Choices, choices… not so much.

Computer geeks are soooo amusing.

This a.m. I downloaded a “white paper” titled, “PDF or XPS: Choose the Right Document Format for your Applications” comparing the new Microsoft format offering to the venerable pdf format. Supposedly, according to the title and precis,

This white paper evaluates:

• The differences between PDF and XPS and advantages of each format.

• Best practices to create either one of these formats.

• Recommendations about which format to use in particular situations, such as:

Remote document printing
Document archival
Form filling/form based applications
Document exchange and collaboration

• Benchmark testing of PDF and XPS file size, speed and security.

XPS looks like a serious competitor to PDF. Developers will need to support two competing formats backed by two major players in the industry.

So, what format was the downloaded paper in?

PDF, of course.


Trackposted to Blog @, The Random Yak, Jo’s Cafe, Conservative Cat, and basil’s blog, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

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