SPAM, again

I awoke this a.m. to more than 1,000 comments/tbs in my SPAM queue.

Deleted. It’d make my eyes itch to skim through that many to find the one or two worthwhile comments/tbs experience has shown still get errorneously tagged as SPAM.

If you feel your comment/trackback has been erroneously tagged as SPAM and I’ve failed to resurrect it, do as Angel did today and leave me a comment letting me know. I’d hate to miss such posts as Angel’s LibAlert.

Of course, if your comment/trackback was tagged because of a SPAM-characteristic URL or mail addy, maybe sending me an email to let me know would work better. However you do let me know, be assured I’ll take a closer look and even hard code a link–as I just did for Angel’s trackbacked post–if need be.

Of course, I have manually tagged some comments held in my moderation queue (separate from the SPAM queue) as SPAM and deleted them, for various reasons. See my comment policy for possible reasons why I might manually delete/tag as SPAM any particular comment. My blog, my rules. Even if they do read like the tax code.

Wednesday OTA

THIS is an open trackbacks post. Link to THIS post and track back. 🙂

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O Blessed Holy Caffeine Tree!

The Random Yak posted a reminder recently that March is Caffeine Awareness Month, so I thought it’d be appropriate to note that here as well, and I’ll do so below the notice inviting y’all to participate in this post’s ancilliary function (linkfest!).

THIS is an open trackbacks post. Link to THIS post and track back. 🙂

If you have a linkfest/open trackback post to promote OR if you simply want to promote a post via the linkfests/open trackback posts others are offering, GO TO LINKFEST HAVEN DELUXE! Just CLICK the link above or the graphic immediately below.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

If you want to host your own linkfests but have not yet done so, check out the Open Trackbacks Alliance. The FAQ there is very helpful in understanding linkfests/open trackbacks.

And now, with a tip o’ the hat to TRY for the CAW reminder, O Blessed Holy Caffeine Tree

Oh, and for another caffeine trip, try this article sent me in email by G.F.

History of Coffee: From Africa to Your Breakfast Table

And Christine’s Morning Coffee and Afternoon Tea has a wealth of coffee-related information, including her own rendition of O Blessed Holy Caffeine Tree (thanks, Christine!) and some interesting posts on roasting your own coffee.

Trackposted to Blog @, Perri Nelson’s Website, The Virtuous Republic, Wake Up America, Adam’s Blog, basil’s blog, Walls of the City, Pirate’s Cove, Overtaken by Events, The Pink Flamingo, and Conservative Cat, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Serving Time

Well, looks like no “mending walls” today. Maybe tomorrow. Funny thing though… Last month, I made sure all the computers here at twc central were patched for the DST change. Heck, even those computers running a version of Windoze that Me$$y$oft didn’t issue a patch for were “fixed” with tzedit.

But. Yesterday, computers here at twc central running Me$$y$oft OSes apparently did NOT change time. Well, they did, but they were also set to automatically check with internet timerservers for time checks and… none of the Windoze computers using the default timeservers were “changed” late last night or this a.m.

Hmmm… That’s weird. Fired up tzedit again and, yep, they are all set correctly as to when DST starts, but were still all giving the time at the old pre-DST times. Strange, eh?

Checked the default timeservers. Not. A. Single. One… had been updated.

Changed to some alternate (secondary) servers and… bingo! All updated, now.

Oh, how did Linux fare in DST updates, you ask? Slick as goose grease. Easy-peasy, lemon-squeezey.

Had better timeservers set by default. Of course. *heh*

Trackposted to stikNstein… has no mercy, Big Dog’s Weblog, The World According to Carl, and DragonLady’s World, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Choices, choices… not so much.

Computer geeks are soooo amusing.

This a.m. I downloaded a “white paper” titled, “PDF or XPS: Choose the Right Document Format for your Applications” comparing the new Microsoft format offering to the venerable pdf format. Supposedly, according to the title and precis,

This white paper evaluates:

• The differences between PDF and XPS and advantages of each format.

• Best practices to create either one of these formats.

• Recommendations about which format to use in particular situations, such as:

Remote document printing
Document archival
Form filling/form based applications
Document exchange and collaboration

• Benchmark testing of PDF and XPS file size, speed and security.

XPS looks like a serious competitor to PDF. Developers will need to support two competing formats backed by two major players in the industry.

So, what format was the downloaded paper in?

PDF, of course.


