
I know there are communities in Nebraska that have been without electrical power for nearly six weeks, now, because of winter storm damage, so the 9.5 days twc central was powerless (and the ongoing lack of broadband) is not a really big deal in the grand scheme of things. Nevertheless, more than a week without the usual sounds of an electrified home, cooking on a campstove, making do with flashlights, oil lamps, etc., and bundling REALLY warmly against continual freezing temps outside, dealing with downed limbs (yeh, maybe some pics will eventually follow), no phone for much of the time and all the isolation from the events of “importance” in the world do tend to give me pause to reflect…

The dogs really love (well, continue to love) the cold. It’s meant several “special times” every day inside for feeding/watering and petting. They always beg to go back out (thick coats and thick heads, no doubt *heh*), but are as ready to come back in for more attention.

The cats have been lil furbags of warmth–spreading themselves across available laps, necks, feet, whenever and wherever they could, even doing their best (and sometimes succeeding) to get the bedroom door open and join us in bed.

Early to bed, late to rise, pretty much timing our lives by the available light.

My Wonder Woman is a school librarian/media specialist, and with no school during the power outage and back coungtry road cleanup (bus drivers are out again today checking to see if their routes are navigable), she’s been home, as have I (with darned few people even able to turn computers on, there’ve been no urgent service needs–*heh*). So, we’ve spent the time doing chores around here, popping outa town to see the kids a few times, bundling up and cuddling together (nice!). Lotsa reading, talking, just enjoying each other’s presence.

With little news penetrating our lil world–we live in a “no reception” or at least very bad reception zone as far as radio, cell phone, etc., goes–we’ve not had the pressures of considering all the foolishness politicians *spit*, Mass Media Podpeople and Academia Nut Fruitcakes have undoubtedly been committing during our forced isolation.

How wonderful! A vacation from mass stupidity!

But now, even without TV (a mixed blessing: on the positive side, no chance exposure to Mass Media Podpeople; on the other hand, no Weather Channnel or Wolfgang Puck–*heh* On the gripping hand, though, no audiovisual anesthetizing agent–all-in-all, good) and broadband access–limited to a very slow, intermittently disfunctional 28.8 dialup connection–we have the world still with us, poking its nose back inside our cozy lil tent.

So, expect an eruption of third world county curmudgeonry any day now…


Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, Big Dog’s Weblog, stikNstein… has no mercy, basil’s blog, Shadowscope, DragonLady’s World, Pirate’s Cove, The Bullwinkle Blog, Conservative Cat, Pursuing Holiness, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

One Reply to “Perspective”

  1. hiya David!..It’s been real quiet here at twc..actually
    got the most comments for the anti Porn
    Its my pleasure and honor to toss my 2 cents onto your blog..but
    hurry back wouldya…! 🙂

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