“Your’e Fired”

By: Angel


A Mus–lim woman police officer has sparked a new debate by refusing to shake hands with Britain’s most senior police chief for religious reasons.

I cannot shake your hand, sir. I’m a Mu–slim and you’re a man

In addition to refusing a traditional congratulatory handshake from Sir Ian, the WPC – who wore a traditional Mus–lim hij–ab headscarf – also declined to be photographed with him as she did not want the picture used for ‘propaganda purposes’.

“There was a great deal of discussion about it afterwards. People were asking how the hell is she going to make an arrest if she refuses to touch men.”

Ah. Yes. Just the person you want in charge of Public Safety.

Um. O.K.

This is the uniform, toots and these are the the job requirements. And, by the way, being a police officer, guess what.. they do include touching people you’re not related to.
Don’t like it?
Don’t take the flipping job.

But, not the Dhi-mmi countries. They have another solution:

First, they begin by making allowances with the uniform. british-police-bobbies.jpg
They change the uniform to “accomodate”

Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon said Victoria Police wanted to attract more women and more recruits from culturally diverse backgrounds that reflected the community.

Making hij–ab part of Victoria Police uniform.

Now, they make allowances with rules and professional courtesy and decency.
Not to mention that by not shaking hands with the head of the force, this “traitor” to her policeforce, fails to respect the very uniform she wears.

And, let us not rule out that what we have here sweet friends, is yet another Flying Im-am moment.

You know…A set up. A pre-announced, staged drama, to create first controversy , then the usual Libs coming to “save” them and grant them even more “privilege.”

I have a bulletin for Mz. Muzlim who refuses to respect her most senior police chief and colleagues. This job involves interfacing with the public and should not exactly be given to people who refuse to interface with “some” members of the public, at her own arrogant discretion.

Oh, and have you forgotten the Muzzlim policeman who refused to guard the Israeli embassy? Picky Picky aren’t they.

But more importantly, and adding insult to injury, she refuses to have her picture taken because it “would be used for propaganda purposes.”?!

If this doesn’t demostrate a clear antipathy towards her supposed service, superiors and duty, then nothing does.

Where’s Trump when ya need him. Why was she not fired on the spot.

But fear not y’all.. This was all predicted

Moderate British Mu–slims in the police, Armed Forces and Civil Service will one day revolt against the system to “crush it from within“, according to Om–ar Ba–kri Mo-ha–mmed, the notorious Is–lamic extremist.

“When you start to ask Musl–ims to join your Army and your police you are making a grave mistake. That British Mus–lim who joins the police today will one day read the Ko–ran and will have an awakening,” he said.

But, alas, this is the U.K. and Europe we speak of.
The social “P.C.” engineers and bureaucratic apathy and dhim-mitude have unleashed an infectious plague there, which is steadily heading in our direction.

(Muzlim cab driver anyone?..no dogs, dog2.gif and no alcohol you infid-el!)

But fear not, no doubt she will be vindicated and then she can police only women and her immediate male family members. Yea. That’ll work.


Crossposted at : Woman Honor Thyself

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