Trackposted to Blog @, The Random Yak, Jo’s Cafe, Conservative Cat, and basil’s blog, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Monday Linkfest

I’ll likely have a “Mending Walls” post–though likely a short one–up later today. Meanwhile, write your own twc post with this linkfest. Link to THIS post and track back. 🙂

If you have a linkfest/open trackback post to promote OR if you simply want to promote a post via the linkfests/open trackback posts others are offering, GO TO LINKFEST HAVEN DELUXE! Just CLICK the link above or the graphic immediately below.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

If you want to host your own linkfests but have not yet done so, check out the Open Trackbacks Alliance. The FAQ there is very helpful in understanding linkfests/open trackbacks.

Anarcho-Tyranny: New Jersey Judge Channels Hitler

Since 1938, when Hitler banned it, homeschooling has been illegal in Germany, and, indeed, one German family is now suffering from a Nazi law still hanging around. When I posted about this before, I said,

Not here–yet!–but given the antipathy the “prisons for kids” system of public “education” has for homeschoolers (and the justifiable fear politicians and others have of citizens who can actually think), can it be far off?

Well, it’s not far off, and in fact, it is here, now.

New Jersey Judge Orders Penal Charges Against Mom for Home-Schooling

Why do I characterize the judge’s actions as “Hitlerian” (if not outright Nazi-like)? Well, do note that Hitler’s edict forbidding homeschooling was just that: an edict without legislated law. The judge in the New Jersey case specifically disparages New jersey statute law allowing honmeschooling and preventing state interference, and simp-ly issued an edict punishing the mother by requiring her to take actions the law does not allow the state to impose.

And he is getting away with this sort of high-handed “screw the law, I’ll do what I want” attitude/action because… ?

Tar. Feathers. Rope. Tree. Some assembly required. At least, that’s the nature (if not the exact) of response the colonists had when such high-handed, contra-legal actions were taken by a king usurping the People’s rights.

Add this one to the “long train of abuses” stacking up as normative for a governmental attitude that’s ever more abusive of its citizens… at every level of government.

Trackposted to Right Pundits, Outside the Beltway, The Virtuous Republic, A Blog For All, The Random Yak, 123beta, Adam’s Blog, basil’s blog, Shadowscope, Stuck On Stupid, The Bullwinkle Blog,, The Amboy Times, Leaning Straight Up, The Florida Masochist, Conservative Cat, Conservative Thoughts, Pursuing Holiness, Rightlinx, Faultline USA, Woman Honor Thyself, stikNstein… has no mercy, , The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, Overtaken by Events, The Right Nation, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, Dumb Ox Daily News, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

FYI: SPAM Filters

Being hammered by SPAM again, so if your post tb/comment hasn’t registered in my weekend (or other) linkfest or on the post you commented on

1.) Your comment WAS SPAM (in which case, I doubt you’d read this post *heh*)

2.) Your comment/trackback is welcome by me but fit one of the parameters of my SPAM filters AND it was hidden in a batch of more than 500 comments/trackbacks labeled as SPAM by my filter and I just deleted the batch without skimming them all, cos I just don’t have that kinda time, even setting the scan rate to as fast as my eyeballs can flicker.

If you believe your comment/trackback fits into category #2, do as Bernie at Planck’s Constant did and let me know. Here’s his trackback, apparently missed in a batch of over 500 or so in my SPAM queue:

Barry Chamish and the Ringworm Children Hoax

Oh, and tracking back your own linkfest to a linkfest post? Here’s a hink: I consider that a legit linkfest trackback IF your linkfest is a dual-purpose post, that is, it has some content beyond just :Link me! Link me!” OK? Otherwise, why link it to another linkfest? Nobody’ll read the thing. Hit up Linkfest Haven Deluxe for that.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

Stop the ACLU: Two ACLU Leaders Causing Harm in Virginia

March 6, 2007

J. Michael Sharman

In an ironic but very appropriate linkage, a Google search on the name “Charles Rust-Tierney” first yields the headline: “Former ACLU Chapter President Arrested for Child Pornography,” and then the very next item is headlined, “Statement of ACLU on Loudoun Filtering Policy: Statement read by Charles Rust-Tierney.”

In that public statement made back in 1998, Charles Rust-Tierney, as the President of the ACLU of Virginia, urged the Loudoun County Library Board not to put any filters on the library’s internet portals. He said, “Recognizing that individuals will continue to behave responsibly and appropriately while in the library, the default should be maximum, unrestricted access to the valuable resources of the Internet.”

