply decided that the time for candid discussions of the oppressed was over, and I joined. In digesting this posting, please remember that America’s commitment to overthrow Saddam Hussein and his sons existed before the current administration and would exist into our future children’s lives had we not acted. Please remember that the problems that plague Iraq today were set in motion centuries ago and were up until now held back by the most cruel of cages. Don’t forget that human beings have a responsibility to one another and that Americans will always have a responsibility to the oppressed. Don’t overlook the obvious reasons to disagree with the war but don’t cheapen the moral aspects either. Assisting a formerly oppressed population in converting their torn society into a plural, democratic one is dangerous and difficult business, especially when being attacked and sabotaged from literally every direction. So if you have anything to say to me at the end of this reading, let it at least include “Good Luck” Mark Daily

Mark saw something we have missed or maybe dismissed, in the current debate on the “surge” and defunding the war. He notes that action gets things done. He shut up (about his views held before), suited up and stepped up when it came time. I know there are many more like him. May those ones come home victorious and when peace is at hand in the Middle East.

Rest in peace, Soldier.

Still No Power at twc/Open Trackbacks

Still no electric service @twc, though we do have water, now and things have warmed up to just above freezing, now. “Borrowing” some power 40 miles away to recharge WW’s notebook. Short shrift. Consider this open trackback post open until further notice.

My thanks to blogbuds who’re keeping the doors open here @twc. Angel, Curt and Kat (in alphabetical order :-)) are lifesavers. Thanks, guys!

If you have a linkfest/open trackback post to promote OR if you simply want to promote a post via the linkfests/open trackback posts others are offering, GO TO LINFEST HAVEN DELUXE! Just CLICK the link above or the graphic immediately below.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

If you want to host your own linkfests but have not yet done so, check out the Open Trackbacks Alliance. The FAQ there is very helpful in understanding linkfests/open trackbacks.

Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, The Random Yak, Adam’s Blog, basil’s blog, Stuck On Stupid, Thought Alarm,, Rightwing Guy, Wake Up America, 123 Beta, Faultline USA, The HILL Chronicles, Woman Honor Thyself, stikNstein… has no mercy, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, Dumb Ox Daily News, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

The Wheat and the Tares

(Over at CatHouse Chat, I’m blogging my resolution to read my Bible every day, and try to post on it at least four days a week. Here is today’s entry – I hope you find it edifying!)

Hey-ho! I’m actually starting this before noon (barely – it’ll be AFTER noon before it’s finished, LOL), but I am determined to keep up with my resolution!

So, for today’s readings from the MacArthur Daily Bible, we have Genesis 37 and 38, Psalm 9:11-20, Proverbs 3:31-35, and Matthew 13:1-30.

As you see from the title, the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares jumped out at me:

Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.'”

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Just because you’re in a garage, doesn’t mean you’re a car”? If you have, I bet it was in the context of discussing what a “real” Christian is.

Continue reading “The Wheat and the Tares”