Dan at Riehl World View post: “In what amounts to the first two half-real news story on the Charles Rust-Tierney case by the Washington Post and and WDBJ, the story may be even more unsettling to some. Two dozen people, including a neighbor and his former wife, Diann Rust-Tierney, spoke on his behalf, both saying they’d trust him with their kids tomorrow, yet Charles Rust-Tierney was apparently downloading images and video of the sexual torture of infants and toddlers in his ten year old son’s bedroom during the night.

The FBI recently arrested Rust-Tierney for multiple counts of child pornography, which he acquired over the internet.

The 51 year-old Arlington County lawyer and youth sports coach, was named in a criminal complaint filed by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Alexandria and was taken into custody on February 23, 2007 by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and Arlington County police.

The web site for Virginia’s ACLU chapter indicates Charles Rust-Tierney served as its president as recently as 2005 , and is still a board member.

Riehl World View “Prosecutors say Charles Rust-Tierney, a former president of the Virginia ACLU, was leading a “double life,” coaching Little League baseball by day and using a computer in his 10-year-old son’s bedroom to view child pornography at night.

It’s also stated that Rust-Tierney was on the ACLU board up until the day he was arrested and has spent the last several years only representing the mentally ill.”

Riehl World View has much more.

The D.C. Bar’s listing for Charles M. Rust-Tierney says he is a lawyer with the Public Defender Service in Washington, D.C. and his office is located in St. Elizabeth’s Hospital.

Since 1991, Diann Rust-Tierney, Charles Rust-Tierney’s wife, has been the ACLU’s lead strategist and spokeswoman on the death penalty as the director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Capital Punishment Project. In 2004, she became the executive director of the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty.

Maybe she’ll re-think her opposition to the death penalty after seeing and hearing the cries of pre-teen girls being bound with rope and raped on her husband’s videos.

A little further down the Virginia coastline, in Williamsburg, another ACLU leader is also exerting a destructive influence, this time on the nation’s second oldest college.

When the College of William & Mary paid thousands of dollars to host the “Sex Workers Art Show” featuring topless women, bare bottoms, erotic dances, and 200-pound stripteasers using sex toys, College President Gene R. Nichol said, “[I]t’s not the practice and province of universities to censor or cancel performances because they are controversial.”

One might be led to believe that President Nichol is a just a go-along-get-along, laissez faire sort of guy were it not for the fact that a few months earlier, in late October 2006, Nichol ordered a brass cross removed from the Wren Chapel (in the oldest academic building in continuous use in the United States) because, he said, the “chapel, like our entire campus, must be welcoming to all.”

So how can a supposedly intelligent college president reconcile censoring a historic cross out of a chapel because it might possibly offend a few people, while paying for live sex acts that are certainly offensive to many of the college’s students, faculty and alumni?

The answer is revealed by the items listed in Nichol’s official resume on the College’s website which showed he had been: President, North Florida ACLU, 1984; Chair, University of Colorado Task Force on Gay and Lesbian Issues, 1992-93; Colorado Democrat of the Year, 1999; Member, Board of Directors, North Carolina Civil Liberties Union (2002- ); Colorado ACLU (1999- 2000); Keynote Address Speaker, North Carolina – American Civil Liberties Union annual banquet, North Carolina, October, 2004.

A donor has withdrawn a pledged $12 million gift to William & Mary because of Gene Nichol’s ACLU-style logic, and so one can expect that he will soon be out of a job. But he shouldn’t have to look too far for a new one.

Since the FBI’s report says Charles Rust-Tierney confessed to possessing the child pornography, and he will thus be disbarred sooner or later, there’s going to be a vacancy in the Public Defender’s Service office at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital. Maybe Gene Nichol can submit his resume to them.

The College of William & Mary link also has an article: Committee’s compromise returns cross to chapel

“According to the new policy, the cross will be displayed permanently in a glass case, which will be located prominently inside the chapel and be accompanied by a plaque commemorating the College’s Anglican roots and its historic connection to Bruton Parish Church.”

Now it’s a non-denominational museum!

This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay at or Gribbit at You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 200 blogs already on-board.

Weekend Linkfest

Busy Friday. Eaten by locusts before it begins. More posts later. Meanwhile, this is an open trackbacks post, open Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Link to THIS post and track back. 🙂

If you have a linkfest/open trackback post to promote OR if you simply want to promote a post via the linkfests/open trackback posts others are offering, GO TO LINKFEST HAVEN DELUXE! Just CLICK the link above or the graphic immediately below.

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